
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm a WINNER-woohoo!

I won something!  I never win and now I won a case of cookies!  Snackville here we come.  Milano cookies are so yummy anyways.....and strawberry too.  I'll let you know I how I like them.

Your Grand Prize is a bushel of Strawberry Milano® Cookies (a case of 24 bags of Strawberry Milano cookies).  Approximate retail value (“ARV”): $81.36/each

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Morning and Coffee

I know I've talked about Monday Morning and Coffee in separate posts but today they go together.  I need a lot of coffee to deal with Monday mornings, LOL!

Saturday was filled with running around with kids to do this and do that.  My son played in a soccer tournament and wow my inner soccer mom came out!  I was on the sidelines screaming and clapping.  My son looked proud but he did ask me not to be so loud.  Okay I'll tone it down. 

Sunday I work at a cafe as a manager and its stressful some days.  Yesterday was one of them!  I come home and went right to my room.  That's where everyone hangs out anyways so I'm not closing myself off.  My husband evens brings me my dinner in there- I know a bit spoiled.  I have a hard time walking after being on my feet for 10 hrs.  I'm getting too old and also not in the best health but still get the job done- its the aftermath that kills me.

Monday mornings I would LOVE to just relax after the kids go to school but that's a big fat NO!  Every room is a mess.  Love my kids and husband but they are DIRTY.  This day is far more cleaning than I want to do but I guess that's my life for now.  I try to let them know in a very nice mom/wife voice that I don't want to be cleaning a big mess but they just don't get it.  Their "clean" is a lot different than my "clean".

Anyways, now that I bitched about the Monday Mess again- its time to get off the computer (lip out) and clean my house.  Rolling eyes too BTW!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My NEW Blog Design by Cutesy Couture Designs

While I was doing the Back to Blogging event with the SITS gals this wonderful blogger offered to other bloggers to redesign their blogs for such an incredible price I couldn't pass on it!  Plus the design on her website http://www.cutesycouturedesigns.com/ was just what I was looking for.  I emailed her and she got right back to me and I loved that! She asked what I like, colors, and really wanted my opinion on what I want my blog to look like and GUESS WHAT...she made it BETTER than I imagined! 

Thank you Kate for doing such a wonderful job and making my personal blog so ME!  Love it Love it! 

I highly recommend Kate for blog design!  Please check her out and lets support fellow mom bloggers!!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Going to be a Social Media Manager

Yes Mom I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up!  A Social Media Manager~this entails managing online social media profiles like facebook & twitter for businesses.  I've been training here and there for the last year but just recently took courses on How To Become a SM Manager. I love it and it fits in right now with what I am doing for others. 

One of my projects this week is to work on my husbands website- get it all cleaned up, install new plug-ins, get that social media up and running for him, and get more traffic coming to his site. 

Other project is my new website- pamallenonline.com.  I have it up and running now I just need to add content- start writing posts! 

This is wonderful because I have one site I need to do maintenance on and the other site I'm setting up so I'm working on 2 different kind of sites and that's what the course taught me how to do!  I'll keep you updated on the progress of both pages. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

99 Cents 6"x6" Photo Book Deal!

Another great offer from ArtsCow. Pretty much the same concept as the previous free memo pads and mousepad deals, all you need to do is share and shout this offer to your friends on Facebook. Once you have posted this promotion on your Facebook wall, you can use your activated coupon code to design a hardcover 6” x 6” for only $0.99*, no shipping fees required!

This 20-paged hardback version is completed with a sterling matte cover that allows you fully personalize from back to front. Moreover, you can choose from hundreds of designs using our pre-designed templates if you wish to seek inspiration and ideas.

They only allow 500 per day so if you don't get today try tomorrow!
Click here to get yours!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sometimes don't you feel like......


Don't get me wrong I will help out just about anyone but sometimes I need to say NO.  I'm not sure why it is but I can only say NO to my hubby and kids.  Just a darn shame, tell ya~!

Tonight on top of trying to get ready for Back to School Night, figure out what I'm going to say when I have to get up in front of the school (not nervous about that at all-lol), and dealing with my 2 bored kids who want to be at home riding their new bikes instead of being at the school past 6pm- I was approached to help a single mom out in need.  I was told it was a very rare occasion that this parent would need me but just in case...OMG don't believe the hype!  After talking to the parent in need- she needs a whole heck of a lot then the occasional pick up from school.  This mom needs to drop off child at 6:30am 2-3 a week, days that school is closed she needs a sitter, also every other weekend.  Really.... then after requesting what she needs then she let me know she can't pay me anything.  First of all- money was never mentioned but for all that she needs to offer something.  Weekends- that's a big no no and I did say I can't do that because I work-which I do on Sunday.  I possibly can handle the drop off but damn that's early for a kid that's not yours.  Mine don't even get up until 7am.  I will help this parent out because my heart says its the right thing to do but a part of me wants to slap myself upside my head!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Post It Note Tuesday

I'm not sure why I decided to this but I went to my new favorite blog One Brownie At A Time and she was doing this Post It Note Tuesday so for the FUN of it I did it too!

That One Mom

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday's are ROUGH!

I enjoyed my cup of coffee and now its time to get moving and get things DONE.  Personally I would love to sit at the computer all day (not very healthy I know) but yes I have CLEANING to do- geez sometimes the life of mom sucks!  Only the cleaning part. 

Weekends are busy at the Allen's.  Usually on Saturday we have a b'day party or playdate to go to for each kid.  We try to clean house, and when I say "we" I do ask everyone but I usually get "Oh Mom its Saturday" attitude so I tend to do it myself.  Sunday's I go to an actually J.O.B.- I'm a waitress/manager at a cafe that I've been with for 11 yrs.  Sunday's are CHAOS and I'm the one in charge- pressure and more pressure.  I have a great crew so that helps but some days I just want to give it the big middle finger.  I come home to a messy house- love my hubby but cleaning is not his forte.  I should have caught that clue when I started dating him and he had old beer bottles under his bed.  But hey love is blind, right!  I do get dinner cooked for me though- so big woohoo for hubby on that.  However, when I get up on Monday I see Hurricane Allen has hit my house yet again. 

I guess I need to move my big booty off this comfy chair, blast some smooth RB, put on my gloves and conquer this MESS! 

Do you like Coffee?

I LOVE me some coffee.  Tell you the truth I can drink this stuff all day!  Yep all day and still fall asleep at 10pm.  It tastes so good.  Thank goodness my husband works at Peets Coffee as a machine operator and brings home coffee all the time!  Do you know how much money he saves me!!! 

My hubby didn't drink coffee until he started at his job 5 yrs ago and now he needs it EVERYDAY! 

I guess I needed to share this because I'm sitting her at the computer drinking the BEST cup of coffee.  I'm also in my PJ's, house is quiet-kids at school, and its Monday!  What a beautiful start.  It's going to be a blessed one for sure.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Back to Blogging Day 5: What Blogging Means to You

What blogging means to me~ going blank of course but it will come to me.  I just recently started being active on this blog because I do want to incorporate blogging into my life.  I feel its going to be an awesome way to express my feelings- good or bad.  My family is a trip sometimes so I love too write about all the goofy fun stuff my kids do.  I'm having a hard time posting some stuff but guess what I write it but it stays as a draft.  I had a diary in my teens and this is so much more fun. 

I have a journey that I'm traveling and this blog is helping me in so many ways.  I'm a pretty shy person but if I can write down my feelings than people will understand me more.  I have trouble talking in front of people because I'm always wondering what they are thinking- working on that!  If I can write down my feelings and people can relate or understand than its all good.  I love email- I'm a hate the phone kind of girl.  Phones-ugh!  I know a bit odd but its how I am! 

I'm going to be venturing on a new path soon and this blog is where I'm going document it.  My journey to becoming a Social Media Manager.  Looking forward to this and I'm real excited about future opportunities. 

Blogging is a lot work though.  It's not just writing it- well maybe for some but for others this is a way to communicate with others and that requires work.  I LOVE visiting other blogs and learning about them and their journeys.  I have became web friends with other bloggers and I hope to gain more relationships with my own journey.  Blogging is a creative expression outlet and I'm excited to be in the blogging world.

I give a BIG THANKS to Blogfrog and to my favorite community on there: The Secret to Success is Support Community for having these wonderful events and SUPPORT!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

1st PTC (PTA) meeting TONIGHT

I'm nervous!  Why am I nervous well its been a rough road lately at the school and I'm just hoping that our work we have been doing is making a difference.  We are newly formed PTC (Parent Teacher Corp)group and some days I feel we are just winging it.  A lot of parents look at me for answers and I got to say that's scary because what if I'm not telling them correct information or directing them in the wrong direction or better yet looking totally LOST! 

We have a new principal this year and so far I haven't heard too many good things but its still early right!  She sure did clean up the school A LOT!  However, she isn't as open as the other principals (yes plural) but she is efficient and right now that is what our school needs.  We are a Charter School and we are up for our review this year so certain things need to happen in order for us to get renewed. 

Tonight we have agenda and I hope we STAY on track and move forward.  Moving forward is a phrase I have heard a lot this past couple months.

I want to reach out to parents and get them involved because it so worth it for themselves and for the kids.  My kids are so proud of their mom and guess what I'm proud of myself too.  I feel what I'm doing is worth something and if I look at that BIG picture I know this will help.  My confidence has gone way up and yes I do feel good talking too other parents.  Now do I like getting up in front of a whole classroom full of parents- OH HECK NO but I still do it!  Why- for my kids!!!

So wish me luck and that we have a good turn out for our very 1st meeting of the school year! 


Who INSPIRES me- Day 4 Assignment Back2Blogging

Wow a deep question! Of course I'm going to say my mom.

My Mom~

What can I say but wow this woman has been thru some shit in her life.  I'm not going to go in detail but my mom is the STRONG woman she is because of what she has had to endure her 60 years.  Sorry mom- told your age but I think your pretty proud of it so no worries. 

My mom has been thru A LOT in her life and I applaud her for fighting the odds the best she could.  My mom is a fighter that is for sure, she doesn't back down.  So unlike myself- who runs for cover whenever issues arise.  My mom has had to deal with her identity- who she really is.  She wasn't told until her teens that her dad wasn't really her dad.   What a blow.  My mom has been abused by pretty much every man in her life- no matter what kind of abuse it was still ABUSE.  She has had to deal with 3 kids who all have gone through abuse in their lives.  She was not aware of some of the abuse until we were older.  She has had to overcome addictions in her life that almost ruined her but she is fighter and she never let it get to a point of destruction.  She is in constant pain every day and that dictates how her day will go-some days she is as young as her grandchildren and some days she can't function.  She has fought this too- by turning to aromatherapy and starting her own business making aromas.   

I could go on and on about my mom and what a special woman she is but that would be such a long post!  I do want to say THANKS MOM because I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for her.  She has inspired me to let go of a lot of anger and pain I've held on to for many years.  She is the one I call when I need advice, comfort or I just need to bitch. My mom ROCKS and its been a rough bumpy road but we made MOM-thanks!!!!


Back2blogging event SPONSORS:   Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath, and Florida Builder Appliances,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 3- My Favorite Post Title

Wednesday, September 15: Re-upload a post with a title that you are particularly proud of and explain why.

This assignment was fun and very interesting.  Looking through some of my titles I giggled but then i also thought WTF was I "on" that day LOL!

I think my my favorite post title is: I'm a Trapped Fashion Diva

I was having a "Back In The Day" moment for real!  Yes, I used to get my nails done every week and hair styled every 2 weeks.  Buying clothes every week, shoes oh my, purses for every outfit- yes I lived the life for a bit.  But guess what, I would rather have all the hugs and kisses from my two lil ones than a new pair of nice shiny $100 shoes any day!  I even told someone today how I used to be very girly girl who wore high heels, makeup, nails airbrushed, and all the cool clothes a girl would love and you should have seen her face.  It took me back for a second, like do I really look that bad now.  I joked with her and she said "no you look like a mom should be" I of course laughed out loud and said thank you!  But in my head I was WTF does a mom look like then I came home and looked in the mirror and I had to agree.  I had a school sweatshirt on, jean capris, cute flip flops,  hair in a pony tail, and no make up.  However I know some really HOT moms and I so wish I dressed like that but I feel comfortable and feel good so that is all that counts right!!!

Thanks for the trip down memory lane SITS B2Blogging event!

Post:  http://pinkmamasplace.blogspot.com/2009/02/im-trapped-fashion-diva.html

Back2blogging event SPONSORS:   Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath, and Florida Builder Appliances,

Kid Clutter

We all have it and if you don't please let me know how you do it.  The kids are already coming home with papers everyday and now my desk in the kitchen looks like the paper monster pucked on it! 

Lil Man's is okay with me going through and throwing away what we don't need BUT Lil Mama oh my do I get in trouble if I try to throw anything away.  I get she is proud but I don't need 6 pieces of paper of the same thing- pick one! I gave each kid a big cereal box (the kind you get from Costco w/the double bags in it) and that's where everything goes in for 2010...guess what- both is almost full so something needs to be thrown away since we have a couple more months left. Both are coming home with art work but where do I put it.  I have some framed on the wall but Lil Mama wants to change it everyday and that's not going to happen.  I'm going to find a wall in her playroom to showcase her work-will look into some creative ways but if you know of something please let me know :)

How do kids get so much clothes??? Oh yes all the hand me downs and all the "this is so cute" let me buy it moments that I have.  We have 2 kids we give hand me downs to and I swear I'm giving them clothes every month.  I guess I need to learn how to say no- if I don't need the handmedowns and stop shopping for the kids (hubby would love that).  Better idea- take myself shopping, what a concept !  Mama needs new shoes!

The other day going through Lil Mama's playroom I pulled 2 garbage bag full of little ponies, dolls, baby clothes, and misc stuff that lil mama actually let me give away.  The little girl we gave them too was in HEAVAN and that made both us feel so good.  Lil Mama might be inclined to give away more at later date and I soooooo would love that.  I go girl crazy every b'day/xmas and buy dolls, lil ponies, dress up and all those girly things I would have loved to have growing up but Lil Mama is not me.  Give her artwork, craft, and Lego's and she will be all good!  I think I might need shopping intervention but I'm working on it!

Now did we address the clutter issue...not really but hey I worked through some issues and I'm willing to move on LOL!

I did find a cool site that gives some great ideas: http://smead.com/hot-topics/getting-rid-of-clutter-1380.asp

Lets hear how you handle clutter...... :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Love these Recycle Bins

I had to share this because it is SOOOO cute and easy to make!  Wheels are spinning- I can have hubby paint some for our house. We recycle but I notice not everyone in the house does- not sure who it is but its someone :).  But maybe if we have them labeled not just MOM/WIFE telling you which one than maybe we can make it work. 

Here is the website they cam from http://mitchellgeere.posterous.com/our-recycle-bins but I actually got the article from a Facebook Fan page: Planetpals-CHARACTERS

Day 2- Back2Blogging- My Hubby~Thank You!

ASSIGNMENT: Tuesday, September 14: Re-upload a post you wish more people had read and explain why it was important to you.

Old Post: 
My hubby~Thank You

Author: PinkMama
Posted at: Monday, December 28, 2009
Filed Under: hubby

Well sometimes as you can see from previous posts I just want to scream WTF is wrong with you but other times I just look at him like I did the first day I met him with those goo goo eyes! Yesterday, I came home from work and he had the house clean, laundry worked on, kids alive, and made a yummy dinner. He made sure I didn't have to do much and I was able to relax. What a man! I appreciate him and he doesn't know it but I brag a lot about what a wonderful husband I have to my customers. Last year at this time I wasn't quite sure if we would have made it but we did and have even grown as a couple. Looking forward to a wonderful year and more growth in our relationship. When I see him trying I want to try even more!
New Post:
Why is this post so important to me, well.....because my husband is very important to me!  Simple huh!  My hubby is our ROCK.  He gets up at 3:30am every morning to go to a job he HATES then comes home and works more on his airbrushing business.  Okay maybe not everyday he does that but 3-4 days lately.  On weekends he has at least one event to paint at so he rarely gets a day off.  I do cringe when I see him playing video games on his spare time instead of working on stuff around the house or outside but I have to let that go because that is a fight I won't win!  I've learned over the years to pick my battles.  LOL!  Plus he cooks Sunday dinners- love that!!! 
As a wife I want to recognize that I have a wonderful husband and I would like to apologize on here if I bitch about him but this is how I can work through it.  Then he doesn't have to hear about it and I won't become that wife who is nagging all the time.  Okay I nag but in my own way- I make jokes! 
Respond if you have a WONDERFUL HUSBAND and let us know why!!!

I forgot to add that this Back2blogging event has SPONSORS:   Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath, and Florida Builder Appliances,

Monday, September 13, 2010

SITS Back to Blogging Challenge – My first ever blog post

ASSIGMENT: Monday, September 13: Re-upload the first post you ever wrote on your blog. If interested, re-write that post, showing us a before and after look at the piece.


Hello Everyone

Author: PinkMama
Posted at: Thursday, July 10, 2008
Filed Under: pinkmama

Hi~My name is Pam but I go by PinkMama on the web. I'm getting real close to the big 40 and there are some things I want to do with the direction of my life. So why not write a blog about it!

What I will be writing about:

* decorating my rental (not a homeowner but still need color/fashion)

* finding my STYLE~ in my house and in my clothing

* organizing my life'

* healthy habits I really need

I'm sure I'll be throwing more out at you (and myself) but this is a good start.
Wow its been 2 years since I started this blog!  I have kept to most of what my first blog says but I think I added a lot more about my family...not so much about me.  I've had some changes in my life since that post but its all good and looking forward to posting more about my life/family.
Waving at everyone out there in blogosphere that is visiting and reading this post.  I'm Pam and still going by PinkMama so whatever you want to call me its all good! I'll be 42 (ouch) this year but hey I've accepted that every  year I get older so why fight it.  My kids love to tell others my age but I cringe when I have to!  I hope you continue to follow my journey- still unsure where I'm going but I do have more direction. 

What I will be writing about:

* Making my rental into a HOME- we have moved to a bigger and better placed.  Feel very blessed to be where we are now.  This HOME fits our family and we have been enjoying this house since Nov 2009.  I've been doing my thing in this house but still want to DECORATE- and still finding out what my style is BTW!

* So far my style is flip flops, jeans, and a cute t-shirt.  How mommy can I be???

* Organizing my life- a plan in progress for sure!  I make To Do lists but do I stay with it- not really.  I'm still working on this part of my life.  Looking for a workable journal/agenda/planner-so if you know of one please let me know:)

* Healthy Habits-  I've lost 25lbs in a year so I think this has happened.  I really watch what we eat but I'm not totally engrossed in it.  Just last night I had a chocolate doughnut.  I try harder with the kids though.  Still working on this but I think I will be for years.

PinkMama will be sharing about kids, hubby, work, my new business (social media), oh yeah being part of my kids school PTA (which we call PTC and I'm Vice Chair).  I do have about 100 different projects that I need to start, work on, and or finish and I'll be writing about those as well.

~Pink Mama (I need to find a cool signature btw)

If you want to be part of this SITS BACK TO BLOGGING EVENT: visit Back2Blogging

Also the event is sponsored by Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath and Florida Builder Appliances.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Routine...huh Whats That?

I'm a go with the flow kind of gal but with children can you really be that!  I'm finding it harder and harder to do.  I try to do a "to do list" but that lasts what... a couple days.  I accept the fact I need to be organized.  2010 I've been working on that but haven't quite get where I want but I have couple months still.  Geesh, I am a Sagittarius.

I need to do several days of the Problogger Challenge.  I need to read the ebook.  I see a lot "I need" in my sentence here....hmmmm!  Anyways I what I really need is someone to cook, clean, be a mom, be a wife than I can do what I want.  LOL!  Just kidden- I love my life! 

Today the kids are at home and its nice but the fighting/arguing has already started and its only 9am- breathe in breathe out :)

Starting tomorrow I would like to have some kind of routine/schedule set but don't hold your breath, lol!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 3 on the Blogger Challenge is Promoting a Blog Post.

 WOW....where do I promote my blog posts.  I have it already going to twitter automatically and on FB I do have them sent to my blog page.  I don't want EVERYONE reading my blog posts on FB because I sometimes write about them (mainly my hubby) so if they look on their own that's fine but I don't want to blast to my family how pissed off I am at hubby or the kids. 

I'll go thru my posts and promote today on FB! I should write up a post about SALES for Labor Day weekend- I see several deals out there that I could share.  Woohoo I love it when ideas hit me upside my head. 

Last month when I did this I did it wrong- can you believe that (LOL)!  I promoted someone else's blog post not my own.  What a dork I can be sometimes! 

Crazy Week!

It's almost done right!  I thought this week was going to be easy breezy- and whoever put that in my head LIED!  Might have been me though :( 

I tend to overextend myself a bit and then of course get all stressed out about it.  I need a sign that says CHILL!  This was the kids first week at school and I thought I was going to have soooooo much time to do this and do that.  Wrong! Wrong!  Lets just say I was busy from 6am to 8pm. Couple mornings got up w/hubby at 4am.  Just like every other mom out there :)  BUSY!

I still haven't touched laundry which I should be doing instead of sitting on here telling you I need to do laundry, but hey that's how I roll.

Today's To Do List:
  1. Laundry
  2. clean living room carpet
  3. kitchen-daily clean
  4. bedroom-daily clean
  5. bathroom-wipe down
  6. sew 2 banners in morning
  7. sew 2 banners when hubby comes home with more material
  8. answer emails
  9. do the 30Day blog challenge-day 3
  10. answer soccer banner emails
  11. work in PTC database-school stuff
  12. work on my online job- about 1hr of customer service 30 minutes of apps
most of this needs to be done by 1pm when I get the 9 month old baby, watch him to 3pm then go pick up my kids, drop off baby to teacher then walk home- listening to WHY DO WE HAVE TO WALK HOME all the way home. By the time we are home (a 10 minute walk) of course wished I drove but I'm trying to be healthier by getting some exercise in.  I know kids rough life just rough!

So I guess I need to go do some house work for an 1hr then computer for an hour and so on and so on!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of School

Wow...it final came!  The summer was nice but this last week I was "PLEASE PLEASE HURRY 1st day of school" or else someone is going to be in a lot of trouble. 

My patience with the fighting, tattling, hitting/touching each other was beyond DONE.  Being referee is such a tiring position and I would have loved to keep them in their own rooms every day just to keep from hearing MOM- she hit me, he hit me, she touched me, he touched me, she called me a butt head (knowing we don't use those words), he pulled my hair, he won't let me, she won't let me...should I go on or do you get the picture. 

My patience with my hubby was DONE too.  Another post :)

When school started yesterday it was such a big relief off my shoulders that I felt at least 30 lbs lighter LOL!

I did a Boohoo breakfast at the school for NEW KINDERGARTEN PARENTS and that was a hit.  Went to breakfast with a friend.  Came home worked and cleaned house.  Watched the baby for 2 hrs and then walked to get the kids.  I felt very productive yesterday, something I haven't felt all of August! 

All the way home the kids talked about their teachers and other students.  It felt good that we are back to school and now we won't get on each other nerves so bad.  Love them but it was time. :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Being a MOM to an adult is so hard!

My son who is 20 yrs old and already has a child told me last month that he is expecting a new baby but with the "new" girlfriend.  Oh geez really!  As his mom I wanted to scream, yell, hit, say all kinds of bad words but he lives 2 states away so what good is it going to do.  I took a deep breath told him I loved him and would be there for him.  I did say this was going to make life even harder and I hope he was ready for it.  In my best mom voice.  But wow I just wanted to say WTF you doing!!! UGH UGH UGH!  He hates school and decided that he doesn't want to go to college, BIG MISTAKE but he doesn't listen to reasoning that all his family has given him.  He could even go to school for FREE because he is Native American but he wants to do this his way.  Dealing with this age is like fingernails on the chalkboard CRINGE CRINGE!  I could go on and on but it would take for days.  LOVE my son but someone needs to hit him upside the head to unleash the common sense that has been trapped. 

This week he called to let me know that they think they lost the baby but still want to get married.  Now, don't get me wrong I would have embraced this baby with open arms but the mom in me felt a sign of relieve and now he might have a fighting chance on getting his life together before bringing in the world another child.  I told him that I have experienced this a couple times in my life (in my 20's) and I felt I wasn't ready yet so I was given another chance to get it right!  I made sure he was treating his GF with respect and keeping care of her while she was dealing with this and he assured me he was. 

Being a mom to an adult is sooo HARD!

Which one is STITCH?

I love Lil Mama- she is such a character and this made my day.  Last week I was cooking and I asked her to get plates out and she says "Mom LOOK"  I just about died!  She is goofy . 

Monday, August 23, 2010

What more can a mom ask for~

I work as a waitress on Sundays, one of the busiest days of the cafe and I'm no spring chicken but hey it brings in the moola.  I've been with this cafe for 11 years and will probably be there for couple more.  My body can't take much more abuse but oh well I don't see winning the lottery in the future.

Sundays the family knows the routine, I'm down for the count after being on my feet for 10 hrs. In my room I stay.   My hubby makes dinners on Sundays so tonight we had BBQ- yummy but the kitchen is looking like it needs some attention but I'm keeping my mouth shut because I've learned to pick my battles.  My daughter gave me a foot rub and my son gave me attitude!  What a wonderful night to a very bad week! 

These nights make me feel very blessed!

Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you juggle all the Mom/Wife/Woman Duties??

This is so fricken hard sometimes.  Some days I want to walk out the door and go somewhere for a week and let them figure it out.  When I talk about THEM- its hubby and kids.  We are having a bad financial couple months (like everyone else) and its getting to a boiling point in our house.  This week has been real rough, no cash what so ever and that doesn't happen often but when it does it hurts!  Kids don't understand that no we can't just go to the store and buy whatever you want and hubby is grumpy so that is hard to deal with.  My hubby and I rarely fight but have been a lot lately.  Lack of money is a marriage killer for sure. 

Trying to keep house clean (impossible), dishes clean (hate that job), laundry (mt clothes never goes down), keeping kids occupied (would be nice if they can play by themselves w/o fighting), my online job (priority but no one understands that), food (wow kids are human garbage cans), paying bills or letting them know we can't until...., man the list can go on and on but guess who does all this ME.  Can I get a THANK YOU or HOW CAN I HELP but no I get attitude! 

How do I juggle all this plus keep that smile on my face? Where is cleaning fairy when I need her.  Its either my house or my kids who get my attention and its a battle.

Can you tell I'm stressed :)  Time to turn into SUPER MOM!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cre8tive Mocha: Enchilada Casserole

Cre8tive Mocha: Enchilada Casserole: "I am always looking for something quick and delish to fix for my family. So I was all into this Enchilada Casserole that my good friend Raun..."

Soccer Banner Season

This is our 9th year doing soccer banners.  I sew the 6x4 banners (make pvc pipe sleeves) and my husband airbrushes them.  I was getting a bit worried this year because usually by Aug we have at least 10-15 orders and we had 0!  But this week they have been piling in and that's a BIG WOOHOO because this is a money maker for us and it allows us to catch up and buy big tickets items.  This years its bikes for the whole family! 

These are examples of the banners!  If your interested (don't ya just love the plug) and don't live in the Bay area....no problem we ship!!  Want more info please go to http://mrairbrushhands.com/category/soccer-banners/

School Update

How in the heck did I become Vice-Chair of our school Parent Teacher Corp (PTC but in other schools PTA), oh yeah because I work everyday on some kind of school issue.  I do love it but some days I just want to scream and go hide in a hole. 

Our school has many financial issues just like every other school out there.  We are a newly re-organized parent/teacher group that is basically starting over and need help in all areas.  I'm working on a PTC Handbook for all parents. We need all the parent support we can get and hoping this year we can get it!

Our school has had a BAD past year and now looking forward to moving on and making strides.  Wish me luck and if you know any programs/fundraising ideas/tips/tricks please pass them on to me, would love to know what other schools are doing.  Plus wish me luck and hope we can make a big change this school year. 

Oh yeah a website that has really helped me out is http://www.ptotoday.com/

I Suck!

I totally flopped on the SITS challenge.  I started it when my kids were gone and did what 5 days then the rug rats came home and been on the CAN WE CAN WE ride ever since.  I haven't even had time to take a bath and shave my legs the past couple weeks.  No worries I shower but by the time I get the conditioner on I have 1 of the kids knocking or coming in the bathroom asking WHAT ARE YOU DOING MOM, CAN I.......so no time to shave.  Thank goodness I'm redhead and my hair is very fair and the freckles hide the hair.  I know TMI for some but for moms you know what I'm talking about! 

I did buy the ebook so I'll do the 30 day challenge myself and do it on my time...it might be 90 days but hey it will get done and I will make this blog fun and exciting!  Pressure people. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wow, I have some catching up to do w/Problogger Challenge!

My family and I were on vacation and my internet connection sucked so I wasn't able to do Day 6-10 but this week I will catch up!  Promise.

I'm really happy to be part of this blogging community and I made a commitment to myself to complete this challenge!  Lil pep talk for myself.  I have some great pictures and stories to share as well.  I might have to drink coffee a couple nights but I can do this and I will. 

(by the way need to look into a signature)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Reaching out to others- Day 5 Email a Blog Reader

WOW that's was scary and I'm 41 yrs old- what does that say about me.  I felt like I was in preschool and I'm the little girl with her head down trying to see if anyone wants to be my friend but how can that happen with my head down.  Oh GEEZ Pam hold that head high and be proud. 

I did it...I emailed a reader and thanked her for the comment and how much I loved her writing style.  Guess what she wrote me back...wow!  It worked.  I can see that a blog is a lot more work than posting a story here and there.  Guess I need to play nice and make blogger friends.  I'm all up for that. 

I know I posted this day late but had other life issues to deal with yesterday.  Needed to actually do some work for my hubby's business.  Now on to Day 6! 

Friday, July 23, 2010

OMG the things my kids say!

Last night my mom had me in tears!  She was telling me the silly things my kids have been telling her.  Yes, of course I was thinking WTF are they telling her...mom screams too much, mommy is on the computer a lot, daddy drinks every day....NO they say stuff like this:

My Mom is short because she drinks too much coffee.
Well so happy to know the reason why I'm short...DAMN COFFEE!

School Fundraising- Resource

If your looking into different fundraising for your kids, school, church, sport teams here is a great resource. Now that I'm on my kids school PTA I'm always looking into programs like this. The site is very helpful and you can request a free info kit. Every school needs money in this day of age so pass this on and lets help our schools!!

Raise Money for Your Group or Organization!

Fun Fundraising Products

Student Club Fundraisers

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 4 of theSITS Problogger Challenge

Geez its the 4th day and I'm already wondering if this what I needed to do....YES PAM it is, okay talked myself into. 

Day 4: Analyze a Top Blog in Your Niche

Well what is my niche is the 1st question....let me think ummm Mommy Blog is the best I could come up with and its true because I'm a mom who writes about her family.  I would hope in the future I could offer more than mommy things but so far not too much.  Note to self: work on that!  I went to several of my FAV mommy blogs and even discovered a couple more I added to my reader.

1) Which of the areas discussed in today's task are you most interested in studying about your niche and why? (These areas are Content, Reader Engagement, Design, Monetization, Traffic and SEO):
Can I just say all of it!  I noticed some blogs didn't focus on monetization and they were the very clean blogs.  I need to learn more on SEO and getting traffic then work on reader engagement.  Design- I need one!  I'm one of those bloggers that change their theme a lot because I'm never happy and I just need to find that one awesome theme and stick with it!

2) What's one thing you could do to improve your blog after studying the top blogs in your niche?
Write daily or least 5 days a week, instead of 2-3 a month.  Then I can work on the other 25 things I need to do to my blog.  Consistency is what I need to work on. (4days this week so I'm on a roll already)

I was a bit defeated looking at all the awesome blogs then coming back to mine...not a good feeling but hey I'm learning to accept I'm not perfect in everything...LOL!  Come back and check out my blog in 30 days and you will see a difference!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

PMP Under Construction!

My poor blog has been neglected over the year while I tried to do the 99 other projects on my plate.  I had an UGLY color scheme going on so I changed to my FAV color Pink (of course).  Not sure if I like this theme but it will do for now and I'm going to be tweaking with it for god knows how long. 

I need to go through my Blog Lists because it looks like a lot of them have been dormant for awhile.  Blogs are hard work!  I have several business that are close to me that I will be promoting so need to get there info up on here too. 

I know there is more I need to do on here just haven't had all my coffee yet so brain not functioning to full speed.  Anyhoo, look for changes but don't let it scare you away...if you don't like something please let me, OK??

Free and Low-Cost Summer Ideas for Families

Free and Low-Cost Summer Ideas for Families great article from Surviving Motherhood with Humor. I know when the kids get back from grandma's I will be needing things to do and CHECK I have all these on hand so I know I'll be just fine!

This was my Day 3 task in the SITS PROBLOGGER CHALLENGE! 

If you know of other sites that offer this info please list here, we all need more ideas of what to do with the kids during the summer.

I have one to add.....Community Pool-swimming in my area cost $1 for 3 hrs of swimming. I take a book, glasses, sunscreen, and the kids and head on down M-F.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

5 Reasons I'm LOVING the Kids being with Grandma

First, I want you to know I'm missing my kids A LOT!!!!! But I do have to admit I've been enjoying these 2 weeks that the kids are with grandma.

  1. Quiet. Wow quiet...do I have to say more? I don't have to break up fights about lil mama bothering lil man or lil man hitting lil mama. Been enjoying the quiet!
  2. Clean House: My feet loves it too because I haven't had to step on that lego or crayon that was left behind with my kids trying to clean up their mess. They know "mom" will get it...not good right but sometimes I feel its just easier for me to do it then to argue, fight, and scream at them. Toys have stayed in the bedrooms for almost 2 weeks and LOVING THAT! Now if I can just get my hubby to clean up his messes then I would be in heaven...sorry sweetie love ya but you know that corner drives me nuts! I can clean in 30 minutes not 3hrs!
  3. Cooking: OMG Dinners have been so pleasant! We have been eating grown up food and I don't have to make 3 different dishes just please everyone. What I mean grown up food is food my kids don't like...you know healthy fish, pork , veggies, and dishes that look good on the plate. Oh and my hubby has been breaking out the margaritas lately too. I don't have to hear "Ewww whats that, yuck I'm not eating that, gross mom can I have something else" I put the plate in front of my husband and don't hear a word until he says "Thanks, that was wonderful baby". Also I've got to eat my own food without the 25 interruptions and no hands grabbing stuff off my plate! LOVING THIS!!
  4. TV time: We actually can watch adult shows ( not porn-can't speak for hubby though lol) and w/o any interruptions. My son has also learned how to use the DVR so I'm always telling him to stop recording all the Micheal Jackson specials. I can watch all my DVR shows the next day not next week like I usually have to!
  5. Laundry: I got caught up on our laundry hill because us adults don't change our clothes 2-3 times a day. WOW what a big difference between just the 2 of us compared to the 4 of us. I thought I was caught up all the way until I went into lil man's room and found clothes behind the door and under the bed. Geez he not even here and making me work.

Did I mention how QUIET it is??? My friends have tried to get me out but guess what I just want to stay home and enjoy the QUIET! We go get the kids this weekend and so the QUIET will be gone but I will enjoy NOISE too!

This is part of the SITS Problogger Challenge- Day 2- Write a List Post

Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm not liking my theme

Colors are ugly too me...but I guess when I picked this theme I liked them.

However, looking for that PERFECT theme takes time and I just know if I want to do this today but I'm putting this on here to remind me that I need to do this :)

If anyone knows of some cool sites that have FREE themes please let me know, maybe someday I'll upgrade but for now free is good!

(need to also do a signature)

I'm a Blubbering Idiot sometimes!

My kids have been gone for over a week to their grandma's house up in Wash state and we live in Cali! This has been the longest I've been away from them and yes I do admit it was very nice the first couple days but now.....

Today the kids called and I can tell they are tired. I asked Lil Mama if she is tired and she started crying....ugh that was the wrong move because I was trying to be strong all week and now we are both crying together on the phone. Not a good move. Hopefully Grandma can help her on her end and hubby can help me get it together-NO CRYING on the phone.

Doesn't help a lil pmsing going on too...really not the best week.

I'll write more about the kids being gone later.

Day 1: Write an Elevator Pitch

Wow an elevator pitch...I know I've heard this phrase before but going to look up it up anyways!

Ok got it...what your about in 30 seconds to 2 minutes- the length of a elevator ride! Oh geez this is going to be hard since I love to ramble.

My Elevator Pitch:
Ramblings of a very busy SAHM (stay-at-home-mom)that has her hand in just about 100 different projects. Every day is filled with family, school, friends, and TO DO LISTS.

Wow this has helped me refine what it is my blog is going to be. I've had my blog for a long time and have written a couple posts but never really got into "it". Now I want to get into "it"!


Start Blogging Again

Blogging helps it really does! I have a lot going on in my life but I need to take a lil "me"time so I decided to hop back on the blogging train. I came across this today and its the perfect thing I NEED to keep me on track.

Next post will be Day #1 assigment.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Growing up fast!

My babies are doing their STEP-UP Ceremony on Monday and I am so proud of them.

Lil Mama....wow she sure has grown up over the year. She started Kindergarten in September and that was her first time in school. I kept her home because I loved being a mom and loved being at home with her and she was my last baby. I know I should have put her in school just to get that "social" aspect but of course my selfish reasons come first. LOL! She lasted a couple months in her first class but she was not liking school. She came to me and said "Mom I can't focus in my class, can I change classes." Well as a mom I was torn because I LOVE her teacher but my daughter was struggling with other students. The class had some very loud kids. Well it all worked out and my daughter flourished when she went to the other class. Lil Mama LOVES to read. As a reader you know I was happy to hear that she is reading now at a end of 1st grade level. She is looking forward to 1st grade.

Lil Man....wow he has found the love of reading in the 2nd grade. He has some wonderful friends that are really good readers and I think he wanted to keep up with them so he pushed himself. He was into reading the Wimpy Kid series and now loves the Percy Jackson books. He also loves to draw a lot and I find his drawings on papers everywhere. Artist like his Daddy-love that! He is looking forward to 3rd grade and a certain teacher so we are keeping our fingers crossed he gets him. Next year will be hard on him because his 2 close friends are going to a different schools. I'm hoping he will connect with others and not be sad. He has been at the school for 3 yrs and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure my kids stay in one school.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Life...busy lately!

Geez somedays I wake up and I just want to crawl right back in a SLEEP all day.  I guess I gave that dream up when I had kids.  I have a lot going on in my life but its all good.  I think I will write about each thing separately so I can catch up and get all these "feelings" out. 

My life is good and I wouldn't change a thing...okay take that back I would change my financial status in a heartbeat but hey live with what you have.  But hey an extra couple thousand a month wouldn't hurt right...LOL!

Anyhoo lets see this is what I'm going to talk about:

Hubby Biz
My other blog-MTB
Future stuff

Okay so that gives me several days worth of work and I'm going to do it!!!  Promise Pam.  I need an outlet and this blog is so useful. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do you ever have so much on your mind you can't SLEEP?

My usual bedtime these days is about 10-11pm.  It's either I;m getting old or my body is adjusting to my hubby's schedule.  He has to get up at 3:30 am to get to work by 5- bless is heart.  I;m not sure if I would do that, okay maybe if i really liked the job.  But here I sit at 1:20am and my eyes won't even get drowsy.  By the way it hard to type in the semi dark. 

I have school issues I'm working on... a lot- maybe too much.  There is a lot going on in such a little amount of time and feeling pressure from several angles.  What did I get myself into, is a question I ask everyday but then I tell myself it is going to be so worth it.  My kid's school is struggling and I feel a lot of parents are just giving up and thats hard to deal with when your putting in 200% to make the school better.  I'm not jumping ship and I'm standing up (i know my 5ft doesn't do much) for what I believe in.  Is this a smart move- no idea, ask me in a year. 

My hubby's biz is taking off and I'm trying to keep that organized.  We are getting bookings for Bar Mitzvah, dinner graduations, softball opening days, and birthday parties.  I've done a lot of promoting of his work (mrairbrushhands.com) and i think that has helped a lot!

Trying to prioritize everything is such a chore but I'm beginning to do TO DO lists now....turning into my mom I think, she is all about the lists.  I'm going to try to use my blackberry in a more useful way! One more thing i have to learn.  Also need to learn how to put music on my bb. 

This week is lil mama's 6th bday and making her happy is a task all in its own.  Can she just stick to one plan!  I swear its a bday week but she deserves it ALL- that sassy lil one. 

Well I'm going to try to go to bed now.  Didn't get much accomplished but hey wrote a post on here so that counts for something right !!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wow It's been several months since my last post!

My world has been very busy!  I've taken a lot on and hoping to get it all figured out soon. 

I've been very active in my kids school- we had several low points but I'm trying to get the parents involved more and its coming together.  Parents are willing to help they just need to be asked!  My kids school has been an important factor in our lives so I wasn't going to jump ship-fight for what you believe in and I am!   It actually has given me a purpose and my self esteem has just skyrocketed.  I feel good when I'm helping the school but sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming.  I go to ptotoday.com and it is filled with so much useful info.  I became secretary of our PTC (PARENT TEACHER CORP) and that is an experience.  I hope I don't let anyone down.

We have several cool things happening at the school: Earth Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Gala, Auction, Read-a-thon/Book-Fair so I think I'm really going to be busy!

Lil Mama and I read this book the other about Earth Day:

Well I'm going to write more about what is happening in our home later tonight.  I have some great stuff to share!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Do you love Blog Contests?

I LOVE CONTESTS....have I won anything, not yet but someday I hope so!  I have made some cool blogger friends. 

I go to this great blog that allows other bloggers to post their contests and it is all family friendly.  I'm going now to check out what contests are listed for today.

http://blog.nickels-n-dimes.com/  please join me in the FUN! 

Also Nickels-n-Dimes posts about freebies, coupons and more goodies for families.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Photographers-Amazon.com Daily Deal is for YOU!

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2
List Price: $299.00
Price: $188.99 this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.
You Save: $110.01 (37%)

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 software is essential for today's digital photography workflow. Now you can quickly import, process, manage, and showcase your images--from one shot to an entire shoot. Quickly batch process, convert, and apply metadata to your photos on import. Easily make selections with multiple viewing and comparison options. Adjust and enhance color, exposure, and tonal curves nondestructively on more than 190 camera raw file formats, as well as JPEG, TIFF, and PSD files. Every change you make to an image is automatically tracked, so you can return to any state with a single click. With Lightroom 2, you spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the lens


More Than Bargains- I think is DEAD

I did an upgrade about 3 weeks ago and every since then my site has been f**ked up!  I'm so sad because its 2yrs of work but I learned some valuable lessons and will move on!

Instead of starting a new site on wordpress I will just come back to blogger.  Wordpress has horrible customer service and the help you get on the forums either don't get answered or you get someone who you think is giving you assistance actually is giving you sabotage instructions.  I was told to this and that and it would be all fixed...haha it erased EVERYTHING and I was stuck.  Go anyhoo...moving on!

So I've decided I'm going to post the deals/freebies/workshop info/family stuff on here plus so much more.  One blog!  Let's see if it works- if not oh well I least gave it a shot. 

Looking forward to a wonderful 2010!

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010-What will it bring

darn if I know!

My saying for 2010 is GO BIG IN 2010.  Not even sure where I picked that up at but hey it works.

Resolutions....ummm I make them but then I break them or don't even do them.  So lets set some GOALS-see word change and its all good.

~Loose weight....of course!  That means I need to eat healthier (have been working on that for awhile now) and maybe I should hop on the Wii Fit that hasn't seen my booty in a couple months.  I know I know!  Kids and I have been walking a lot so that's helping. My boss said I lost a lot weight...well she only sees me once a month so of course I look different, lol!

~Relationships...need to work on all of them.  I need to make an effort to call my grandparents more...just not on holiday's!  Okay I also need to let go of some anger issues and communicate with my dad more.  Sometimes I just want him to feel how I felt when I was young and he was too busy for me.  But I guess tit for tat is not good at my age.  My hubby and I have a really good relationship now but we need to find time alone and go on dates!

~Job Issues....I'm always saying I want to quit the cafe but its good money for the 2 days plus I LOVE my customers but I'm getting old and you should see me after a hard day at work-can't move/in pain!  I'm working more on the online job I have and I want to show him that I can do a lot more.  I want to become a virtual assistant.  I love working from home and want to work more on making that a FULL-TIME gig!

~Kids...I want to get them into dance and swimming for sure this year.  Lil Man has mad skills dancing and Lil Mama has her heart on swimming.  We are reading a lot more and I love that because I'm a big reader and want my kids to enjoy the same love of books as I do!

~Blogs....work on both every week!  Try to post daily but I also know that won't happen so why stress myself out about that!  I want to meet more bloggers and have my own community.  Maybe hook up with more bargain mama's and start a forum. 

I know there are more stuff but if I make the list too long then I give up and nothing will get accomplished! 

GO BIG IN 2010!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lil Mama needs to learn how to play by herself.

I can't be her 24hr play buddy.  I have things to do!  She is 5 1/2 and never plays by herself and if she does someone has to be in the same room.  Never plays in her bedroom

So the whining started at 8am...someone please play with me, I have no one to play with, I'm bored.  All day I've been hearing this in between the fighting and the crying.  It is raining so I can't take them outside.  The kids have been fighting ALL DAY. 

I've set her up with many different things to do all day...nothing works!  She wants someone right there by her side.  Can you tell I'm a bit stressed.  Yesterday, I spent all day with her- we played monopoly 2x, art stuff, movie-2 of them, and 2 walks.  Today I had house stuff to do and she complained all day and had to be everywhere I went.  I tried to take a shower by myself and she had to sit on the toilet the whole time.  Lil Man he plays very well by himself why can't Lil Mama.  I'm not asking all the time because I enjoy her but somedays I have things I need to do. When do they go back to school????  1 more week.  Ok rant over!

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