
Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you juggle all the Mom/Wife/Woman Duties??

This is so fricken hard sometimes.  Some days I want to walk out the door and go somewhere for a week and let them figure it out.  When I talk about THEM- its hubby and kids.  We are having a bad financial couple months (like everyone else) and its getting to a boiling point in our house.  This week has been real rough, no cash what so ever and that doesn't happen often but when it does it hurts!  Kids don't understand that no we can't just go to the store and buy whatever you want and hubby is grumpy so that is hard to deal with.  My hubby and I rarely fight but have been a lot lately.  Lack of money is a marriage killer for sure. 

Trying to keep house clean (impossible), dishes clean (hate that job), laundry (mt clothes never goes down), keeping kids occupied (would be nice if they can play by themselves w/o fighting), my online job (priority but no one understands that), food (wow kids are human garbage cans), paying bills or letting them know we can't until...., man the list can go on and on but guess who does all this ME.  Can I get a THANK YOU or HOW CAN I HELP but no I get attitude! 

How do I juggle all this plus keep that smile on my face? Where is cleaning fairy when I need her.  Its either my house or my kids who get my attention and its a battle.

Can you tell I'm stressed :)  Time to turn into SUPER MOM!

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Andrea @multiplemama on August 21, 2010 at 2:46 PM said...

Oh my gosh I know exactly how you feel. We're in similar boats. I wish i had a cape that could give me super powers or turn me into Mrs Weasley form Harry Potter. She had a wand that could whip up dinner and then do the dishes too! Then I'd have time to sit and build block towers and play play dough!
hang in there!

Caroline on August 22, 2010 at 1:03 AM said...

I found your blog through SITS and I had to reply to your cry for help. Here's what's helped me stay sane over the past 2 years:

Delegate lots to your kids: my 11 yo DD does all the laundry, my 9 yo DS the dish washer and he cooks a meal at least once a week (homemade pizza or burgers).

Give yourself "me" time. Make sure you have time to pamper yourself or work on your own projects.

I also read Laura Doyle's "Surrendered Wife" which is great at showing what we as woman can do to improve our marriages.

Hope this helps

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