
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh My... Hamburger Helper Again

I have one child who is my pickiest eater and the other pretty much eats what I put in front of him. Tonight they tricked me. Lil Mama wanted Hamburger Helper for dinner and letting me know she LOVES it. Lil Mama is my picky eater so I was like really you will eat this and she said yes! Guess what we are having for dinner.

Lil Man got home from school and asked me what we were going to have for dinner. I told him Hamburger Helper and he made this face like he just drank some sour milk. He informs me that he is not eating that crap...um your 7, crap should not be coming out of your mouth or even telling me that your not eating. I ignored his many wishes of different things to cook, his whining, and his speech on how yucky Hamburger Helper. Well as much as he bitched guess who ate ALL his dinner...yep Lil Man! I don't cater to my kids...if they don't eat what I make then they don't eat.

Mom wins!

I know I'm getting old when....t

I need to drink coffee at night to have some alone time with hubby. These kids take a toll on my old body. Okay, the extra pounds don't help either. Ugh...old and fat. Geez. I'm sure my hubby won't complain that I'm wired and frisky tonight...lol!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lil Mama doesn't need me anymore....

to help her SWING. I know your thinking "huh" but Lil Mama is my last baby and she told me yesterday at the park she doesn't need me to push her on the swing anymore. My heart hurt hearing that. It confirms she is growing up but also it confirmed yet one more thing I can't do for her anymore. It's hard to give up these simple "mom" jobs. I felt lost at the park yesterday they didn't need me to play with them at all. So I guess I will start bringing a book to read. Hey wait this might not be a bad thing....I might be able to actually read a book while they play. We will see!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What Did I Do Today~

Not Much. Having two kids at home of course is a lot of work. It reminds me of a SAHM joke a friends sent me the other day:

What Did You Do Today, Honey?

A man came home from work to find total mayhem at home. The kids were outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud and muck. There were empty food boxes and wrappers all around. As he proceeded into the house, he found an even bigger mess. Dishes on the counter, dog food spilled on the floor, a broken glass under the table, and a small pile of sand by the back door. The family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing, and a lamp had been knocked over.

He headed up the stairs, stepping over toys, to look for his wife.
He was becoming worried that she may be ill, or that something had happened to her. He found her in the bedroom, still in bed with her pajamas on, reading a book.

She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went.

He looked at her bewildered and asked:

"What happened here today?"

She again smiled and answered:

"You know everyday when you come home from work and ask me what I did today?"

"Yes," was his reply.

"Well, today I didn't do it!"


I didn't stay in bed, wish I could but I did just basic clean up. I wanted to work on a clean up project. The ENTRYWAY is my 1st project from the book I'm reading. Every time I tried to clean up that area I got 20 questions...what are you doing, can I help, why is that shoe in that pile, can I put on that jacket. I just gave up. I will do this when I only have Lil Mama home. Geez!

I work Friday thru Sunday at a cafe I've been at for 10yrs.I love my customers! Of course we have been a little slow but things are still good. Anyways while I'm at work my hubby is home with the kids. They still don't understand the concept of picking up after yourself when daddy is at home, dang my hubby doesn't know how to either. Hmmph! I spend pretty much all day on MONDAY cleaning up my family's mess. I scream, I yell, I pout, I explain, I give rewards, but nothing works they still live like pigs on the weekend. Someday I hope the kids see this is not how I want to spend my day off doing. Okay vent over. Be thankful its Thursday because if I was writing this on Monday I would probably have some curse words in this post, lol!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cut the Clutter~ Chapter 1

I have a lot of self-help/organizing books that I decided I'm going to read them and SHARE the info or at least talk about it.

First Chapter is CUT THE CLUTTER....oh yes I need this bad. My house is so cluttered that I feel I need to move to get out of this CHAOS!

The intro for the first chapter is: If your family's "stuff" has taken your home hostage than this chapter is for you. ARE THEY TALKING DIRECTLY TO ME....lol!

Anyways, lets go see what this chapter is all about.

We all want to pass the Guest Test! My house is on the borderline. I would like a 30 minute "heads up I'm coming over" call then I know I can pass the test. But I wouldn't pass if they knocked right at this moment.

I'm supposed to learn:

* How to Organize to find things quickly
* Ways to re purpose items for storage
* Tips on maximizing shelf and closet space
* Solutions on what to throw, what to keep
* De-cluttering techniques that add beauty to your home

Well the night is ending so I'm going to read chapter 1 tonight and I'll let you know what I'm going to be working on tomorrow!

Hey anything to DECLUTTER my house!

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR HOME FAST by Vickie Christian (591 tips for the Busy Moms) I bought this book at Borders for $1.99 (reg $14,95).

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wii Fit Fell Off

of course I did! Ugh! The sensor wire got ripped in half so no Wii for us until Daddy fixes it, Not sure when that will happen, It better be SOON. I really need to get back on my exercise program. Feeling very sluggish this week. Of course I'm relying on the Wii, I can't go walking around the block like every other normal person...nope I just stop exercising. Lazy butt that I am.

Lil Man's Surgery

will be done tomorrow. On Monday he woke up with his face all swollen so we were at the dentist by 9am. Our dentist looked in his mouth and said "he is going to have to have a child root canal" huh...Oh My poor baby! They sent us to another dentist and that dentist told us he has 2 abscess...ummm My poor baby. At that office I broke down crying because I felt like the worst mom ever! Next step is tomorrow getting them pulled. Daddy is even taking the day off to be in the room with Lil man.

Fighting already and it's only 8am

Ugh! I guess I'm in a for a long day. Lil man is home with a bad toothache (more on that later) and lil mama is not happy about it. She loves her brother but is always ready for him to go back to a school so she can have the house and mom all to her self.

This morning I was on the laptop sitting on the couch and they were fighting over who was going to sit by me. So to ease the tension I sat in the middle and that was no fun for me because my coffee cup was so far away from me that I couldn't REALLY enjoy it. Just one of the many ways I sacrifice for my kids to be happy....lol!

I know I'm in for a long day but I'm going to put them to work around the house. I'm sure they fight over the chores. When does the fighting stop????

Back to being referee.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Beautiful Poem by Langston Hughes

I, Too, Sing America
by Langston Hughes

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"

They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--

I, too, am America.

I'm going to print this poem out for my son. He is very proud that President Obama was elected. He told me that now he knows he can be president someday too! He gets it!

Yesterday was HISTORY IN THE MAKING! My son will remember this exciting event for the rest of his life.

Don't Give Your Son Girl Yogurt.....

in his lunch. That is what my son told me yesterday. At lunch a girl bully made fun of my son who had a DORA yogurt cup. Well of course the yogurt came home unopened. This bothered my son so much that he got sick at school and I had to go get him early. He even had a play date arranged and he passed on that. So no more girly yogurt for my lil man! I feel I have a lot life lessons to learn for my kids to have a better day at school.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Who's Child Does This..ugh

"Mom,I farted and it smells good" and this came from my 4 1/2 little girl. Where is my girly girl? The things that she says is just remarkable and I shake my head a lot. Who says silly stuff like this....oh yeah my little diva I guess!

We had girl night tonight and watched the Princess Diaries 2. I had fun watching it but Lil Mama was into talking so I missed things here and there but its okay!

Lil Man is at a sleepover and it killed me not calling and checking on him. But he is 7 yrs old he told me and reassured me that he will be okay and I didn't have to call. How did he know I wanted to do that?? He is such a sweetheart because he was very concerned about his sister being here all by herself but I told him that I was going to watch movies with her and she will get extra love tonight. He thought that was cool.

Hubby is out and about...Saturday night is his NITE OUT so he heads out that door around 7pm. I used to stay awake until he came home because I was worried about him. Nowadays I sleep right through him coming in. Not sure what that means. Do I trust him to get his ass home w/o incidents or is it I just I got tired of stressing and sleep was far more important. Okay maybe a little of both, lol!

Well its 12:30 am and I writing on my blog...wow can't sleep, lol! No I'm just making up time that I didn't get to work on here...wink wink. Off to bed I go now. Goodnight.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Target-Just Say NO!

I need to stay out of this store. If you see a short chubby redhead heading into El Cerrito's Target, tell her to go home, its me! Just kidding of course.

That store is EVIL because it makes me spend my money on crap we really don't need. I love to buy stuff on SALE. Today I put back the $22.00 Guitar Hero (reg $80) because we already have GH on Wii why do we need one for XBOX! They have 75% off toys and I saw BIG TOYS for under $20 and that hurt walking away. I went in with $25and no purse w/credit cards and that was a good move.

I need to go to therapy for my TARGET ADDICTION. Sad thing is Lil Mama loves to spend her allowance at Target so she is starting out early.

I really suck as the tooth fairy

I did it again...I FORGOT TO PUT MONEY UNDER LIL MAN'S PILLOW....AGAIN! He comes over with lip out and his tooth in hand. My heart fell to the floor because that is a very bad mom! We had a late night and I just wasn't prepared. Totally forgot when I went to bed and he woke up before I did. I SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gave him a couple bucks and told him that the tooth fairy OWES ME. He was okay with that but still wants to put his tooth under his pillow again tonight.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cleaning Fairy.....

Where are you today????

I have laundry, dishes, beds to be made, dusting, moping that is just sitting here waiting for you to do.

I have may too much stuff to do online today....geesh!

So I guess someone else has the fairy today...when is it my turn damn it!

Well guess where I'm going to be for the next couple hours....yes doing my housewife duties!

My Virtual Model

This is what I look like now:
This is what I want to look like in 4 months:

It was fun designing my virtual model, if you want to make you one go to: http://www.myvirtualmodel.com/en/index.php

I'm not 20 anymore!

Damn I didn't get that memo! I got a big eye opener the other day...I can't move a bedroom w/a big bed and dressers around all by myself!

Why did I do move it all by myself is the big question on every one's mind. Well sad to say but my hubby is not very helpful around the house. First, he wouldn't want to since he worked so hard at his job then I probably would have had to wait til next year to get him to do it anyways. I know that's harsh to say but it reality in my house.

I love to rearrange my house and I thought since we were not moving I needed a change in our room. I haven't like how it has been for a long time. My hubby has to crawl over me to get in and out of bed so that was a PITA. The kids are getting bigger and they don't need me hovering over them every moment so having a place of my own would be nice. When I finished it looked very nice and I enjoy my space now. But was it worth the pain I had to go thru....ummm YEP but I shouldn't do that again.

The next day I woke up in some major pain. I couldn't move my neck and wow the pain in my back was horrible. Of course its a work day so I had to drag my booty to work. I looked pitiful so my boss sent me home after 2 hrs. I came home and went right up to my bedroom and laid down. The best thing though was my room was clean and it felt real good. I did have some quiet time while everyone was gone and that was very nice. Then the kids came home and took care of me. I rested all day hoping that the next day I would be able to work. I can't miss work because that means I get no $$$. Sucks but being a waitress I depend on my tips to live.

Lesson Learned: I AM NOT 20 ANYMORE so no moving big furniture all by myself ! Getting old sucks sometimes.

Damn, how am I going to move the next room around? I might have to bribe hubby with a video game or sex. LOL!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Fault...really?

Yesterday my lil one Sahara told me that she was is in a bad mood because she didn't get any sleep. Then of course I asked why and she told me it was my fault because my hair was in her face all night. I looked at her like "really...my fault" and she looked right back at me with this attitude and look in her eyes that I knew it just wasn't worth my time to argue the fact then she should sleep in HER OWN bed not mine! I guess next time I'm in a bad mood I can use the excuse "Your feet were in my back all night so I didn't get any sleep". Kids! Geesh!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Am I a mean mommie?

I banned my kids from playing with the kids next door. We have had problems with them FOREVER. The boy is 8 and the little girl is 5 and OH MY they are a piece of work. They pick on my kids and put the fear in them to do things...calling them scary cats. My kids have got in trouble many times for doing things they know they are not suppose to do but did it anyways because the kids next door push them into it....knock on other neighbor doors and run. Okay that's okay once or twice but almost everyday. I don't want my kids to have reputation that the KND (kids next door) have. They are not allowed to even go by 2 neighbors house because they stole items out of their yard and lied about it. I don't allow my kids to go around the block w/o an adult but KND can go whatever they want.

Yesterday the KND girl taught my lil girl a new word....Fucking Brat! My lil one is 4 but she holds her own with the older kids. She comes in crying A****R called me a FUCKING BRAT and then she kept saying it. She got put in timeout for saying it to her brother....ugh!

Then later the KND boy came over and open our mail slot in the door and yells to my son.....MY MOM SAYS YOU CAN'T COME TO MY BIRTHDAY! That hurt my son a lot. He is a bit sensitive but still I would have cried too.

All I can do at this point is BAN my kids from playing with the KND!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Where do I put all these TOYS!

Ok, my house is already way too small and now I have more crap to put in it! I've been stressed out because my house is a mess and I feel like I can't get it to the point I need it. I don't care what the kids or their dad say, I need some of this chaos to go AWAY. I will write "their dad" when I'm upset. It's a lot better than a**hole and it makes me feel so much better. I asked for his help over the weekend but I guess the 2 xbox games he bought for himself was a bigger priority then helping around the house. It's a fight that I seem to loose every weekend. He works hard is his excuse....like I don't but damn I still have responsibilities. Ummph!

Ok back to the TOYS.....oh where do I put them. I have to rearrange the kids bedroom this week. What a chore that is going to be. I'm dreading it. My kids have a bunk bed that one bed fits on top and then there is a little cove under it. My son says he falls out too much and wants to put his mattress on the floor. I guess the 20 stuffed animals can go on top and the bed can be on the bottom. Not sure if it will work but hey its worth a shot I guess.

Can you tell I'm a bit stressed....lol!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Guess What I Got For My Birthday....

The call from my 18 yr old son telling me I'm going to be a GRANDMA....umm crap I just turned 40 and now I have to be grammie! WOW did I have to pick up my chin off the floor. I was the first person he told in his family...but the girl is 5 months already. Guess keeping the secret was getting him. However, the big step is telling his dad. My son and ex lives 2 states away so its hard for me to help him thru this but he knows I'm there whenever he needs me!

Stay tuned for more details on this drama of becoming a Grammie at 40!!! A customer called me a HAWT GRAMMIE so I guess I'll take that.

Funny-My Son

thinks his butt**** is called a butthog! I almost choked on my coffee. I told him that wasn't what it was called but just go ahead and say "booty". His undies were riding up his crack and he didn't like it.


Xmas- Kids and Hubby

Last night the kids were snooping around the tree and looking at the presents my mom sent. They wanted to open one so bad, so the bad mommy that I am I let them open 1! With the promise of DON'T ASK TO OPEN ANOTHER ONE UNTIL XMAS. Of course they both said "Yes mom we won't ask and THANK YOU" with the big smiles and hugs. They both opened of course the BIG present but oh well.

However, my sweet Sahara asks this morning....mom can I open a little present in my stocking today? Ummmm NO! Now of course I'm the mean mommy but hey a promise is a promise.

Anyone else ready for XMAS to be over? Too much going on.

I need to clean house for family, make dinner for family, be nice to family that's just too much for me!

Our Tree sucks right now! We have been asking daddy to get the Xmas lights for over a week now. I'm too short and no ladder or else I would have got them myself already. Asking daddy to do anything you have to put in a work order at least 3 weeks ahead of time. Then maybe 3 more weeks to think about it. Then 3 more weeks to do it! Am I being mean...not really!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Plans Changed!

Well we are not going to move. I'm very disappointed but I keeping telling myself "things happen for a reason". And I'm holding on to that. My hubby backed out and then the plans just went down the toilet. This move was stressing out my hubby, my kids, my mom, and of course myself! We were all walking around the house mad. My mom and I were fighting over the phone. I think I had my arms folded across my chest for at least 2 weeks.

I don't blame anyone but myself because I had such high hopes and didn't really look at the REAL BIG picture. My hubby got scared. I just wish he would have told me sooner like before the plane tickets/hotel rooms were bought. My mom is pissed, and pissed enough not to call me on my 40th bday. I don't blame her I would be mad at me too!

My friend told me that I just need to let go of that dream of going back home because she doesn't think it will happen for awhile at least. She knows I have a hard time here but she thinks I need to give the Bay Area a second chance and not let people get to me.

I guess a new chapter in my life needs to begin so I can move forward. I've been at a stand still for a couple years now. Depression is knocking on my door everyday but my kids are my motivation to be strong. I do need to change, fix, and add to my life that is for sure.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Countdown starts

28 days to our BIG MOVE. Am I ready??? No way but it has too happen. My mom and step-dad arrives Dec 26th. They are going to help me drive up. My hubby is on the fence if he is going and let me tell you that is the biggest stress I have right now. I understand that he feels this is the wrong time financially for us to quit our jobs and move to another state. But I can't handle this place anymore!

Reasons why I'm moving:

1. Cost too much in the Bay Area to live....2 (900 sq ft) bdrm townhouse for $1200.

2. Kids next door are bad and they are teaching my kids very bad things. You would be amazed with what I have had to deal with these two gremlins next door.

3. Bay Area is just strange. I was on the bus with my two kids (they are bi-racial) and these 2 guys thought that was a pass to talk to me all rude. Then when I reminded them that I was with my kids and not to talk to me like then I was a RACIST WHITE BITCH. This was the last straw and the day I made the decision to move. I've been wanting to for a couple years but that bus ride was the camel that broke the back (is that the right saying...lol)

4. I MISS MY FAMILY is the most important reason!

5. My 18 yr old son needs me.

6. No family love in the Bay Area....hubby's family thinks we don't exist. My kids call hubby's mom DADDY'S MOM and they live 3 hrs away. They never talk to the kids. My mom calls pretty much every other day and talks to the kids every time. Yes I'm bitter, lol!

7. We live in Murder Capital....Richmond CA!

I could go on and on!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Wow a Stress-Free Thanksgiving

As far back as I can remember I've always cooked and/or cleaned on Thanksgiving day. Guess What.....this year I did NEITHER now how cool is that. Can you tell I'm still excited?

A co-worker was gone this week so I worked 6 days in a row. I'm a almost 40 kinda chubby (but still look good)waitress that runs circles around these young ones. Okay maybe not circles but I hold my own, lol! So my body was wore out by Wednesday night! I don't think I can do that again unless I got a massage every day after work because my whole body was in pain. Anyways, enough whining I just didn't have it in me to cook a big meal. I did asked the hubby last week to go buy that ready made Thanksgiving Dinner Meal that Safeway was offering but he didn't. I felt like if I needed too remind him 3 times he was telling me he didn't want to.

Thursday morning I looked at my hubby and asked him what the heck we were going to do for dinner. That look of "Oh f**k! I forgot to do something and she is going to make me pay all day" came over his face (which I don't blame him) and then said his famous words "I don't know". I of course rolled eyes and looked at him with my I'm not at all surprised you forgot but I will figure it out yet again but I really wanted to smack him upside the head and scream DOES ANYONE LIVE IN THERE. Oh sorry lil vent there!

I of course took matters in my own hands and checked to see where we could go out to eat. HomeTown Buffet popped on the screen and I remembered I even had a coupon. I told my family who were all still in pj's (including me)at 11am that it was time to start getting ready. We all dressed up in our cool clothes and by 1pm we were sitting in a booth ready to get our grub on. I could say I could have done better but to be very honest, no I couldn't! I got to have prime rib, ham, turkey, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, black eyed peas/rice, rolls, green bean casserole and of course pumpkin pie. They had everything there. My kids even had pizza, lol. Plus it only cost us $35....bargain!

but the VERY BEST part was I didn't have to do dishes or clean up anything!!!!!

We ate good and then came home to watch movies and play Wii together. Will I do it again? Possible but not for a couple years. I do miss the leftovers today so no leftovers is the ONLY regret I have.

Next year BIG FAMILY dinner at my house.

Proud Mommy Moment

My son got a Citizenship Award last week. He was nominated by his class. I couldn't be any prouder of my 6 (almost 7) year old son. Up on stage I could tell he was nervous but he held that head high. I didn't even know he was getting the award until the day before so I re-arranged my schedule so I could see my son get his citizenship medal and certificate. Of course the medal is going in his memory box.

He went to sleep with the medal on for 3 nights. I guess he was pretty proud too! I loved every moment of this because his smile that he was sporting for days! The first person he wanted to call when we got home was his Grandma Jan. They have such a wonderful bond.

~Proud Momma

Monday, November 17, 2008

I do feel sorry for my husband...sometimes!

When I'm having that BAD month I'm a total WITCH w/ a B! This man has to walk on egg shells for almost 2 weeks. The week before is my head turning all around w/smoke coming out of it! He and the kids duck that whole week. I just have to give them that LOOK and they know not too mess with mom. I gripe about everything and anything this week. Everyone should be on their best behavior. My road rage even increases. Not good for the bay area. Second week its all about the pain and I'm a big baby that can't do anything. My hubby does take good care of me but I still complain. Then at night I feel so bad I cry and tell everyone I'M SORRY. I can't wait for it to end because I want my smooth, fun, happy self BACK. This doesn't happen every month but every 3 months.

If my hubby ever reads this I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU because you put up with a lot with me sometimes but I guess that's just pay back for all the I have to go thru with YOU....lol just kidding of course.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama and my son!

Little Man was really into this election. He didn't want to go outside and play he wanted to watch the election. He did the happy dance when the numbers were coming in and they were saying Obama was going to be the next president.

The next morning I was driving him to school and he tells me that he is SO HAPPY that Obama won because now he knows he can be president one day. Big Dreams I know but my son is bi-racial and having a African American president was a big deal for him. He is one smart cookie. I cried of course. This race wasn't about color to our family UNTIL he got elected and it was like wow that race barrier is no longer there.

My son's best friend lives next door and they have grown up together, okay the last 5yrs. This kid who I'm not a big fan of but my son loves playing with him. Well this friend tells my son that the white people are going to kill Obama. My son came in here crying and I was WTF. I told him to come in and closed the door. I didn't think much about it because I know this kid and just chalked up to him being his snotty self. His mother came over a couple hours later and just wanted us to know they voted for Obama. So....just because we are a bi-racial family do you think we voted for Obama because he is African American. NOPE. We voted for Obama because out of the 2 candidates he was the one who gave us hope and change is what we need.

I just had to vent that out...thanks!

Can't back out now

my mom and step-dad bought their airplane tickets and booked their hotel room for Dec 26th.
They are helping us drive back to WA. We will be staying in their RV for about a month until we can get our own place.

I have little less than 2 months to pack up and clean this house to move. We live in a 900sq ft house and we outgrown it about 3yrs ago. We are jam packed in this house with no where to go. It's time to MOVE. I still have to give notice to the landlord and my job. Dec 1st hurry please so I can get this over with. LOL.

Damn Tooth Cost Me $8.00

My son is one smart cookie so when I give him the $3 for his tooth the other day I told him that the tooth fairy will pay me back. He just looked at me like I was weird. Later that night he tells me he needs his tooth ummm why since I already paid you for the tooth. He told me that my $3 was from me not the tooth fairy so he is sure she will come tonight. Ok whatever dude! So we go thru putting his tooth back under his pillow and he goes to sleep. Hubby leaves for work at 5am and when he closes the door is when I remember I almost forgot again, ugh. I open my drawer where I keep my money and grab a bill then I slip into little man's room slide that under his pillow and crawl back into bed. Then at 6:30am someone is poking me and of course its little man with this huge cheesy grin on. I focus my eyes and he is holding up a $5 bill. I grabbed a five instead of a one.... oh geez! He got $8 for that tooth. I asked if I got my $3 back since the tooth fairy left him $5 he looked at me like I asked to give me his first born. Keep it then!

Sucks being the tooth fairy sometimes but just seeing that toothless smile makes it all worth it. But now I'm broke...can I loose a tooth and get some money.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I burnt Hamburger Helper...OMG

Now I know I suck as a cook! Yesterday, was a bit rough so my mind was just not on cooking. I FORGOT to turn it down to simmer and left it on high....ugh! I went upstairs for 10 minutes to spend some time with my hubby while he was watching the news. I came downstairs, yelled TIME FOR DINNER then went into the kitchen to make the plates. Turned around to the stove and looked in horror that the burner was still on high! Picked up the top and opps all burnt to heck. Damn Damn! Why does this have to happen to me....I almost cried. Ugh, had to call the Pizza Man because it was already 7pm. Hubby and Kids were not happy they had to wait longer. I didn't have anything else to make. Tuesday is grocery day so our fridge/freezer was empty. I can't believe I burnt hamburger helper! We don't even buy HH that much but it was a new flavor...Chili so I wanted to give it a shot. Well I guess next time. LOL!

I suck as being the tooth fairy...bad mommy!

My son woke me up at 6:30 am crying. He was standing there with his tooth in the baggie. In my head I was cursing myself...how could I forget to take the tooth and put money under his pillow. Maybe exhaustion is part of it but BAD MOMMY! So my response is "I bet the rain made it very difficult for her to get to our house" "I'll give you a dollar and the tooth fairy will have to pay me back" well he was cool about that because he took the money. But I sure did feel crappy!

Friday, October 17, 2008

My hubby loves me or my booty?

Just kidding of course! I know he loves me very much. My hubby tells me the other morning he was getting ready for work and "BAM" there was my booty all hanging out of the sheets and he said he looked up and thanked God! Well I'll take that as a compliment! He made me blush.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We are moving....Woohoo

We live in Cali now and will be moving to WASH state at the end of the year. I'm from WA and miss my family a lot. I've been with my hubby 10 yrs almost (married 2) and its time we get the heck out of here.

When we had our son "Bro" we moved to Fresno to be closer to his family. That was a 3hr move. Well it was too hot, family not so family like, no jobs, and our relationship was hurting so we moved back to the bay area.

After getting our old jobs back and being back a month we got pregnant w/"Sis". We weren't going anywhere for awhile. After 5 yrs in this 900 square feet house we have finally outgrown the house. The kids hate sharing a room and pretty much fight about it everyday. Sharing a bathroom w/my kids and hubby has been a nightmare for me but you do what you got to do. My kitchen is a hallway. I have one counter and 4 cupboards...what the heck am I suppose to do with that. Plus no dishwasher, I know a bit petty but for someone who hates to do dishes its rough with no dishwasher.

My family misses me dearly and is ready for me to come home. I moved after a divorce (yes married 2 times) to find myself. It's been 13 yrs and its time for me to come home. I also want to give my hubby a different outlook on "family life". He grew up totally different than I did and I want to show him that plus I want to give my kids a family life. We don't go anywhere here because horrible traffic, kids shooting other kids, no respect for others, and the list goes on but thats my top 3. My mom loves her grandkids and wants to take them camping, have sleepovers, and all that good stuff grandmas want to do. I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind some fishing partners hanging around either. We are all getting older so why waste time lets be together.

Hubby's family probably won't even notice we are gone. I know a lil bit bitchy but very true! Okay I'll be nice now.

Why am I writing this down about moving well there is a lot to do and I want to keep on track. We will be living w/my mom for a month at least (no longer please) in her RV (big one). I want to be organized and not stressed out. When I'm stressed everyone is stressed, not a good thing.

Moving GOALS:

*I want to get all the stuff we don't use packed up by the middle of Nov with a list on each box what is inside.

*I will have 4 piles: Garbage, Freecycle/Goodwill, Sell on Craigslist, and keep.

*I have a lot of clutter and I will be going thru all of it. Maybe I can get rid of my 4 piles of magazines (one in each room).

*Save money for gas for the moving truck...I have a jar full of coins now.

I know there is so much more but this is good for now.

Wii Fit-love it!

OMG I love this device. I'm chubby, yes I admit it out loud....I'm CHUBBY. I've always been a bit thick (tell more about this word later) but still cute..well that's what people say. I'm always the cute girl never the pretty girl, well at least its not the ugly girl.

Ok, back to the Wii. My hubby and son are big time gamers and they have been dying to get a Wii. Not that the 2 xbox's, PlayStation 2, PSP, and a Nintendo DS wasn't enough. I was not wanting it at all so I made a comprimise with hubby. We can get the Wii but he has to get the Wii fit for me. He was cool with that, anything to get a new game system.

We have had the Wii fit for 4 weeks now and I have lost 5 lbs. I feel so good. I will let you know all about my Wii fit adventures soon enough. The funny thing is the person who is playing the Wii the most is my 4 yr old daughter. She does the yoga, balance, bowling, tennis, and golf EVERYDAY. She even lets me know that I need to do the Wii fit. She is my trainer I guess, lol!

I hate going to the gym because I don't look good in exercise clothes or even doing the exercises. I went to Jazzercise and always was in the back because the older ladies in the front was doing the kicks, running, dance move like they were in their 20's, ugh I didn't like that. Then I tried Curves....that actually worked but it was hard to find time w/o kids to go do that. I know a lot of excuses...lol. Chubby girls do that!

The Wii Fit allows me to dress the way I want (fat rolls and all), no need for the babysitter, and I don't have to pay each month (hubby paid for this thing and its a lifetime membership). It tracks your weight/bmi, balance, and progress. It's like having your own trainer right in your house.

So all you chubby girls out there get a Wii Fit because I'm telling ya its the bomb, lol!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

M.I.A.-Wow it's been since July

since I posted. I didn't forget about it but I've been busy. I'm sure I could have found some time to do my blog but I guess it wasn't that important UNTIL TODAY!

There is a lot going on my world and I think having this journal will help me with all my thoughts. What I will be writing about is my life and what is happening. It will be boring too some but others might get a giggle here and there.

Are we ready to take this blog to another level...yes. I think writing all this crap down will actually help me get it done. No one but myself is to blame so get the ball moving, PAM!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hello Everyone

Hi~My name is Pam but I go by PinkMama on the web. I'm getting real close to the big 40 and there are some things I want to do with the direction of my life. So why not write a blog about it!

What I will be writing about:

* decorating my rental (not a homeowner but still need color/fashion)
* finding my STYLE~ in my house and in my clothing
* organizing my life'
* healthy habits I really need

I'm sure I'll be throwing more out at you (and myself) but this is a good start.

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