
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Break 2011

We have a BUSY BUSY week ahead of us and I'm already tired. 

Monday it was raining so we stayed in the house but I cleaned so no relaxing there- oh right it's not my spring break. 

Tuesday was fun filled full day at Lawrence Hall of Science http://lawrencehallofscience.org/

This was a big cement whale they could climb on outside

Floating Globe that showed all kinds of cool weather stuff

The view from LHS.  Little foggy but still beautiful.

The kids had a blast there were so many thing for the kids to do.  After 3 hrs at LHS we went and got pizza then headed to a park to play for 2 hrs.  It was a LONG FUN DAY!

Today we are going to OAKLAND ZOO with some friends. 

Tomorrow is Sahara's 7th Bday and she is hasn't let us forget it either.  For 2 weeks its been a countdown.  And this week all we have heard is "This is my bday week so deal with it"  OH MY!

So tomorrow the plan is movie, pizza, books, ice cream and then party at my friends house (her hubby has the same bday) and then a sleepover.

Friday I'm hoping CHILL DAY!  But with these two kids not sure if that's going to happen buy hey its there Spring Break.  What about your kids Spring Break?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Market Monday~ Mom Etsy Pages

I have a couple friends who have Etsy pages and I want to share their pages with my readers today! 

Mara's Maples: http://www.etsy.com/shop/marasmaples

Maple Curry Cashews these are my FAVORITE item to buy! I don't share with anyone either :)

Chewy Vanilla Granola with Spiced Pecans...  YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY...this might be my favorite too!

Mara's Maples where all the snacks are made with all natural ingredients, Real Maple Syrup, have no added oils or fats, and are completely vegan!  If your interested please visit her Mara's Maples Etsy Page or become a fan on her Facebook Page.  You will love her snacks!


Mrs. Maintenance's Frames & More: http://www.etsy.com/shop/mrsmaintenance

This art frame is titled "Autism Awareness." This is an 7.5"x9" photo frame, matted with a handmade art mat for a 5x7 photo. This frame has a theme of autism awareness, with a red, yellow, blue, and teal puzzle pieces, and a red heart on a linen background with subtle hints of silver, and framed in silver. This frame is a tabletop frame. I start with frames purchased at thrift stores, and give them a new coat of paint and a decorative touch to give them a brand new life as Rees-Cycled Art by Anna Rees.

25% of the purchase price of this frame will be donated to autismspeaks.org.

Please visit her Etsy Page plus 15% off anything in her shop using code POETRY.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Becoming a Server/Customer Service Consultant

Its been a whole week since I quit my job and I'm still floating on cloud nine! 

UPDATE: An owner of a cafe I go to weekly had a meeting with me on Wednesday and presented a short term project for me do for his cafe.  Several of my customers at the cafe I used to work at go into this one too so he has heard what an AWESOME waitress I am.  Well of course if you been doing this for as long as I have than you tend to be an expert. 
Anyways back on track.... we had this meeting and he wants to PAY (yes money not coffee- which I offered when he asked what I wanted in pay, lol) me to go in to the his cafe 4x- a morning, afternoon, evening, and brunch shift.  I would stay for a couple hours and observe what can be done better, what they are doing great at, and policies or procedures I think he needs to implement for the cafe to run smoother.  Wow, it took me back for a bit because he wants to pay me for my knowledge of something I do very well.  I wrote up a proposal and he accepted and no I didn't ask for a lifetime of mocha's, I need groceries so I did ask for a dollar amount. 

I did a morning shift yesterday and it went very well.  I did observe a lot and actually enjoyed doing it.  Tomorrow, I go in for a brunch shift.  Next week I will hit a evening and lunch shift.  Then I will write up an report, present it to the cafe owner, we will discuss it then I will present it to the staff at their staff meeting in May. 

I might be onto something for the future...Consultant to Cafe's!  I'll google and see what the correct title is here soon.  But YEAH me for landing a short term paid gig in less than a week of quiting....Go PAM! 

Side note:  Ran into another cafe owner today that wants to revamp her cafe and she wants me to come in on May 2nd to TALK....hmmmm lets see I might be on to something.  But I think she is more into hiring me as running the cafe on weekends.  I don't want to go back working weekends but family might because I've been putting them to work.  They used to play video games/tv all weekend but not these past 2 weekends but the house looks awesome :) but they are a lil pissy with me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

5 Silly Things About Me

Some might ask why only 5...well I don't want to look too SILLY, right!  Not sure why this post idea popped in my head but I'm going to ride with it! 

1.  The best part of going to sleep at night is...flipping my pillow over and feeling the coolness of the pillowcase.

2.  I only eat veggies raw...hate cooked veggies.  (Ok take that back I'll eat corn and green beans- they don't taste good raw)

3. Coffee is my choice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I can drink coffee ALL DAY (probably not a good thing) and still fall asleep at 10pm.  Sometimes I throw in some food!

4. I'm 42 and LOVE PINK...oh wait you knew that!  I would so decorate my whole house in pink/black but Hubby says no!  Fine whatever- I'm only allowed (love how I phrased that) pink items on my side of the bedroom.  (who has "his side and her side" we do!!)  Someday I might even take a pic to show you the difference because you can really see how opposite we are.

5. Still thinks she can shake her booty like she is in her 20's!  I was a big clubber from 25-30 (yes my party days) I dance in my house when no one is around. I'm happy no one can see in...and if they could I'm sure I would hear them laughing their ass off!  My kids roll their eyes at me when a song comes on when I'm cooking and I bust out my moves.  My son has asked me not to dance EVER in public....wow a lil harsh dude!  I know I did this with my mom and her singing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


First, I'm a big Reality TV fan and probably watch too many of them.   I DVR most of them and watch while my kids/hubby are asleep at night- my guilty pleasure I guess.  Now when shows affect someones life it really tugs at my heart strings and yes I CRY and CRY!

This last Sunday I watched this episode http://abc.go.com/shows/secret-millionaire/episode-detail/ali-brown-venice-calif/749323 and cried my heart out!

If I was able to give back to my community in a big way I would love to open a cafe for the homeless just like the volunteers do at http://www.stjosephctr.org/bread_roses.html  they offer a sit down/take order cafe for the homeless.  I was so impressed because usually its like a cafeteria setting but this allows everyone feel good.  It was so beautiful to watch!  All the charities that were presented were awesome and I LOVE the fact that people are giving to people in need.  I hope this show sparks people who are able to help (in any way) to get out there and volunteer their time and help support their communities! I know it has in me. 

Feel good show!! 

Wacky Wednesday- Finger Lickin Good

OMG when I saw this last night my mouth was open and my eyes where a bit crazy and I think what came out of my mouth was EWWWW.  It was gross and funny but then it was just plain EWWW who does that- oh right Pam its a commercial, duh! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Twitter Tuesday- Twitter Parties

Twitter Parties: Tuesday, April 12

#TravelTuesdays Chat, 5:30am and 5:30 p.m. ET. Description: "Join this weekly, international Twitter chat to connect with travel-minded tweeps from across the globe! Twice each Tuesday, to accommodate for attendees in different time zones." #TToT

#ZipListLunch Twitter Chat, 1:00 p.m. ET.

Twitter Kitchen Talk, 2:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join this new weekly Twitter chat hosted by @fbkitchen. Fun conversation & often giveaways too!" #FBKitchen

#NUTS Twitter Chat, 3:30 p.m. ET. Description: "Join Twitter's 'Not-So-Usual Therapy Session with the MidlifeRoadtrip.tv crew. Hosted by @RickGriffin, @McMedia, and @Writerchick47 with different guests and lively topics each week!" #NUTS

Earthquate Preparedness Chat, 4:00 p.m. ET (1 p.m. PST). Description: "Learn how to protect yourself during an earthquake during this one hour Twitter chat presented by the American Red Cross Los Angeles Region & @CaliforniaWatch." #quakeready

#HomeSpaChat, 8:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join host @ArtoftheSpa for a weekly chat to discuss how to create the spa environment at home! This week's topic: Spring Decorating." #HomeSpaChat

Multigrain Cheerios/Biggest Loser Twitter Party, 8:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join MultiGrain Cheerios® cereal and NBC's The Biggest Loser® to chat about how you can be your own Biggest Loser." #MGCheerios

Girls' Night Out / Frito Lay Twitter Party, 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join the #GNO panel of experts as they team with @FritoLay to discuss food flavors." #GNO #FritoLay

#Holistic Moms Network Twitter Party, 10:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join host @HolisticMomsNet for a weekly Twitter party. This week's topic: TBA." #holisticmoms

If you want to see what other parties are happening please go to http://www.tweeparties.com/.  I get a email once a week letting me know about all the parties that I might be interested in. LOVE TWITTER PARTIES!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Market Monday- Custom Art Work

Some of you know that my husband is an airbrush artist and now that I quit my job my main goal now is MARKETING Mr. Airbrush Hands (aka my hubby).

My hubby does a lot of T-shirt airbrushing but any textile that will hold paint, including jeans, denim jackets, leather apparel, pillow cases, and hoodies are always fun to do, well he says that! For Christmas one year we gave pillow cases to all the kids- guess what they loved them!  Here are some examples:

This is one of my favorite pics he has done (besides the portraits of my babies):

His specialty is PORTRAITS:

If you would like to check out more of his work please visit his website: http://mrairbrushhands.com/

Also can see more older work on PhotoBucket.

He does clothing, banners (birthday, graduation, sport, other events), or whatever you want to be painted.  We do take outside of California orders- shipping will be included in price.  If you want to get  a CUSTOM AIRBRUSHED item please let us know.  All Pinkmama's readers will get a 20% off- make sure when you order you let us know! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Loving my Magic Bullet Deluxe

Oh we have been enjoying smoothies, icees, margaritas, and iced coffees almost everyday.  We bought this wonderful invention at Costco couple weeks ago and I've been loving it ever since.
I also use it everyday to grind my coffee.  I swear the coffee tastes better too.
I can't wait to try more recipes like salsa, pesto, egg salad, soups, oh the list can go on and on!
Magic Bullet Deluxe Rocks! 

Spin Art

My kids go through toys like they grow on trees.  This toy has got hours and hours (we have had this one for almost 3 yrs ) of playtime.  Phew finally a toy that has earned  its value and more.  

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Quit My Job...Now What???

I did something yesterday that I might regret maybe next week when I need to buy groceries.....but I QUIT my job!  I've been a waitress at this cafe for 12 years on and off (had 2 kids) but for the last 8 years straight!  It's been an experience I will never forget because I have gained some awesome friends and that alone is worth it!

I'm not going to bad mouth them because they treated me good in ways but in some ways it just wasn't right.  With that being said, I'm 42 yrs old and its about time I get out of this business.  I worked Sat/Sun and I wasn't able to move much when I would get back from work. So weekends sucked for the kids because we never did much. 

Now what.....good question!  I plan to throw myself into my social media project that I've been doing very little with and now I have a new refined spark so lets see what I can do!  Also my hubby and I plan to jump on the flea market/art show circuit and this is something we have wanted to do for a long time.  My hubby is a very talented airbrush artist...  http://mrairbrushhands.com/ please check him out!  I'll be doing a post about him soon. 

I'll be blogging more now!  I never could totally commit my time but now I can.  One of my friends said...NOW YOU CAN BLOG FULL-TIME.  Yes I can!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Loving my iPad!

I've been somewhat "GONE" this week because I have a new toy....yes I got my iPad last Friday.  At first I was scared of it...don't laugh its true, I was so gentle with it and put it in its box after maybe 15 minutes being on it.  I was scared of a getting "ATTACHED" so I only did 15 minutes here and there but after a couple days that went out the window, lol!

I LOVE books and read a lot so guess what app is my favorite...yep iBook!  Oh my I've read 4 books so far but I need to slow that down because I just get stuck.  I know iTunes are going to be in my pocketbook!  I did download some free books but.... just not what I want to read.

The kids are enjoying Angry Birds...that's all I will let them use it for now.

Hubby...well he was so nice to let me play with it for a couple days before he got on it.  I'm not sure what he is doing on it but I do see the DJ application.  He keeps asking about downloading Music...go ahead but not your whole iPod collection.

Loving my new gadget and it looks like its going to be fun for blogging but they don't have BLOGGER app...but maneuvering from one page to the next is smooth.  I've been able to comment on other blogs w/o any problems.

What is your favorite iPad app?

Monday, April 4, 2011

America's Next Great Restaurant- Who do you like?

Now I know not everyone is going to like this show but someone who has been in the "BIZ" for a long time (maybe too long) I really enjoy this show.  Not necessary for the contestants they have on there but for the challenges they are competing in each week. 


My FAV so far is Sandra.  I like her concept it is unhealthy vs healthy dishes. But she NEEDS a new chef- the investors don't like the taste of the food but love the concept. Better do something Sandy or I foresee you leaving soon and I don't want that!

This week it was about designing their uniform and it was quite funny what some of  the contestants did but some of them did very well. 

Joey and his SAUCY BALLS (wishing he would change the name) was just silly.  He wanted to have a gun but decided to use a big bread stick. 

I was surprised who was eliminated because I like his concept (MeltWorks- Grilled Cheese Sandwiches) but he wasn't willing to listen to the judges which were giving him some great advice.  When your stuck on YOUR concept and someone else wants to change it has to be hard to accept change but still give it a try! 

It's a fun Sunday night reality show to watch.  If I wanted to open my own restaurant it would be FAMILY based...like a play area/video games/jukebox and then parents can eat while kids play...oh wait McDonald's and pizzerias's do this already, never mind! 

Do you have a restaurant concept that you would pitch to investors?

Friday, April 1, 2011

OH NO...a grey hair!

FINE....its official I'm old!  Damn, you know how long its been that I've been saying "but I don't have any grey hairs hahahaha" to my hubby who is younger than me and has a lot of grey (sorry).  No fun now :(

My bubble is busted and now I might have to color my beautiful red natural hair someday...just wrong!  I bet if I look longer I will find more.  In my head when I first saw IT (the grey hair) I told myself nah that just a blond highlight...really Pam! I guess whatever it takes...DENIAL DENIAL! 

This was just a lil bump in the road so no worries I'm not going to let this lil grey hair get to me!  Right...keep thinking that Pam...you still look good for your age. 

Getting older sucks some days! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guilt Gifts

This doesn't happen that much in my house but I let it happen this time.  My hubby, he is a BIG GAMER and when I say big I mean we have a PlayStation 2, 2 Xbox's and now a PlayStation 3.  Both kids have DS's too.  I shake my head at all this because its not my doing and its a fight I choose not to argue about anymore.  Okay I might say something smarta** here and there but I tend to let this be Dad's domain. 

Granted my hubby does work very hard for his money (so do I LOL) and when he game home with the newest addition to this family (PS3) I was like really we really need that really!  Love all those really's!  But too see how happy he was to get this toy I was like okay whatever (rolling eyes).  He knew I was a bit annoyed so he made his move..."Baby why don't we buy a IPAD?"  My eyes and ears lit up real quick and I said "REALLY?" from that day I was on a mission.  Does it make me feel better about his new toy...SURE DOES!  Guilt Gift! 

We are not rolling in money by any means but we did get our income tax back and we always buy one cool item for the house and this year it is the IPAD. 

We tried everywhere by the way...Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Costco and NO LUCK!  Sold out everywhere and don't know when they will be back in stock.  I was a bit disappointed...why lie I was a lot disappointed!  I was moping around like someone took my favorite teddy bear away, it was quite pathetic! 

So after spending an afternoon looking and almost buying the Sprint Tablet (just because I wanted something) I decided to get onto Apple's website and see just how long it would be to get it from them.  I was quite impressed (even though it was a bit hard to find Ipad 1 info) and found an refurbished Ipad (64) for a nice price and it ships within 24hrs.  Woohoo hot damn so I bought it!  Now sometime this weekend I will be a new Ipad owner...oh wait this was for everyone right?  HAHAHA lets see who has it the most!

I love GUILT GIFTS....do you get guilt gifts??

ME TIME...yep I took some!

I sure did and I know in the mommy world that doesn't happen very often but it is NEEDED.

Last week was a rough one for me physically- I guess getting older means that monthly visit we get takes over my body and doesn't let go until its done.  I was in PAIN for 5 days straight before IT actually came and then it was a fricken roller coaster for everyone in the house.  I would say/do things and in my head yelling STOP because what was coming out of my mouth wasn't really me.  My family bless their heart for dealing with me and thank goodness each month isn't like this (just every 3 months).

Then the kids had a four day weekend.  They are 9 and 6 so they want to do everything.  It's like if we don't have plans for the day they go on protest and just make my life crazy!  They were actually pretty good.  We went shopping, birthday party, friends over (2 days), movies, so they we busy but by Monday afternoon I could tell they were done spending time with each other and they needed to go back to school.  I needed them to go back too...just being honest!

So yesterday when they went to school I looked at the house and said "I'll do it later" got my book and curled up in the comfy couch and READ for 4hrs.  Finished the book!  I did ignore all phones calls/emails and it felt good.  What's 4 hrs right....geez do you know how much blog reading, blog commenting, facebook/twitter time, talking on phone, and the list goes on that I could have done in that time...LOL!  But I know I need these breaks to keep me insane (opps I mean SANE LOL!).  Reading is a joy of mine and so that will always be my first choice of ME time.

What do you do on your ME TIME or do you even take ME TIME?

Friday, March 25, 2011

PinkGirl- Mini PinkMama

Introducing....PinkGirl :)  She is becoming her very own fashionista!  Her new thing is layering shirts, has to have long sleeves under other shirts.  I might be in trouble because she changes her clothes 2-4 times a day.  She will 7 next month but she is more like going on 17.  She has the rolling of the eyes down, pretty bossy, and everything has to be her way.  After typing that I had a WOW moment...she got those traits from me!  Oh noooooooooooo! 

Friday Blogging Fun

If you got a Facebook Page lets connect: http://www.facebook.com/pinkmamasplace

Want more Facebook fans??? Then join Facebook Friday


Blog Hops:

A Mommy's Sweet Blog Design Friday Blog Hop


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yoplait Greek Virtual Snack Break

Today is the virtual event ....real soon!  What cool items!  There is a daily meal planner that goes on fridge, cool shopping list holder, reusable grocery bag and the free coupon for a cup of Yoplait Greek.  If it wasn't storming out I would be heading to the store before the event starts in 30 minutes but its all good.  Ill let you know how it tastes in a couple days. 

L'Oreal Paris The One Sweep Eye Shadow and Double Extend Eye Illuminator Mascara BzzCampaign

Just arrived in the mail today.  So excited to do this campaign!  I will.post pictures later.   Woohoo BzzAgent for another fun product to review and let others know. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

T-shirts My Hubby Airbrushed for the Read-a-Thon

I might have mentioned once or twice my hubby is an airbrush artist so I asked him if he would be able to do t-shirts for the kids who read the most in each classroom , as their reward. 

I gave them out today and you should have seen the their smiles!  They gave me hugs and the excitement was wonderful.  I wish we could have done one for each kid. 

My hubby's website:  http://mrairbrushhands.com/ 
You can also LIKE him on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrairbrushhands

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Fresh Air Fund is in need of Host Families

Please check out this wonderful summer program for kids in New York.

 You can change a kids life so please visit their site to see how you can  HOST A CHILD

"We made s'mores and hot dogs over the fire. I've never cooked outside before!"

Fresh Air children are boys and girls, six to 18 years old, who live in New York City. Children on first-time visits are six to 12 years old and stay for either one or two weeks. Youngsters who are re-invited by the same family may continue with The Fund through age 18, and many enjoy longer summertime visits, year after year. A visit to the home of a warm and loving volunteer host family can make all the difference in the world to an inner-city child. All it takes to create lifelong memories is laughing in the sunshine and making new friends.
The majority of Fresh Air children are from low-income communities. These are often families without the resources to send their children on summer vacations. Most inner-city youngsters grow up in towering apartment buildings without large, open, outdoor play spaces. Concrete playgrounds cannot replace the freedom of running barefoot through the grass or riding bikes down country lanes.
Fresh Air children are registered by more than 90 participating social service and community organizations located in disadvantaged neighborhoods in the five boroughs of New York City. These community-based agencies are in close contact with children in need of summer experiences in rural and suburban areas. Each agency is responsible for registering children for the program.
What do Fresh Air children enjoy?
  • Playing in the backyard
  • Laughing in the sunshine
  • Catching fireflies
  • Riding bicycles
  • Learning to swim
  • Running barefoot through the grass
  • Gazing at the stars on moonlit nights
  • Building sandcastles
  • Making new friends
  • Simple pleasures of life away from the inner-city

About The Fresh Air Fund:
THE FRESH AIR FUND, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer vacations to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. Nearly 10,000 New York City children enjoy free Fresh Air Fund programs annually. In 2010, close to 5,000 children visited volunteer host families in suburbs and small town communities across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and Canada. 3,000 children also attended five Fresh Air camps on a 2,300-acre site in Fishkill, New York. The Fund’s year-round camping program serves an additional 2,000 young people each year.


Thankful Tuesday!

The strangest thing happen this morning that had me speechless for a second.  My son got up and said "Mom I want to take a shower"  the key word is WANT

But the the strangest part was this would make it 2 days in a row.  That hasn't happen since he was maybe 4 and LOVED bathes.  When he turned 5 he was too old for bathes, he told me.  So from that day on showers it has been but for the past 2 years (he is 9 now) its like pulling fricken teeth to get this boy to even shower!!  We would have outright meltdowns in the morning/night and after so many of them I just gave up...he had to take at least 3 showers a week- no ands/if/buts dude!  That was our compromise to stop the meltdowns.  He got to pick the days- I know kind of a soft mom there but I wanted him to want to do this on his own instead of me threatening bodily harm (just kidding but you know I thought it).  I would let him know he was stinking and left reminders but this was his thing. 

So WOOHOO my boy took a shower 2 days in a row and I'm very thankful!  Now family and friends don't share to him that I posted this because I know he would be sooooo embarrassed but hey isn't that what moms are for :)

Do any other moms have such a hard time getting their son's to take baths/showers?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Man I am burnt!!  DONE...well done if you ask!  I've been working real hard for a couple years now and I think (KNOW) its time to hang up my SUPER PARENT cape.  The parent participation at the school is not the greatest but we get things accomplished.  We just had a read-a-thon and raised $2400.  For our school that is BIG.  The sad part is all the money we raise is going towards a Music Program that was taken away last year. 

The problem now is NO OTHER PARENT is wanting to be the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer for next year.  Our terms are 1 yr.  Last year I was Secretary and this year I was Co-Chair.  I've been involved with every event this year and I'm wiped out and we still have several more events to plan.  We have a Spring Bazaar, Book Fair, Raffle/BBQ, Teacher Appreciation Week and the list goes on. 

This is just my whine for the day.  Now need to get ready for our Parent Teacher Corp Meeting.

Have you ever experienced PTA/PTO burnout?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

12K- WTH Did I Get Myself Into?

This is a question I've asked myself every day for the past month...REALLY PAM!  12k...I barley can walk a mile, just kidden but still!  I got pulled into this project by another parent that was super stoked about this and wanted to make money for the school and now he is moving leaving me with this in my lap.

A lil bit about the 12 K- every year San Francisco holds this event called Bay To Breakers and this year is its 100th race. Our school is going to use this has a fundraiser- each runner will get a sponsor/s for $150 ($50 to pay registration and $100 goes to the school) and the monies will go towards the school's MUSIC PROGRAM.  We have about a dozen people (parents/admin/teachers) that are willing to do this and so even though its not the biggest money maker we still are going to do it!  Our goal was to get 50 people but it just didn't work out.  Also I won't be running..this body only knows how to walk :)!

Our music program was CUT last year like almost every school and we have been having fundraisers (coupon books, cookie dough, holiday bazaar, and read-a-thon) all year long to help pay for a music program to return to our kids.  Well good news this week we got a music teacher but for only one day a week- better than nothing!! We have a couple more fundraisers left and I'm afraid it all goes towards the music program.  Even though a music program is what all the families want but its just sad that our efforts all year long have to pay for this- we can't do anything else for the school. 

This is our school: http://civicorpsk5.org/
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/civicorpsptc
Donation Page: http://civicorps-elementary.givezooks.com//events/team-ptc-of-civicorps-elementary (click the orange button if you care to donate- not the sponsorship button)

If you would like to donate,  I would be so elated and appreciate your kindness.
learn more

Now onto the real reason of this post...WTH to did I get myself into???? The person who hates to exercises. 

I have 2 months to get ready for this race and I kept telling myself March 15th is the DAY I start training.  That's TODAY! Now I've thought about it and what I would like to do but do I have anything planned out?  LOL...exercise is not my thing but it needs to be!  I went for a walk today and half way thru it starts raining, that was fun.  I have the Wii and a couple exercises games but I can't even do that.  I'm fighting against, myself and guess what I'm winning but not the right way.  Stubborn or just plain lazy- I say a little a both.  I've always hated physical stuff (except s*x) but this needs to stop!  I need to get in shape. Not just for this 12k run/walk but for ME and later in my life. 

Thanks for listening :)  BTW- just did spell check and misspelled EXERCISE each time LOL!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Could YOU Survive on SURVIVOR?

Well for me that would be a big FAT NO!!!  Ask my mom- she still gives me crap about camping and how much I hate it.  I wouldn't even last a day, just being honest.  Insects are the worst (for me) and to have them around me 24/7 that is so not happening. 

Reasons why I would SUCK as a survivor:
  • HATE Insects...ewww
  • Being outside all day..no I like my comfy house.
  • Sleeping by people you really don't know...gross!
  • I don't look good in a bathing suit AT ALL...I would scare everyone.
  • The GAME itself would be too stressful...people are mean on there.
  • Did I mention Insects??? LOL
  • I could probably go on and on but I guess you get the picture...I wouldn't be able to do Survivor so my hubby needs to stop asking me LOL!  Of course he thinks he is funny every time I watch the show he points out I couldn't do it...PLEASE I know this! 
I know a goofy post but it was next on my TO DO posts! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Son Turns 21 Today!

First off...Happy Birthday to Nick for turning 21! 

Now on to me....man I feel OLD!  I remember the first time holding my baby, it was such a rush but so scared too!  I remember all the smiles and love. When he was placed in my arms my life changed forever- for the better that's the day I got the title MOM! 

What a beautiful gift I got 21 yrs ago!!  He is now a dad and a good one too!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Knock Me Down Shoes

These suckers are so hard to walk in...wow!  They are hella high though.  I've been wearing flip flops, tennis shoes, ugg boots for probably last 12 years.  I used to be a shoe lover when I was single and clubbing but that was a decade ago.  I need to practice more before I attempt to go out in public again....almost broke my neck the 1st day I got them. 

Why did I buy them you ask (or maybe you didn't but oh welll LOL)...I had a horrible Vday so I ordered me some shoes to make me feel better...LOL (got to love my reasoning) and Steve Madden was having a 50% off sale and that was I all needed to pull the credit card out.

I feel so sexy wearing them but they fricken hurt.  I guess the price of beauty huh!  I warned you all I was doing 2011 different...its about ME.  Also my hubby LOVED them, even texted me later in the day telling me all he could think about is me in the shoes.  Woohoo! 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ronnell-Brass Monkey

My Lil Beastie Boy

Stork Brokers- New BzzAgent Campaign

NEW BzzAgent Campaign:

Forget the garage sale. Join StorkBrokers and get paid for your kids’ old toys, clothes, accessories and more right from your computer. Plus, when you sign up for up StorkBrokers your first three sales will be commission free.

Why else do we recommend joining StorkBrokers?

It’s a simpler way to find and sell the toys, clothes and accessories you and other parents are looking for — there’s no need to wade through unwanted kid-related content like you may on auction sites
Can’t find exactly what you’re looking for? You can request it!
As a BzzAgent, you’re among the first people to check out and try StorkBrokers — show them how you can help get the word out!
StorkBrokers isn’t just about selling and buying — it’s about learning, too. That’s why the site also offers tips and advice to help you grow as a parent within a community of other parents

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oxy Clinical Freebie

Today's freebie~ Oxy Clinical Freebie

Friday, March 4, 2011

Facebook Friday

I got mentioned on Chronicles of a Crazy Mom blog- woohoo!  Please go check out the other blogs/facebook pages she suggested we take a look at:

Featured on FB Love

Now on to Facebook Friday Blog Hops:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blogger Organization- How do you do it!

I'm not an expert at this at all so that is why I'm writing this post.  I feel like I'm all over the place- here and there and around that corner too!  I struggle with this day to day in just my life so thinking I would be an organized blogger is FUNNY! 

My search came up with these useful tools:

The Niche Blogger Blogging Organizer Workbook: Keep Track Of And Organize Your Blogs  WOW sounds like winner here. 

Cool online ToDo list: http://todo.ly/
Easy to do and I set up some projects on it so lets see if this helps. Also you can color code it! So far I likey!   I got this info from http://www.bloggingot.com/blogging-tools/become-an-organized-blogger-with-todo-ly/.  Besides finding this cool site on there- Blogging OT is filled with some incredible info for bloggers.  Wow, looks like I might be spending some time on this site!  See this is why I don't get stuff done- distractions always get me.


HOLD ON...found a really cool site that might work better than the above because I can get it sent to me by email: https://www.rememberthemilk.com/  It also has some bells and whistles that I'm loving.  The one thing I really like it has a weekly planner that can be printed...AWESOME! 
During my search today I came across some great tips and some well I just didn't understand but hey I've only had one mocha today so maybe its not their fault.  Anyways this is what I learned:
  1. Planning- list of topics, keywords, have a notebook just for blogging
  2. Prepare- write blog post in advance (you know that day you have nothing going on but writing posts :) )
  3. Schedule/Routine- calendar when/what/where (I have a couple blogs)
Well lets see if this works!  If you have any other suggestions please let me know. 

Wordless Wednesday-My Favorite Snack

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Civicorps Elementary School - Bay to Breakers Fundraiser

Okay so this is yet ANOTHER event I got myself involved in for the school.  I've been trying real hard saying that word NO but its difficult when I know it will help my kids. 

Bay to Breakers is a BIG 12K RUN that is held in San Francisco and this year it is the 100th race.  A parent got a great idea to use this event as a fundraiser.  So we are asking each runner to get a sponsorship of $100 plus $45 to register for the event.  Our Music Program was axed last year because of lost funding.  The kids and parents really miss not having a music in their curriculum.   
Our Parent Teacher Corp (PTA) wants to support the school by helping with the funding for the music program.  We have held a holiday bazaar, read-a-thon, and now this event to help raise the money.  We got maybe 15 runners/walkers (hoping for more) but hey its fine because its better than NOTHING right! 

On a personal note...because of this event I learned how to set up a donation page, also a  FBML page on Facebook, and plus signed up to do the race myself.  Those are some cool skills to acquire. I will not be running because my body is made for walking the 12K!

If you would like to support me (the kids really) please go here to donate (orange button)- anything helps!

Thanks for listening to yet another one of my projects!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Waitress Rant

Our cafe has been very busy the last couple weeks, which is AWESOME but with busy you also get those crazy customers.

90% of customers are just fine waiting because they know its worth it! Yesterday, we were jammed packed with no tables available plus about 8 people waiting to be sat when this one lady came in and when I told her 15-20 minute wait and she got irritated at me. She didn't understand I wouldn't be able to sit her in 10 minutes. She tried to get bumped up in the waiting list by asking other customers if she could have their spot. She kept saying how hungry she was. Lady... everyone waiting was hungry. I tried my best to smile and be nice but she was getting on my last fricken nerve! It took about 20 minutes for a table to open, she even wouldn't wait for us to clean the table she knew she was next and so when the couple left she sat right down, they weren't even out the door yet. I cleaned the table and gave her a menu and she told me she was ready to order. I told her it will be a couple minutes because we still have other people that need to order and to give us just a couple minutes. I brought her some coffee and she told me her order- w/o me asking because I just told her it would be a couple minutes. I took her order but I put it in after the others who was before her- she wouldn't know right. After 5 minutes she was asking me where her order was..LADY please give them some time they have to cook the other 10 tickets before yours. This is NOT FAST FOOD...they make each order individually and that takes time (I said this in a nice way). At this point she was just a joke and we all tried our best not to get pissy with her but if I was a major bitch I would have kicked her crazy butt out!

So what I'm saying is please be patient with waitstaff because majority of the time if there is a delay its NOT OUR FAULT and we really don't deserve attitude because I know we are trying our best!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, I can but don't like to! Learned on a stick (poor car-sorry). Can I do it now...driving is like bike riding right?

2. What are two foods you just can't eat? Spinach...ewww hate the taste and texture. Mushrooms taste like dirt. Don't tell my kids mom doesn't eat her veggies!

3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind? Do I buy girl scout cookies, heck ya! I track down the girl scouts even before they come knocking. Thin mints all the way but those coconut carmel ones are the bomb!

4. How do you pamper yourself? Well for several years I didn't, it was all about the kids but this year, I'm getting a pedicure every month, I'm buying shoes, and book store trip every couple weeks.

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it? Well Pami was my nickname growing up and HATED IT! My mom still calls me it (ummm I'm 42). I have a couple customers at the cafe who call me RED.

Well that was fun!

Bad Mom Confession

Is it bad that I'm jumping up for joy (in my head) that my family is going away for the weekend?   Darn I work on Sat/Sun so I can't go...can you tell I'm sooooooo disappointed ??? 

They are going to visit my hubby's mom.  It's the oldest cousins bday so the kids are looking forward to seeing him.  They will be gone until Sunday night. 

I get to watch what I want on TV plus be on the laptop all at the same time w/o someone telling me "that's not fair", my house will stay clean for 2 days straight, I won't have to cook big dinners- I can have whatever I want (chili and chips- oh yeah!), and the quiet- no fighting!  I love all these things but a day or two is nice to enjoy every so often. 

What will I do????  I have friends who will want to go out but you know just being at home in a quiet clean house is all that this MOM will need!  Did I say how quiet it will be LOL!!!

I wish I had some time to go to the book store but I do have Kindle on PC/Laptop so I do have something to read I think :)

I will find things to do but cleaning, cooking, refereeing, negotiating, and all the rolling of my eyes won't happen for 2 1/2 days.  Countdown is happening in my head for sure but I won't let them know that.

Okay done with my bad mom confession.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

AllYou.Com- Cool Site

I really enjoy this site because you can enter giveaways, get freebies, coupons and just all around cool info!

Just had to share :)

Thursday Blog Hopping

On Thursday morning I spend about 2 hrs visiting, commenting, reading some awesome blogs from these blog hops! Please click on button and it will take you to the hop!

Type A Thursday

I couldn't get the button to work on this one but go here because she has some great blogging/business info: http://jodishomebiz.com/

8000 Emails....REALLY!

I broke down the other day and went through my emails, it was up to 8000 so about time, right?  I couldn't believe all the emails I get in a day (over a hundred) and maybe about 1/4 of it is important.  Guess its time to unsubscribe to some... you think! 

I did it though and made more folders to keep the emails I need or want (not sure which is it).  It felt good until the next day and I'm up to close to 200 again.  What I need to do is do this on a daily basis (dreaming Pam) but to be organized and on top of it I will need to do that!!!!  GO THRU YOU EMAIL DAILY PAM! 

Let's see how this works out for me...tell you next week how many emails are sitting in my inbox next Thursday :) 

Any other suggestions on how to conquer EMAILS? 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Facebook Friends Giveaways/Sales

Sale at cobbledstone.etsy.com! Go to www.facebook.com/cobbledstone for the coupon code,15% off everything+free shipping

Tales of a Ranting Ginger: Giveaway - Disney on Ice Presents - Disney Pixar's Toy Story 3

Looking for an eco-friendly alternative to paper towels and sponges? Enter to win a pack of 4 SKOY cloths! The Type A Housewife: SKOY Cloths Review and Giveaway - Ends 3/7
Mommies Playground mommiesplayground.com
Saky Sacks Giveaway Saky Sacks, Green Style On The Go, is a company doing their part to recycle and reuse.
Luna Savings http://www.lunasavings.com/ WHOLLY GUACAMOLE! Review and Giveaway!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Being a Waitress at 42

Is HELL on the body!!  It probably doesn't help that I'm a bit overweight either.  This past weekend was our busiest weekend I've had in 10 yrs.  WOW it was awesome but also WHOA all in the same breath.  I'm so happy that I have some good shoes.  I bought some new ones a couple weeks ago (Not Target brand this time) and I feel a big difference- so Thank You new shoes!  I tried to take a nap when I got home but I was on major caffeine overload so my mind was going 20mph while my body was dead to the world.  All good though after an hour of fighting the nap I got up and went shopping with my big tips I made.  Love TIPS!

Smiling all day is fine but sometimes I just want to say WTF to customers.  My biggest gripe is when you add things please except an extra charge...more ingredients people.  I tell people but the looks I get are just plain funny.  Now if you are swapping out one ingredient for another hey that's fine.  I had a customer this weekend add shrimp, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, pesto to a salmon scramble and I told him that would be extra and he said fine.  Now when he got his bill he was horrified that it was and extra $5....ummm dude shrimp alone is $4 so you got a deal! 

I love the cafe I work at because of the regulars!  They rock and I really appreciate them coming in every weekend.  They know about my life and I know about theirs...not personal stuff mainly about each others families!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

American Idol 10 Group Performances- My FAVORITES

Last night was a rollercoster of drama, meanies, crying, bullies, but a load of talent!

My #1 FAVORITE of course was able to go through but not the rest of her group.  I need to watch the video again because I thought they all did a great job but judges booted them all except Lauren. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MEfV-sOam0  This is the CUTE girl group that sang to Steven Tyler.  The first singer Lauren Alaina is my FAV!

Night Owls...ROCKED IT!  Only Julia Zorrilla and Casey Abrams made it through.  Julia I think is Steven Tyler's FAV (wink wink).  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjuq5smKQIo

Now what happen to Jacee Badeaux SUCKED.  He got kicked out of one group then had to go find a new one and time was ticking.  He found a group but he didn't know the song- poor kid's performance wasn't too hot but the judges put him thru anyways...woohoo!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mciWWsZy5Q8 

Four Non Blondes and that Guy had me bopping in my chair.  LOVED Carson Higgins!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPKqaDjGTpo

The Minors (Kids and the their Mama's) tore the house down.  WOW got standing "O" from the judges and of course they all went through.  Deandre voice was a piece of Heaven.  American Idol played "we are the champions" in the background while the judges were talking, lol!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nk9E0AsH3Q

Ashley Sullivan (a bit emotional lil thing) wanted to quit but her boyfriend talked her back into it and THANKS boyfriends because they did an awesome job.  I really enjoyed Ashthon Jones! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uvZ3WmA6bY

This group is the one who kicked Jacee out of their group but they did a good job.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiV7Zdg7CNs  All of them got through!  Scotty- the Country singer felt bad for kicking Jacee out.  Clint was the big meanie though but he does have a soulful voice. 

These were my favorites for the night but one of my favorite from the beginning DIDN'T MAKE IT.....Paris Tassin.  I was rooting for her but she didn't do very hot last night and that was a BUMMER!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day- Like or Not

I have to vote

I've been with my hubby for 12 years and I don't think I've ever had a GOOD (thats all I'm asking) VDAY.  I used to love this holiday now I don't.  I want it to end and it just sucks.  I try to like it and I go with the flow but this year was a total bummer and I just give up now!  My kids do make my day and they are the only reason I'm sane on this day.  I know I need to let go but as a married super mom I deserve a GOOD Valentines Day too!  Yes, sorry this was a vent but I felt like I really needed to say something and this is my blog so there! 

Do I have any other blogger/readers that cringe when Valentines Day comes?

Please Share

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