Then kids came and my priorities of course changed. No more nails, hair done maybe every 6 months, makeup-what's that..oh wait I have lip gloss, shoes are bought maybe once a year-nothing cute just comfy, clothes- only on sale at Target, and handbags I do buy one "cool" handbag a year.
I really only shop at Target these days (I haven't been there since Jan 13th though) and its all about toys, art/craft stuff, and cool stuff for the kids.
Lost myself but my kids are well worth it. However, I will be taking back some of my identity and doing things that make me feel good about myself. If I feel good than everyone in the house will feel good.
I still want to shop like I'm 20 but I fight the urge and win.
Not sure why I had to share this but when I have dreams of getting my nails and hair done I know I missing something in my!
I can SO relate! I wrote a similar post earlier this week. We must both be in a reflective state of mind :-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog a few days ago!!!!
LOL Tiffany because when I saw your blog I was like "phew I'm not the only one out here that is struggling with this" I related to a lot of your posts. Thanks for your visit.
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