
Friday, September 17, 2010

Back to Blogging Day 5: What Blogging Means to You

What blogging means to me~ going blank of course but it will come to me.  I just recently started being active on this blog because I do want to incorporate blogging into my life.  I feel its going to be an awesome way to express my feelings- good or bad.  My family is a trip sometimes so I love too write about all the goofy fun stuff my kids do.  I'm having a hard time posting some stuff but guess what I write it but it stays as a draft.  I had a diary in my teens and this is so much more fun. 

I have a journey that I'm traveling and this blog is helping me in so many ways.  I'm a pretty shy person but if I can write down my feelings than people will understand me more.  I have trouble talking in front of people because I'm always wondering what they are thinking- working on that!  If I can write down my feelings and people can relate or understand than its all good.  I love email- I'm a hate the phone kind of girl.  Phones-ugh!  I know a bit odd but its how I am! 

I'm going to be venturing on a new path soon and this blog is where I'm going document it.  My journey to becoming a Social Media Manager.  Looking forward to this and I'm real excited about future opportunities. 

Blogging is a lot work though.  It's not just writing it- well maybe for some but for others this is a way to communicate with others and that requires work.  I LOVE visiting other blogs and learning about them and their journeys.  I have became web friends with other bloggers and I hope to gain more relationships with my own journey.  Blogging is a creative expression outlet and I'm excited to be in the blogging world.

I give a BIG THANKS to Blogfrog and to my favorite community on there: The Secret to Success is Support Community for having these wonderful events and SUPPORT!

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Cheryl D. on September 17, 2010 at 9:24 AM said...

Hi! I'm visiting from Blog Frog! Congrats on blogging! I find it to be fun too!

ElizOF on September 17, 2010 at 11:23 AM said...

I love the freshness of your honest response... the blank is a great place because it means you are open to all possibilities and won't be limited by expectations and assumptions. Sometimes we blog because we must and not for any huge philosophical reason. I enjoyed your post and support you on your journey.
Thank you for stopping by my WordPress blog. I am also now following you via my Blogger blog too.
Have you heard of the daily blog hops? You should check them out as they are a great way to build your following and support team on blogger. I have some on my blogger side bar... check them out.
Have a great weekend!

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