
Thursday, October 20, 2011

No Cable....Blank Stare

That is what I got and more from my 9 yr old son last night when I explained that the cable is OUT. He looked at me like... WTF am I suppose to do now mom, I felt like I failed PARENT 101! Yep my 9 yr old is addicted to TV/Games. Do I take all the credit for that...nope but we won't get into that rant right now. Our cable is out because remember back when I wrote about switching to Comcast- oh my what a nightmare that was!!!! First, pretty much what they offered was a joke and we got charged anyways. When I brought up the agreement (on paper) what our DEAL was, they were like oh ...but pay the $265 (yes you see that correctly) now and next month we will give you the credit. No MF's...I want my $89 (plus taxes) deal NOW~! Let's just talk about their service...SUCKS! I hated it from day one but thought well for the price I can live with it but as the days/week went by...NO can't live with the old ass menu that is confusing plus just old! Oh yeah, how about only able to record 1 show on DVR while you watch 1 show. Nope..not happening for me on nights I have 2 shows I need to record and then watch something hubby wants to watch. Hubby has had to watch X-factor and Survivor the past couple weeks because I can't record them. I know..I know very selfish of me thinking about how horrible the DVR function is from our cable company when there is bigger issues in the world but hey in my world I'm the DVR QUEEN. So we called Comcast to tell them we no longer want their service and was told we had to pay $50 for them to disconnect the service but can't reinstall our original cable company's equipment. Ok...we will do that and save $50. HAHAHA! Now we have NO CABLE. As much as my hubby says he is techy...he really isn't but its hard to break that news to him. He was on the phone with the cable guy and getting no where! So the cable guy says we will send someone over tomorrow to reinstall our boxes and NO CHARGE. What...see that's why I love AT&T they appreciate their customers- even when we went behind their back and tried a new company. OUR BAD! Now back to last night. 8pm is the magical time we get to turn the TV on for the night. Usually we all go to our separate rooms and watch TV. Last night we were ALL looking at each other and wondering what we should do. Now no cable also means no Internet. We all went to bed early and everyone said they had the best sleep. I feel bad my kids associate so much to TV that we almost had a meltdown but we got it together and enjoyed each other. We are still without Cable (I have laptop connected to my sprint 4g card so I didn't have to go without Facebook and Pinterest) but no one knows that yet! We might have to reevaluate our night time but doubt it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Heart My iPad!

If you know anything about me you know I don't always think of myself first! Kids and Hubby always come first...I know i know, I've heard it over and over before. Anyways, back to ME...see I do think of myself, lol! This year with the TAX REFUND I bought a refurbished iPad from the Apple store online. Let me tell you, that was the BEST PURCHASE EVER! Granted when I bought it I used "OUR IPAD" a lot to make sure hubby was OK with me buying something like that. Even though, he just bought a PS3 it wasn't as expensive as the iPad but guess what gets used EVERYDAY...yep the iPad! Over the months "OUR" really turned into "MY" but still anytime he wanted it he can have it. I do all kinds of stuff on the iPad. My favorite APP's are ZITE and FLIPBOARD. I also have Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Kindle, Hootsuite, and many more that I enjoy daily. The kids have a couple games on there and hubby does too! My son and hubby plays a DJ Mixer Pro app all the time. I really like have Evernote on there because when I come across sites I want to bookmark to read later I bookmark them in Evernote. I have a couple apps I don't use that much but tend to down the road. I stalk FREE Apps all the time. When I first got it, the kids weren't allowed on it for months but these days I have to fight them to even get on at night. Lil Man does homework on there and Lil Mama she has a farm going on Farmville. At night when they are all done with homework they turn on the Pandora App and sing/dance to their favorite artist. They each have their own Pandora account and they get 15 minutes each to do their music thing. I'm very happy we (me) bought the iPad and maybe one day I might upgrade to iPad2 and they can have the old one LOL! What are your favorite Apps and what do you use it for?

Friday, October 14, 2011

My New Addiction- Pinterest

O..M..G! I spent some time on there today, making my pin lists and looking at this and that, LOVE THAT LOVE THIS! Someone invited me to this site awhile back but I was totally confused and left in a hurry. Well the other day I came across it again and I was WTH I've been missing a whole new world of WONDERFUL!

Here is a cute idea I found today.

You ask what is PINTEREST? http://pinterest.com/ Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard. Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests

How to sign up for Pinterest Pinterest is currently invite-only. You can request an invite from us or you can be invited by someone who is already a part of Pinterest. When you receive an invite, you can register via Facebook Connect or connect through Twitter.

If you want an invite~ email me at pamallen68@gmail.com and I'll send you one! If your on it already~ check out my pins http://pinterest.com/pamallen68/pins/

Follow Me on Pinterest

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Do you have Spotify? You need it!

I'm LOVING Spotify! Every morning this week I grab my coffee, get on Facebook, turn on Spotify and ENJOY! I'm having fun making playlists and enjoying a wide range of music. I can let my family/friends know what I'm listening to on Facebook- even saw that my mom LIKED Bruno Mars after I posted it. Got my hubby hooked too, maybe he will stop buying music and just enjoy SPOTIFY, lol!

Here is more info: https://www.spotify.com/us/about/what/

Create a playlist -Click on ‘New playlist’ in the left column, give your playlist a name and then drag and drop the tracks you want included.  You can right-click a track or album and select ‘Save to’ and then ‘New playlist’. A single playlist can store up to 10,000 tracks, if you have the time or inclination

Have fun! 

Now I can listen to whatever I want when I'm cleaning house!!!

. Follow me on Spotify

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Lil CowGirl

Look at my lil COWGIRL!  I wasn't able to go to her very 1st Parade but Daddy went and so that's all good.  Lucky for him he took some pics.  Her Brownie Troop/Girl Scouts were in the Black Cowboy Parade that Oakland has every year.  Lil Man didn't want to go at first but when he got there and saw all the cool cars, horses, fun stuff to do his frown turned into a smile (daddy said that).  My babies are growing up and enjoying LIFE~ got to love that!

This reminds me I need to get her a sash. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Couponing is Cool, Right?

WOW...I watched a program (Extreme Couponing) the other day about a lady who took her whole family into a grocery store and bought $2700 worth of stuff for $189.00.  If  I was in the store while she was doing that I would have been there with my mouth wide open, my eyes hecka big with a big goofy smile and just watching it happen.  They had enough sport drinks to last them for YEARS! 

Where would you store all this stuff?   People have separate bedrooms for all their stuff.  Couple people had store-like aisles set up.  It was amazing.  If I ever got that big into couponing you know my family and friends would be benefiting as well.  I would be bringing bags of crap over to them weekly- or just an invite saying "Wine, Snacks, and Shopping", I'm sure I would get a party started with that.  My family would kill me if I became a HOARDER though so I would have to share the wealth of goodies. 

Is this something I want to do?  I'm thinking HECK YA!  But on such a smaller scope.  I started this Sunday by clipping coupons and filing them away in a coupon binder (I had one handy).  I saw so many products that I use so I'm getting excited to use them soon. 

Do you clip coupons and what are your tips for beginners?

BTW~ while looking for images I came across a very cool site that gives some tips and coupons http://www.couponing101.com/

Spell Check doesn't like: couponing

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Comcast vs. AT&T

We have been a AT&T customers for a long time and they have been OK.  Over the years we have had a love hate relationship but it never got to the point (ok maybe a couple times) that I just wanted to QUIT their service.  However, last week we got notice that our bill is going up to $200- for Internet and Cable ONLY!  WTF!

Very odd thing happened the day we got THAT notice a Comcast door to door salesman came knocking letting us know he will give us a deal- $89 a month for Cable, Internet and Phone.  We haven't had a phone here for the whole 2years- we did have it set up but AT&T couldn't figure out why we couldn't get phone service and never came back to fix it.  We had cell phones so no big deal.  Well the kids are getting bigger and it would be nice to have a phone for them to use. 

We said YES we would give it shot- 30 days to try it.  Comcast came and did the install but I found out they are NOT wireless and we had to go buy a wireless router but that was okay because I think we should have done that awhile back for the video game players anyways.  Then when he set up the phone he said the phone line was cut...shame on you AT&Tfor not figuring that out!

Do I like Comcast better?  It has its pro's and con's!
  • Picture is far better
  • a lot more channels
  • loving On Demand
  • have HD now
  • my hubby has more sports to watch
  • I can only DVR 2 programs at a time
  • TV/Internet gets stuck sometimes
  • The channel guide and menu sucks
  • Very confusing sometimes (but that could just be me lol)
We have only had a couple days so not sure if I can say we LOVE or HATE it yet.  Who do you go thru and what is your opinion.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

X-Factor Show

My TOP 3...each performance made me cry plus give me goose bumps!    Can't wait for tonight to see who else will win my heart.

Simon wasn't mean....YET!  There were some bizarre acts though but overall enjoyed the show.  It's like American Idol (of course) but I like that it is open to wider age range and groups. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Netflix- WTH Did You Do??

Sticking my tongue out at Netflix for making me change my plan. When I saw my bank statement and how much I was being charged I was WTF!  I almost cancelled my membership all together but I'm going to give them another chance.  My kids love watching Netflix on the iPad and I love watching old TV shows so I don't want to give up so quickly..we've had a great relationship up to this point.

I changed my plan to 1 DVD at a time and unlimited streaming for almost $16 a month.  I figure this plan will work with us and it's almost $10 cheaper a month.  I thought it was quite strange they separated the DVD's and the Streaming but whatever, I guess they had a reason- just weird!

What did you do: change, cancel or just stayed the same? 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Our 5yr Wedding Anniversary

Wow made it 5 yrs..hot damn.  I've been with my hubby for 12 years-been  married 5 of them.  I must have grown up because this is my longest relationship EVER! 

I'm not saying we have the perfect marriage (far from it) but hey we make it work.  I've learned to choose my battles. I'm not a fighter but a lover so I tend not to fight too much.  Don't you think fighting takes up way too much time plus energy.  Yes, I mumble under my breath when I walk into the kitchen and he has left every cupboard open but I close them since its ME who it bothers not HIM.  Or when I look at his side of the bedroom and I just want to scream "CLEAN YOUR AREA MF"  Why don't I just clean his area up..you ask?  Because he is grown and can clean up after himself!  I cook his food, clean the other parts of the house and fold his laundry so throwing away his nightly beer bottles and putting away his clothes is NOT asking much in my world.  We all have our own way and this way works for us for now..lol! 

He deals with my monthly painful monthly attacks, my bitchiness, and all the other crap I put him through. Plus he makes me laugh daily.  I'm good and the grass isn't always greener on the other side.  Sometimes we think it is but its not. 

So on with the next 5 years...lets see what we can accomplish and how much we grow.  Because I have GROWN a lot with my hubby and with that said I'm looking forward to the years ahead, I think LOL! 

Laughter- Love - Life !!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I have FAT Calves!

Now don't laugh at the title because it's the TRUTH!  I don't mind having a fat butt and boobs but why was I blessed with fat calves too!  I can't wear all these cute boots I keep seeing.  Couple months ago I went boot shopping and nothing fit!  I went home and bought a pair online.  Guess what ...they didn't fit either.  I know I should have known but in my head I kept telling myself ... it will fit no worries.  Not sure who I was trying to fool, hehe!

I know I can exercise and get better looking calves and maybe someday that will happen.  But for now I have fat calves and it sucks.  So I was searching for places to buy plus size boots for my little feet and and came across a cool site~http://www.torrid.com  they even have a SALE going on with some cool promo codes. 

I haven't shopped there YET but I'm going to soon.  Mama needs some new shoes (or boots heck why not a whole outfit)!  I'm just SHARING info and hopefully someone can use these codes.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to Work!

Well I did it....I went back to the Cafe.  I know I bitched and moaned when I quit but I'm happy to be back.  I really missed my customers, making people smile is very important to me.  I like to make peoples day when they come in to enjoy food/coffee.  When you go out and spend money don't you want it to be a good experience- I know I do so I like to give that to others. 

Will things be different, no idea but for me I'm just not going to let the craziness effect me.  I can't change people and if customer service is not their main reason for working at the cafe- not my problem...I can only do ME! 
It feels SOOOOO GOOD having some money in my pocket too.  I was getting very depressed.  Having to ask someone else for money was not fun (even though it was my hubby).  He was okay about it but I could tell it was stressing him out. 
We got a bit behind on bills and we will be playing catch for a couple months but we did SURVIVE.  I feel very blessed to be able to go back to work.  So Waitress Pam is BACK!  Now I just have to convince my body it will be OK, I was so sore after working but I just have to get used to it again. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm NOT a Gardener

I don't like dirt, ants, spiders, and bees so how in the world did I think I could be a gardener.  I tried and let me tell you I suck at it.  I suck at gardening- I said it loud and clear.  After about 20 minutes of weeding this and pulling that my throat starts feeling like it wants to close and an overwhelming feeling of  nausea overcomes me so inside I go. 
I admit I don't like being outside unless I have to, mainly because I'm a redhead and the sun isn't necessary my friend.  I burn even when I have sunscreen on.  I know ...whine whine but I'm being honest.  It's no wonder I didn't make it in Fresno with all the HOT weather.  Give me blue sky and a breeze anyday.

So what am I going to do with the beautiful backyard full of weeds and an organic garden that needs some TLC.  We did okay planting some items and did enjoy our homegrown veggies.  I told my hubby that the inside of the house is my domain and the outside is his but he is a busy man so it doesn't get done as much as I would like it to.  Maybe I should hire someone!!  Oh that's right can't afford it right now.

I want to enjoy our yard I really do!  I need ideas on how to overcome my dislike of bugs and dirt.  Plus it's rubbing off on Lil Mama, we were all out in the yard working the other day and all she wanted to do was water the garden and yard then lets us know she was going to go ride her bike because she didn't want to get dirty.  You should have seen the look on my hubby's face and he pointed at me then shook his head. 
What is good for winter gardens?  Do you have any gardening tips that might help me stop being such a wimp outside?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Klout.com and Sharpie

I got this big orange box from the mailman yesterday and when I opened it I was in AWE!  I can't believe all the awesome sharpie products I get to use now.  I told the kids and hubby STAY AWAY until I have time to use myself! 

Look at all the cool stuff:

The box is cool too!  I was able to receive this wonderful product from Klout~ Klout is a San Francisco based company that provides social media analytics that measures a user's influence across their social network.  My Klout Score is 40!!

I really enjoy Klout.com because their PERKS are awesome.  Next week I'll be getting Axe products, I have a 21 yr old son who loves Axe.  I can't wait to make some cool hats with my Lil Mama with our new Stained by Sharpie- we are already brainstorming.  My hubby was eyeing all the cool stuff too and I know he wants to use some of the Fine Sharpie pens for his airbrush designs.  The creativity is just swarming us this weekend.

Check out all the COOL stuff on Sharpie~ http://www.sharpie.com/

If you want to connect on Klout.com~ http://klout.com/#/PinkMama68/

You have to look at this YouTube video on this guy who draws on coffee cups:

I was given a free product or sample because I'm a Klout influencer. I was under no obligation to receive the sample or talk about this company. I get no additional benefits for talking about the product or company.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back To School 2011

My little buggers are enjoying their first week of the school year.  Hearing them talk about what they are learning and going to learn is exciting for all us.  Dinner time is full of conversation now. 

I enjoyed the 1st day way too much I think because 3pm came very quick and I almost forgot to get them.  I was about 10 minutes late.  Last year school ended at 3:15 and this year it's 3pm so I blame it on the time change, not that I was enjoying the quiet so much.  The past 3 days have been very nice!  I get up early and do the housework while I'm juiced up on coffee then I have the day to do work online and other projects. 
My Lil Mama is in a split 1st/2nd grade class and at first I was WTF....no that's not going to work.  She is way too smart to do 1st grade over again.  She was top of her class in 1st grade and I just don't want her to be bored.  Lil Mama and boredom doesn't mix at all!   Her teacher and principal reassured me that it will be fine and she will be challenged.  Okay, I hope so! 

Lil Man well he feels all grown now...4th grade and all!  He asked the teacher if he could sit up in front because he wants to LEARN a lot this year.  Let's see how long that will last.  Lil Man is also in a split 4th/5 class but with 2 teachers.  I wasn't as worried because I want him to learn UP.  I know double standard. LOL! He is very excited to have 2 teachers and new school subjects.  He said today..it feels like I'm in Middle School- not sure I how he knows how that feels but I'll give it to him.

So Cheers to 2011-2012 School Year! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Trying to be Organized this School Year!

I know in my world organizing and kids don't mix but I'm going to give it a try.  Can't hurt right! 

I've always packed their lunches, made sure their backpacks are by the front door, they have jackets, and made sure they brought what they needed to school.  This year I'm feeling they need to be a bit more responsible for themselves.  They are 7 and 9...LOL!  My 9 yr old wants a phone really bad but if I don't make sure he has his lunch box/backpack he will leave it behind and call me an hour later asking for me to bring it (BTW I don't-unless it is an emergency).  Teaching them to be responsible plus organized, let's see how that goes. 

Here is MY PLAN:

  • I'm going to make CHECKLISTS for before and after school duties.  I have a door in our kitchen that I plan to hang up everything on it- ONE PLACE!  What a concept!  I will remind them to check it daily.
  • Along with the checklist there will be a SCHEDULE. Morning, After-School, Before Bed. Mainly something to keep me on schedule and prepared!  Pack lunches and pick clothes the night before will be on there of course.
  • Set up a FAMILY CALENDAR.  Each of us will have our own color (guess what my color will be..LOL) and we will write down stuff like school events, dad's big airbrush jobs, mom's meetings and other FAMILY stuff.  My son just started football so of course that will be going on there too!  This will help with time conflicts too.
  • We will have a SCHOOL BINDER that I can put all stuff related to school in so we are not digging around for it the day it is due. 
  • I want one place to hold all homework items (crayons, pens, pencils, papers) and NOT in their room.  I'm going to assign each kid a shelf in the cupboard in the kitchen.  We do homework at the kitchen table and then everything is easy to get.  I don't want them to share anything because my kids tend to FIGHT over who has what so each will have their own supplies. 
  • I made YEAR BOXES out of Costco cereal boxes for each kid.  They will be able to put in whatever they want to keep from school, bday cards, invites, pictures, and special papers.  At the end of the year we go through it and pick out what really needs to be saved and we put the box up for them look thru later in life.  This will be the 3rd year doing this. 
Well the PLAN sounds good, right?  What are you doing to get ORGANIZED for school?  Let's share our ideas.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wacky Wednesday~ Commercial Time

Watching TV at night while everyone is sleeping is what I love to do but the commercials are off the hook and crazy but sometimes there is a gem thrown in. Last night I saw this one that made me giggle! 

What is your FAVORITE commercial??

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

JumpStart/MathBlaster Review and GIVEAWAY!

Our family has been given such an awesome opportunity to review JumpStart/MathBlaster online educational website.  We have been playing with JumpStart for a year now and enjoyed the Free Version but wow having the membership has opened new learning games and excitement for the kids. 
You can play Jumpstart and Mathblaster for FREE but the membership is AWESOME (well that is what my kids keep telling me).

With the membership you get:
  • Unlock new levels based on 1st - 6th Grade curriculum
  • Play member-only games and unlock bonus levels
  • Access more challenging HyperBlast and Zapper levels
  • Practice over 100 essential skills for school
  • and much more! 
Guess What.... a  PinkMama's Place Reader will be getting a 3 month subscription for FREE.  How EXCITING is that!  See at bottom of this post on how to enter the giveaway.  You will be able to play on JumpStart and MathBlaster both!

Lil Mama's Review: 
I enjoy JumpStart because you get to have pets and cool rides.  My favorite place to play is the JumpStart Academy.

MathBlaster is such a COOL game!  The math games are so much fun and I'm learning new stuff and understanding more on the math we worked on last year.  Plus I like playing with the pets in space.  I also like the Red Alert.

Lil Man's Review:
I think a lot of kids will enjoy JumpStart because it teaches you a lot and it's FUN.  My favorite place is the Downtown Fun Zone.
MathBlaster has a lot of math games for kids like me (I guess he is saying is age) and it's really cool!  My favorite place is the Main Hall.  I give 2 thumbs up and it's an AWESOME game and every kid should go there plus you learn a lot!

Mom's Review: 
Well there you have it Cool, Fun , Learn, and Awesome are the words my kids used!  It's funny in a way but now because that's all my kids want to play on computer and I can barley get on the laptop these days.  Also I have it attached to my Facebook page so I can see the different levels my kids have mastered on Jumpstart.  Lil Mama is 7 (going on 17) and JumpStart is her favorite and Lil Man is 9 and loves MathBlaster.  I enjoyed reading the Math Blaster Blog at http://blog.mathblaster.com and got a feel on what and where they are going.  I'm all for a game that teaches kids!  Now can I get my laptop back I have work to do....that's what I have to say everyday now! 

Now for the GIVEAWAY:  One Reader will get a 3 month Membership to Jumpstart/MathBlaster.

Required Entry: Leave comment letting me know who you would like to win this for, please leave email address so I can contact you!

Extra Entries: Please leave an extra comment for each
  •  Like PinkMama's Place on Facebook
  •  Google Friend Connect (right hand side of this blog)
  •  Follow PinkMama68 on Twitter
  •  Like Jumpstart on Facebook
  • Tweet about Giveaway and use hashtags #pinkmamasplace #giveaway
  • Share on Facebook or Blog

Giveaway ENDS 9/10/11  9pm Pacific Time. 

Disclosure: I was provided with a membership good for MathBlaster and JumpStart at no cost by Knowledge Adventure in order to test the products’ abilities and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but were not influenced by the company or the free product provided.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Are You Ready For School To Start?

Heck YEAH!  I know I sound super duper excited and guess what... I am! Now don't get me wrong I LOVE MY KIDS and have enjoyed the summer with them but if I hear "I AM BORED" one more time I'm going to scream at the top of my lungs.

We have done so many activities, friend play dates, camping but they still need something special to do everyday.  First thing out of one of their mouths in the morning is "What are we doing today?".  If I say "CLEANING" or "NOTHING" I have to hear them run their mouths until I agree to something.  They know how to work me I know, LOL!  Luckily we live close to a park and the swimming pool but what about what I want to do?

My house needs a  major cleaning and I can't do it with them around.  They make too many messes throughout the day. I know that is what kids do so I give them the summer to relax and enjoy but just wait until school starts because we are back on our checklists.  I'm making one for the morning, after school, and evening plus an allowance/reward will be involved again.  We had to stop the reward system after I quit my job.  BTW I'm really enjoying COZI- family calendar!

I'm exhausted! When they go back to school I think I'm going to sleep a week straight...hehehe RIGHT!   After the kids are in school then it's time for me to get a JOB! 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Moms Just Want to Have Fun!

A girlfriend of mine took me to a concert Friday night and it was so much FUN!  It was a grown up concert so it was calm and I had a blast. I danced, sang, and smiled the whole 4 hours we were there.  It was FUN!  I know I said FUN a couple times already but damn I haven't had FUN like that it a long time.

Moms are allowed to have FUN...right?  Well my family (actually I should say KIDS) has a hard time letting me go do that.  Before going out I had lil mama crying and grabbing onto my leg and screaming "Don't go MOMMY, Don't GO!".  During the concert I had 2 missed calls, 2 texts messages, and 1 gmail chat message....all saying "Where are you Mom" and that was all between 8-10pm, those were from lil man. REALLY DUDE! I get home at 12:30 am and guess who is waiting for me at the door...Lil Man!  All worried about his mommy.

I don't go out much at all...maybe 1 or 2 times a YEAR!  I'm a homebody for sure.  As you can see my family don't do well when I go out- SILLY PEOPLE.  Well, I really need to get out more just to show my family it is OK that I actually can have a LIFE and they will be okay without me for a few hours.

Next step is Daddy and I going out...wouldn't that be NICE! 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Lawon... Really? Big Brother played YOU!

"I have a 99 percent chance of coming back into the game with superpowers," is what Lawon said and guess what he was....TOTALLY wrong! 

He volunteered to go up on the block against Rachel (why he did that in the first place is STUPID) but he didn't mind being voted out because he really thought he would be right back in.  I want to live in his world of bubble gum and rainbows for sure.  Really Lawon! 

Through out the weeks Lawon hasn't done much but make everyone laugh. I forgot he was playing until he volunteered to go up on the block. 

Now the best part of last nights show was when he realized what happened...he is OUT for good!  His look was priceless. 

The house MESSED up last night by voting Lawon out though because America voted to bring back Brendon.  Then the game that they had to play was so not fair for Lawon and was way too EASY for Brendon-especially with his crazy girlfriend Rachel telling him what balls to get. 

Yep Brendon WON...of course.  Poor Lawon, you know this is going down in the books for one of the dumbest moves in Big Brother. 

Now Brenchel is BACK and watch out house!  Karma just came back and bit you in the ASS!  I'm not a Brenchel fan but they are making this season interesting.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I need a J*O*B*!

As much as I have enjoyed my family the past 3 months it's time that I go back to work.  The kids will be in school soon and that's my time to find a job.  Having NO money SUCKS.  I'm used to having money to go get a latte, take the kids to the newest movie, or buying something online that is a GREAT DEAL but the last 3 months haven't been like that at all!  I've learned my spending habits were out of control and I didn't even try to save my money.  So lesson learned.  I know what I can go without and what I can't these days.  The kids had some major eye openers too.  Hopefully we all have learned a lesson since I've been out of work.

What's been hard is how much stress this has brought into our family.  My hubby and I argue over money now- or lack of and how much he is paying and how much I'm not.  All bills fall in to his lap now and he is totally stressed out and in a bad mood a lot.  He is stepping up and doing it so I can't be mad at that at all- and really appreciate the fact he has been paying for everything.  But it is straining our relationship.  We have been together for 12 years and we pretty much was a DUTCH kind of family- we each payed half of everything.  Now he pays 100% of everything except rent which I still pay my half.  The only good thing that has come out of this is he now realizes I was doing my part in fiances and took care of the whole house too. 

The kids are stressed too... they aren't able to go get the "game" or "toy" they want when we go to Target.  We only buy food when we go to Target now.  They got a lesson in their spending habits too.  They are way too spoiled.  They don't need everything they ask for and I can say NO and it's not the end of the world when I do!  We have been doing a lot of FREE stuff and having fun doing it so another eye opener- we don't have to spend money to enjoy each other.

I'm happy I had this time with my family but I need to go back to WORK! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Custom Soccer Banners 2011

My husband makes SOCCER BANNERS.  Are you looking for one? The banners are 6x4 with sewn in pockets for PVC pipe (not included). We offer 4 different options/prices to fit every budget.   

1. NAME ONLY~ $65.00: This banner includes only the team , coaches, sponsors, and players names airbrushed in athletic script in team color.

2. BASIC~$85.00: One Mascot Image and Soccer Balls for Names

3. EXTRA~$95.00:One Mascot Image and Simple Design for Names
4. FULL: ($105.00) The whole banner is painted (top to bottom) with Mascot and Simple Design for the Names

We are located in Oakland, California but we WILL SHIP anywhere.  Shipping will cost an additional $5.00 for basic ground.  If you mention that you saw this on PinkMama'sPlace you will get an $1.00 off of shipping (I know not much but hey it's something)

You can leave a comment here and I will send you the soccer banner order info or you can order on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/plIDR6



Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big Brother Wedding- Ugh!

Yes, I'm a Big Brother fan- watch every season.  This season is just CRAZY and I feel sorry for the newbies because they are at a disadvantage but this week I think either Rachel (ewww) or Brendon will be leaving.  Thank goodness because I can't stand her voice, laugh, attitude and Brendon oh wow don't get me started on him.  Whatever one leaves will be a blessing!

Guess what they did?  A Garbage Bag Wedding and their outfits weren't half bad either.

Go here to watch the WEDDING: http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/video/2081462128/big-brother-bonus-scene-the-brenchel-wedding

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Free Books from Amazon Kindle Store

I'm a STALKER....yep I'm going to admit it- I stalk the Top 100 Free books in the Kindle Store on Amazon.  I read most of my books on my iPad.

Today I got FREE:

Hollywood Scandals

Raising Motivated Kids: Inspiring Enthusiasm for a Great Start in Life (School Savvy Kids)

Stress proof your life (52 Brilliant Ideas)

There are so many more to choose from so head on over and get you some summer reading.  You can put them on your Kindle, PC, Laptop, Phone, and iPad.  I can read my books anywhere I want! 

LOVE Amazon E-Books

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Winner of Uprinting.com Brochures

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1

Max: 8



so the winner is Lady of the Ozarks

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Going to Get the Kids- Woohoo!

It's been almost 2 weeks and we are heading back North to get our kiddos!  As much as I enjoyed the quiet and kid free fun my hubby and I had I really MISSED THEM! 

When the kids are home I'm consistently doing this or that so I took this time to DO NOTHING.  Now don't get me wrong I cooked, cleaned, and took care of house stuff but I didn't venture out much.  I needed some "me" time and I got it!  I'm relaxed and happy so my vacation was peace and quiet at my house. As a busy mom I needed that.  Thanks MOM- she must know these things.

We spoke to the kids 2 times everyday so I knew what they were doing and if they were staying out of trouble.  My mom says they are good kids and didn't fight whatsoever....ummm does she have the right kids?  My kids are good but damn they fight over the littlest things..."Mom Sahara touched my knee with her big toe" , that's what I hear on a daily basis.  They wonder why I roll my eyes all the time.  I'm just happy they were good for Mom- thank you kids!

Tonight we are going to drive about 4 hrs and then tomorrow 5hrs and then we should be pulling into Florence Oregon.  My hubby is going to be amazed with the Sand Dunes.  I'm sure we will be taking a lot of pictures (forewarned!).

I'm just going to say it...DRIVING SUCKS and anyone who knows me know I hate driving so doing trips like this is frickin annoying but to get my kids I'll suck it up and JUST DO IT!  LOL! 

Have a great weekend- and wish we have nice SUNNY weather so we can enjoy this camping trip that my mom thinks I'm not going to do well with...I'm not a camper either. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hotel Night- Spiders Oh My!

I can't sleep at hotels, can you?  Even when I sleep at someone elses house I'm constantly waking up.  So then how can vacations be fun if I'm always tired.  I guess that's the price I pay to have fun with family.  Well I'm getting older and sleeping in beds that are not mine is getting harder and harder.  Now lets say if the bed has one of those fluffy mattress/pillows that adjust to your body well then maybe I can do that! 

After driving through the night to get to the hotel we arrived around 1:30am and we were all tired so I thought no problem I'll be able to sleep.  I had to go to the bathroom bad so when we got the key to the room I went right into the bathroom and guess what I saw...a big spider!  Just take a wild guess on how I slept that night.  Not good, I itched all night and even had bites on my legs in the morning.  Ugh and Ewww! 

Now we are not staying in 5 star hotels more like 2.5/3 so I know we aren't getting the best but its what we can afford so I need to deal with that and at least its not Roach Hotel LOL!  Hey the kids and hubby slept just fine.  It's just me who is bitching.  I'm also the one who hates camping so it's just my issues. 

The next morning we get up and get ready to get on the road.  Oh yeah FOOD is needed.  We walk over to the Hotel's Cafe and had a yummy breakfast. They served 1/2 breakfasts now that's what I like! We were getting ready to leave and I'm looking for my phone and can't find it.  Before having a meltdown and dragging everything out of the car I send hubby to the hotel office and guess what...yep they had it!  Phew!

Back on the road!  Hubby was driving, he owed me some hours because I did most of the driving the night before, lol!  I'm in the back seat with Lil Mama who thinks putting her feet up on me is funny and proceeds to do that for about 4 hours.  I read on my iPad and played numerous games with her and in my head was wishing I was up in the front seat but also knew my son was having a blast in front with Daddy.  They were having some cool conversations about sports, games, and music.  Man stuff!

At the end of the day we pulled up to my Mom's house around 8:30pm and we were very HAPPY!

Please enter my GIVEAWAY: FREE 50 Brochures from Uprinting.com it ends 7/28.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Road Trip- Rental Car Problems

Oh my where do I start...when did it become so hard to rent a car?

We are a family who has DEBIT CARDS not credit cards.  We only spend what we have.  In our 20's we both got in trouble with credit cards so we decided not to have credit cards.  Well that awesome idea might have to change due to you can't rent a car unless you have a credit card. 

Now some agencies will take a debit card but put a freeze on the amount plus additional % more.  For example, our car rental was going to be $575 for a mid size for 10 days and they wanted to put a $1000 hold on our credit card.  Of course that wasn't going to work for this 1 income family because we needed that extra $500 for our vacation.  We didn't know all this until the DAY we  are to leave, of course. 

My husband works by the airport where all the rental car agencies are so he had his friend drop him off after work at agency.  Friend leaves and hubby goes in and went through all the motions with the agent and then BOOM..."we don't take debit cards, sir" - even though we used it to reserve the car in the first place.  He calls me and lets me know the bad news and that he will go to Hertz, we've rented through them before so he doesn't think it will be a problem.  They would but had to put a hold of over a $1000 on our card.  Nope- not worth it! So off my hubby goes, he has to walk a couple miles to the Bart and then walk home.  I would have gone to get him but he parked his truck in front of the driveway so my car was blocked in.  It was one disaster after another. 

But we all kept our focus on leaving so we tried to stay in good spirits.  We weren't taking our car because we really wanted something new and comfy to travel in.  Plus our car needed new tires and oil change so guess what hubby had to do when he got home- yep new tires and oil change.  At this point we are 4 hours behind schedule.  It crossed my mind just leave early in the morning but we had a hotel room already reserved so we had to go or loose $80.  Such pressure!  We leave and the best part was there was NO TRAFFIC.  If we would have left when we planned to we would have been in the heart traffic for a long time so maybe this happened for a reason- that's just my wishful thinking and reasoning not to get upset at the situation. 

Lesson Learned: Can't rent car with debit card!

Make sure you enter my Giveaway:  http://pinkmamasplace.blogspot.com/2011/07/uprintingcom-giveaway-50-brochures.html  ends this Thursday!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

UPrinting.com Giveaway- 50 Brochures

I was SO EXCITED when I was approached to HOST this wonderful giveaway. 

One(1) Winner
50 Brochures
8.5" x 11"
Do you have your own business,up coming event, or anything you want to print up in a brochure- think of the possibilities!!  This is great marketing tool that can add to your sales. Plus Uprinting makes it so easy for you as well, they have templates!  Please visit

How To Enter:

100lb Paper Gloss,
With Folding (Half Fold, Trifold/Letterfold, Z-Fold, Roll Fold, Accordion Fold), Outside and Inside printing,
2 Business Days Turnaround
Simply leave a comment telling us what you would use the 50 Brochures for and this must be done before extra entries will count.
Extra Entries:
  • Like UPrinting on Facebook and let them know PinkMama's Place sent you!
  • Follow UPrinting on Twitter
  • Sign-up with Giveawayblogs.com
  • Follow PinkMama's Place with Google Friend (right hand side)
  • Tweet, Facebook, Blog about this Giveaway- put link in comment 

 Other Info: 

  • Please leave a comment for each extra entry. 
  • Open to the US only 18 years or older
  • Must not have won the same print giveaway within the past six months.
  • Make sure we have a way to contact you if you should win.
  • Giveaway will be closed on July 28th, 2011 at midnight Pacific Time.
  • Winner will have 48hrs to respond
This giveaway is sponsored by UPrinting, no monetary compensation was given and I will receive a brochures for hosting.

Check out UPrinting.com to see more of their brochures and  brochure templates.


I Needed a Vacation from My Family Vacation

Wow...just wow what a TRIP that was. We got back last Monday (today is Saturday) and I'm just now feeling up to blogging.  I was exhausted emotionally and physically.  I've been on the couch the last 3 days with a killer stomach ache that the nurse said I might have an UCLER.  WTF!  I think I just ate something bad and maybe all the soda I drank while on vacation just messing with my tummy.  I prefer my diagnose.

Vacations are suppose to relaxing...right?  Yeah right when you travel with 2 kids on the road for 2 days then visit with family for a week then drive back in the RAIN through mountains, nope not relaxing in my book. 

However, I got to visit with some awesome family and friends and it was WORTH it so yes I might bitch a bit but it was overall a wonderful trip! 

This week was suppose to go a lot different but being on the couch sick made me slow down so I guess this was my laying by the beach moment.  I know reaching but hey it worth a shot.  I'm back feeling better and get ready for posts about our Family Road Trip!

BTW...kids are still up in Washington with their grandparents :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kids Addiction To Swimming

Today my eyes were opening up and its around 7:30am and there is this curly hair girl looking at me and says "Are we going swimming today?" not "good morning mom or how are you mom".  The pool opens at 2:30pm so in my head I'm like why is she asking me this question so damn early.  But in her head this is the big EVENT so she needs to plan her day.  I roll my eyes and let her know she needs to brush her teeth before asking me questions that require her to breath in my face.  She giggles but stays there and asks again.  Yes Sahara we are going swimming today! 

Ronnell wakes about after 8am comes and gives me a hug then asks "Mom are we going swimming?" yet again not even a  "good morning" but at least I got a hug before the big question.  Once again I roll my eyes. "Yes sweetheart we are going".  Then it was all smiles for about 2 hrs then the "When is it 2:30?" starts happening.  I did work this to my advantage though.  Every time they said something they had to do a  chore around the house.  Guess what got done by my kids today- they cleaned their rooms, they did dishes, vacuumed living room, and I got a load a laundry done by them. 

They were packed, swimsuits on, waiting by the door by 1:30.  LOL.  I am such a mean mom because its 2:13 and I'm still on the computer writing a blog entry. HEHE! 

Guess its time to go SWIMMING! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Going on a Road Trip

Am I even ready- no this is how I deal with STRESS, wait until the last minute!  HEHE!  No laughing matter here people, okay yes it is.  Back in the old days I used to write lists, get upset if things didn't get done, stress on everything and anything but now a days I just ROLL WITH IT!  Who am I joking???

I might not be as "anal" as I used to be but how could I with kids and a husband.  We will leave something behind, won't finish something I wanted to do, forget something important at home of course but what can I do about it when I'm already on the road.  My family will probably say- you will throw a fit- curse a couple times and then whine a couple hours but then it will be okay. 

I tend to do things at the last minute because that's just who I am!  My hubby will say its the Sagittarius in me- okay I go with that but really if I did all this crap last week it would get all dirty again, I would have to pull it out and really its just easier to pack the day before going. 

I have 3 lists:  To Pack, What We Need, To Do Around Here- very professional huh! 

I won't let this Family Trip stress me out! 

What are some things you forget at home you wish you didn't, great road trip tips, or anything you want to add to this ROAD TRIP post?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th July Everyone

Enjoy Family and Friends today

I'm dealing with Perimenopause

Well I think I have hit that wonderful experience (right, can you see me rolling my eyes!)- so excited... NOT! I'm going spare you on all the gory details but this is NOT FUN.  It says it can last  2 to 8 years- really?  My mom says it will be worth it- do I believe her though, lol!  I know this is a normal part of life but that doesn't mean I can't bitch about it, lol! 

This weekend was horrible! I was in a lot of pain and it was a nice weekend but I was in bed oohing and aahing.  My hubby did take the kids out for awhile on Saturday leaving me with some peace and quiet to sleep.  Sunday we got up and cleaned early so we could have the rest of the day off. I pretty much took it easy but still was trooper (even in pain).  Today I feel a bit better and the pain sustained but still not all the way myself.   The kids and hubby were wonderful and I feel so bad they have to see me like that though.  I will be making a doctor appointment this week because I don't want to go thru that pain every month. 

Something to look forward to: Menopausal Muffin Top LOL!  BTW I already have that, ugh!

What can I do to help me deal with this:
  • Eat Healthier- something I've been working on so this won't be hard to do.  They suggest diet low in saturated fat and includes plenty of fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, and high-fiber grains and breads.
  • Get adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D
  • Get regular exercise.  Working on that.  Been doing a lot of walking.  I want to start doing Yoga too.
  • Limit caffeine, alcohol, and stress.  OMG...does this mean I have to give up coffee.  Not sure if I can do that!  Limit alcohol and stress I can do that! 2 of 3 not bad right. 
Want to read more please go:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Thanks to Facebook I have a NEW NICKNAME

ShortStack and guess who is having so much fun calling me it....yep Lil Mama!  Then guess who told her to call me that...ummm my mom!  Thanks Mom!  But really I have Facebook to blame for this.

Last week I was working on fan landing pages for PinkMama's Place and Mr Airbrush Hands and I was using the site Shortstack to design them (which BTW the site ROCKS).  I "liked" the Shortstack site and it posted it on Facebook and my mom had so much fun with that one. 

Last night my daughter comes in room after calling me Shortstack for the 20th time ( and after having a conversation with my mom on the phone) and says " Mom your short and your stacked"  Ummm okay how she said it was fricken funny but she didn't realize exactly what she said because right after she said that she says "You stack books, clothes, and all kinds of things"  well you know what my hubby and I thought, right.  I am stacked! 

So thanks Facebook for the new nickname and the laugh.  At least my nickname from Lil Mama isn't as bad as what she calls her daddy "panties" I'm not sure how she came up with that name but I do know why...because it bothers him and she LOVES to pick on him. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WTF Wednesday- Spending Habits

I've been out of work for 2 months and wow my spending habits are very different now compared to when I was making money.  We are down to 1 income.  That alone is stressful but we had to do some changes to our lifestyle too!

Eating Out: Before quitting my job we went out to eat 2-3 times a week now maybe 1 time.  If we do go out its not at the cool family restaurant we used to dine at its like McDonald's or KFC now.  Just wrong.  This past weekend we felt like going out to breakfast and guess where we went, Denny's EWWW!  The kids liked it but I'm a bit picky and like my sausage to taste like sausage not mystery meat. It will be a long time before we do that again.

Grocery Shopping: I used to buy whatever was on sale and work around that.  Nope I need a list and what is on the list is what I buy.  If there is something on sale I might get it but it has to be a damn good sale.  My weekly budget is $100- try feeding 4 people on that but it works and we all have to stuck it up we don't have the abundance of food in the pantry.  You have to work with what you got.  I don't spend on frivolous things anymore.  I tend to put stuff back too! 

Treats:  I used to get a latte/mocha pretty much every day and now its like one every 2 weeks when I have a little spending change.  When I say change I mean quarters, dimes, nickels man I saved up for that white chocolate mocha and yes on the whip cream!  Also the kids don't get that weekly ice cream treat anymore.  I make ice pops out of juice now. 

Shoes/Clothes:  We haven't bought any summer clothes and we need them so next week I'm taking $100 and going to a consignment store to see what I can find.  Kids will be fine with used gear they don't need to know what store, right.  But I am having purse withdraws but as my kids have pointed out many times....Mom you have way too many purses!  Ugh! 

Entertainment:  What is that?  Going to the movies is what we enjoyed a lot.  Nope none of that going on anymore. We have Netflix and we enjoy that so it's all good.  We might pick up a bootleg movie at the flea market next time.  Reading is a great source of entertainment and we have been some reading fools with the library right up the street and its FREE! 

I make light of my spending these days but it was also a BIG EYE OPENER on just how much money I was wasting.  We have been finding free stuff to do and we are just FINE! 

Now if I can just get my hubby to stop stressing we might make it through this hard bump in the road. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Twitter Tuesday~ What Tools Do You Like?

I've been playing around with Twitter lately and its growing on me.  I can never keep up with all my followers but I do find COOL articles, a lot of sweeps, free items but also a lot of great information. 

Tool I use: 

HootSuite:  I really LIKE this site because I can post to several different pages at one time.  Plus schedule tweets.  There is so many things you can do! 

TweetDeck:  This is similar to HootSuite.  I say give both of them a try and see which one you like the best. 

TwitPic:  You can post photos or videos to TwitPic from your phone, from the site, or through email. I use this one for my hubby's airbrush business.  I post pics of his artwork and also can see how many views and people can comment on them. 

TweetMeme: Retweet cool stuff you come across.  The TweetMeme retweet button is for websites and blog publishers who want to encourage their audience to tweet their content on Twitter. The button shows a live count of the number of times your webpage or blog post has been tweeted.

Twellow: A search directory of people by area of expertise, profession or other attribute listed in personal profiles on Twitter.  I call this the YELLOW PAGES of Twitter!

WeFollow: Another SEARCH directory like Twellow. 

TwitterGrader: I got 98.2 out of 100- not bad!  This is a cool site that gives you some info to help you do better on twitter.  Can't believe I signed up for Twitter 3 years ago- WOW! 

Tweeparties: LOVE LOVE this site!  You can see a calendar of twitter parties and also start a twitter party.  If you don't know what a twitter party~ well is a fast virtual party on Twitter that uses #hashtags to keep track of the conversation.  Most are held at night and sometimes they even give away prizes.  I've done a couple and I got a lot of followers through the party.  Most of the time a Brand/Company will be the one hosting but anyone can throw a PARTY!

What about you any COOL Twitter sites/tools/apps you use and want to SHARE?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

We Need a LOCK on the Fridge!

Guess what it isn't for me either!  It is for my 9 year old son.  Dude has been eating us out of the house.  I can't keep up with it.

Yesterdays Menu:

Bowl of Cereal
Bagel w/cream cheese


2 Sandwiches
Rice Cake Chips
BBQ Chips
Fruit Snacks


Full plate of Chinese Food

3 Popsicles (only had permission for 1)

That what I know of!!!  I tell him to cool down because we can't go thru food this fast but he keeps telling me he is hungry.  What DO I DO?  If he keeps this up I might have to go on a hunger diet because we can't afford to feed him like this everyday.

Is this NORMAL for a 9 year old??  He isn't overweight but he isn't a skinny mini either.  I don't want to put any weight issues on him but is he in training for becoming a football player?

Friday, June 24, 2011


HSN Arcade...a new casual gaming and digital commerce portal from multichannel retailer HSN.

  • In an unprecedented move to combine casual gaming with the ecommerce experience, HSN Arcade allows people to play their favorite games online while they simultaneously watch HSN streaming live in HD, view the item currently on-air and quickly shop the last 15 items aired…all on one screen.
  • HSN Arcade integrates with Facebook® to allow players to easily share their scores and achievements with their Facebook friends.
  • HSN Arcade hosts 25 games, including the exclusive Today’s Special Jigsaw Puzzle, Lights! Camera! Subtraction! (featuring HSN’s celebrities), Crossword Puzzles, Word Search, Mahjongg, Dimensions, Sudoku, Treasure Hunt, BlackJack and more.
  • Celebrities like Wolfgang Puck, Colin Cowie, Lisa Price and Wei Briant among others will play a role in some of the games.
  • The games are FREE to play.
  • Players can win prizes, including the Today's Special product or a gift card, by being the fastest to complete the daily “Today’s Special Jigsaw Puzzle” and receiving the best score.
  • People can participate in tournaments with HSN’s celebrity guests, hosts and other players for the opportunity to win other prizes, such as gift cards and products.
  • Winners can be announced via TV, online and mobile.

I played a couple of the games and had a blast then the kids wanted to play too! Mom can't have any fun. 
Also make sure you enter the The $150,000 More to Celebrate Giveaway

PS:  I did not receive any compensation for this post. Just Spreading the INFO!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Whiner Wednesday

Why...well because I'm having a hard time dealing with damn HOT weather.  I know nothing to really gripe about but it makes me so uncomfortable.  Whine Whine Whine :)

I've lived in the Bay Area now for 12 years so you would think by now I could deal with the handful of HOT weather days we get a year, lol!  I'm a redhead so it's not like I can go in the sun and enjoy.  I need to goop the sunscreen on every where (my head too), sweat - ewww hate to sweat, hurts my eyes, and I get light headed.  Maybe I'm vampire or maybe I just need to stop the b*tching and just enjoy!  HAHA!

This worst part of this weather is I can't sleep!  I can have a fan on but then the noise bothers me so I go into other rooms in the house to lay down and sometimes that work but its like sleeping at someone elses house because your not in your comfy bed so I tend to wake up all night long.

Geez I'm a big whiner today LOL!  Whiner Wednesday!

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