
Monday, January 4, 2010

2010-What will it bring

darn if I know!

My saying for 2010 is GO BIG IN 2010.  Not even sure where I picked that up at but hey it works.

Resolutions....ummm I make them but then I break them or don't even do them.  So lets set some GOALS-see word change and its all good.

~Loose weight....of course!  That means I need to eat healthier (have been working on that for awhile now) and maybe I should hop on the Wii Fit that hasn't seen my booty in a couple months.  I know I know!  Kids and I have been walking a lot so that's helping. My boss said I lost a lot weight...well she only sees me once a month so of course I look different, lol!

~Relationships...need to work on all of them.  I need to make an effort to call my grandparents more...just not on holiday's!  Okay I also need to let go of some anger issues and communicate with my dad more.  Sometimes I just want him to feel how I felt when I was young and he was too busy for me.  But I guess tit for tat is not good at my age.  My hubby and I have a really good relationship now but we need to find time alone and go on dates!

~Job Issues....I'm always saying I want to quit the cafe but its good money for the 2 days plus I LOVE my customers but I'm getting old and you should see me after a hard day at work-can't move/in pain!  I'm working more on the online job I have and I want to show him that I can do a lot more.  I want to become a virtual assistant.  I love working from home and want to work more on making that a FULL-TIME gig!

~Kids...I want to get them into dance and swimming for sure this year.  Lil Man has mad skills dancing and Lil Mama has her heart on swimming.  We are reading a lot more and I love that because I'm a big reader and want my kids to enjoy the same love of books as I do!

~Blogs....work on both every week!  Try to post daily but I also know that won't happen so why stress myself out about that!  I want to meet more bloggers and have my own community.  Maybe hook up with more bargain mama's and start a forum. 

I know there are more stuff but if I make the list too long then I give up and nothing will get accomplished! 

GO BIG IN 2010!!!
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Theta Mom on January 4, 2010 at 5:07 PM said...

Best of luck on those resolutions, I'm right there with you on many!

And thanks so much for stopping by Theta Mom and leaving such an awesome comment! You rock! :)

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