
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer Reading Sale

I love EBooks and so I'm always stalking Amazon for FREE or great deals!  They are running a sweet deal now so I just had to share!  Now it doesn't mater if you don't have an e-reader (nook, kindle) because all you need is a computer to read these books.

Get APP: Read Anywhere from Amazon's Free Reading App
 I have it on my PC, my android phone, and my iPad!  I love this feature and use it on a weekly basis.  Plus its FREE! 

.99 Book Sale

$1.99 Book Sale

$2.99 Book Sale

Check out all the books on SALE

Top FREE Books

Have fun READING this summer, I know I am! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Time Plans- 1 more week of school

The kids will be in camp for June, with Grandma in Wash for July, and with me in August. Okay that's the plan, wow that wasn't so hard huh! 

June will be fun for them because they still get to hangout with their close school buds and doing fun stuff!  They are looking forward to that and so am I!  I will actually have a full day to do my work and other projects- NO SCHOOL STUFF!

July will be a busy month but very FUN!  We leave on July 8th to take a trip w/the kids to WA to see my family.  We are driving up there but not rushing we plan to stop and enjoy.  My hubby and I will stay up there for a week with the kids visiting family and then we will head back to Cali w/o the kids- woohoo!!!  My mom will take the kids for 2 weeks and then meet us in Oregon to go camping for a couple days.  Then we head back w/the kids July 30th. 

August well I hope to go on a couple day trips, if nice out swimming of course, and just chillin at the house.  We will all enjoy sleeping in and spending quality time with each other.  Looking forward to that. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to control EMAILS???

5052 emails is what I have!  Really.....I'm on email overload!  What my problem is I look at the emails on my phone and then NO FOLLOW through.  I need to get a handle on this or else I say F**K it and delete it all and start over and what if I delete something VERY IMPORTANT (which I usually do)!

Doing a little research on how to control my emails I came across some great tips!

Delete it:  (ha I have a lot to delete and then unsubscribe)
  • Does the message relate to a meaningful objective you're currently working on? If not, you can probably delete it. Why keep information that doesn't relate to your main focus?
  • Does the message contain information you can find elsewhere? If so, delete it.
  • Does the message contain information that you will refer to within the next six months? If not, delete it.
  • Does the message contain information that you're required to keep? If not, delete it.  
Do it : (wouldn't that be nice right than and there- will I do that though? See that is my problem right there, lol)
  • If you can't delete the email messages, ask yourself, "What specific action do I need to take?" and "Can I do it in less than two minutes?" If you can, just do it.
Delegate it: (wish I had some one to delegate too)
  • If you can't delete it or do it in two minutes or less, can you forward the email to an appropriate team member who can take care of the task?

Defer it: (really need to do the follow thru on this)
  • If you cannot delete it, do it in less than two minutes, or delegate it, the action required is something that only you can accomplish and that will take more than two minutes. Because this is your dedicated email processing time, you need to defer it and deal with it after you are done processing your email. You’ll probably find that about 20 percent of your email messages have to be deferred.
This is from http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/productivity/email.aspx  awesome tools in Outlook!

Some other tips that I read about:
  • Use 2 email address...one for personal and one for business (blogging in my case).  I will create a Pinkmama email today!
  • Unsubscribe to newsletters you don't read daily- this might clear up a lot!
  • Unsubscribe to marketers emails- I don't even open these unless the title catches my eye like 90% off! I'm broke these days so I don't need 20 emails letting me know whats on SALE, right??
  • Folders...I do have these but do I use them?  Ugh maybe I should!
Next thing I'm going to look into is....GMAIL tips!

Do you have any great tips to help me with this EMAIL OVERLOAD I'm going thru! 

Very simple right!  HA who are we kidding that takes time! 


Goldfish DIED

Lil Mama goes to feed the fish a minute before her ride is here for school and guess what....yep we have a floater.  UGH!  The tears and I couldn't comfort her the way I wanted too because we hear the HONK HONK of her ride to school.  She got in the car with tears and my heart was hurting for her.  I texted her teacher to give her the HEADS UP on the tears.  I really hope she will be okay.  We have had them for almost 2 months.  Well let's hope she can get thru the day and see what she wants to do...bury or flush?

Wednesday Blog Hop- Who in the World?

Chronicles of a crazy mom

Welcome to "Who in the World? Wednesday" Blog hop. Your host are Chronicles of a crazy mom, The Coupon Cutie and Mommy Does.  Head on over to one of those blogs and enter your name and lets HOP!

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Vampire Diaries- My New Obsession

I know a bit weird but yep I'm addicted to the CW show "The Vampire Diaries"

I was laid up sick last Friday so I decided to watch the disk I got from Netflix and fell in love with the Vampires!  So much so I was on the HUNT to watch more of Season 1 but couldn't find it anywhere online for FREE.  Now I have to wait for my next disk, thank goodness Netflix is super fast getting movies to you! 

What TV show are you addicted to???

Deals and More Deals~ Memorial Day

I think 80% of my emails are deals, 10% of spam, and 10% of useful stuff!  So why not post them on here!
  • Three-Course Dinner and a Cocktail at The Tonga Room $31 now · $62 value The Tonga Room Deal : It's tiki time. Put on your favorite floral sundress, grab your girlfriends, and head to the Tonga Room and Hurricane Bar in the Fairmont Hotel for a tropical evening to remember. For $31, you'll enjoy a Kao Island Dinner, which includes an appetizer, entrée, side, and dessert, plus your choice of a piña colada or the restaurant's famous mai tai, a $62 total value.

  • The Deal: $10 for $20 Worth of Personalized Kid/Baby Items, Drinkware, Stationery, Apparel & Much More!  Get this deal here

  • Build-A-Bear Workshop:  Today is your last day to Buy One Get One Half-Off online only on these select animals! Velvet Teddy would be perfect for someone with allergies. He's asthma and allergy friendly! To get this deal enter code 96217 at checkout online.  Build a Bear Deal

  • DISNEY STORE: Code: BONUS25 will get you an extra 25% off clearance items through today (5/30) .Disney Store Clearance  Free Shipping Code: SHIPTODAY

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Been Busy!

Does LIFE ever just grab you and not let go for a couple weeks or months??  I have been SUPER DUPER busy this past month and wondering if I'm ever going to catch up.  I really hope so.  Right now I feel very overwhelmed in all aspects of my life but I see the road slowing down soon so it should be okay right? LOL!

I still have no other job...but I haven't been looking that hard either because summer is coming and we have vacations and other stuff coming up so as long as we are okay financial ( if you ask my hubby he say we are not ok) than I will not stress on that.  I really do need a job though but saying stuff like that I try to tell myself it will be fine.  It will be fine It will be fine It will be fine!  See I believe now...LOL! 

The biggest time consumer was the school's Book Fair.  However, I had a lot of awesome help and wasn't there the whole time like last year.  I had a grandmother who is a retired principal as my right hand and she ROCKED it with the decorations and was there every day.  My book fair buddies helped me set up/take down.  We did OK and at least went over our goal of $2000. 

Also I'm no longer on the school's PTA....woohoo!  Loved doing that but it drained me and I need to take some time doing other stuff.  I don't want to be the "go to" person anymore...its a job where you don't get any credit just more work! 

Been working on the word NO!  I really stretch myself in many different directions and when that happens I go around and around in circles and get nothing done.  Kind of like this post...circles! 

Off to do the other 20-50 other jobs/project around here that need attention...like my house! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I won 4 tickets to what sounded like a cool event but it wasn't all that. Of course when we got there no one was there but I was determined to get the VIP table I won, or maybe I was just so excited to get out of the house.  We were seated right up front and they brought use a bottle of Grey Goose on ice.  I don't know about you but I can't drink vodka all by itself so of course we had to buy cranberry juice and soda water- $10 each time we wanted to have a drink. We sat there for 2 hours listening to a cool ass DJ and drinking- no wonder I was drunk. We couldn't really talk to each other with out saying "huh" "what" over and over but hey we are at a club.  The comedian started a lil after 11 and what an ASS he was and he offended everyone!  He sucked and not even worth me talking about him.  Then 3 guys got on stage who reminded me of older rappers and they were ok but nothing I would ever go out to see again.  Now the highlight of the show was Lady Soul and she rocked the house for me!  First, she had some shoes that were slammin so I knew I was going to like her, LOL!  She really did her thing and I even talked to after the show and she was so down to earth and now were are facebook friends.

After that show I wanted to go dancing...its 1:30 so of course everything is closing.  My sweet friend did take me to a reggae club but I was so drunk I couldn't even dance.  I was a great "hold up the wall" girl though.  My friend took me to Taco Bell and then home by 3:30am and by 6:30am I was puking up those tacos.  Then the rest of the day just went down hill from there.  My family was cool and took great care of me.  But the house this morning looked like a tornado hit it. 

What happen to those days that I could party until 5am get up at 8am and it was all good! Oh that's right I'm not 25 anymore. It will be awhile before I do that again, LOL! I don't go out much because you have to find babysitters, pay babysitters, make sure you have something to wear, hair and makeup, and by the time I think about all this I get all flustered so its just easier and cheaper to stay my ass home, just saying.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tackle it Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

LOVE IT! Yes, it is hard to find that time to clean. Or maybe I should say blog. Well anyways its hard to balance it all! My house is fine if people stop by but is it REALLY REALLY clean?  No, but with 2 kids- 7 and 9yrs old,  I have come up with the conclusion that I needed to pack up my OCD until the kids are away at college. Why....because it was driving me crazy. I have to say after marrying my hubby my OCD (of cleaning) kind of went out the door anyways-one of those battles that I always seemed to loose. I think I should haven known I was going to have problems dealing with hubby when we first started dating because there was beer bottles under his bed. Fast forward 12 years later- house is fine except for his side of the bed which I call THE PILE. THE PILE- whenever he is looking for something I say go look in THE PILE, and about 90% of the time it is there. Okay I got off topic and ranted about hubby, sorry!

Anyways, TACKLE TUESDAY....on my TO-DO list this week is LAUNDRY! I want to get every piece washed, folded, put-away by Friday. I have about 5 loads left and I think this is manageable. Speaking of laundry Hubby put a bottle of bleach that had a hole in it on top of the washer. Since the bleach bottle was leaking it leaked right into the washer full of dark clothes, thanks dude.  Luckily it was only a few things that got totally ruined but none of of his stuff though- oh geez a rant again.  I need to stop! 

Click here to participate in this Week's Tackle It Tuesday

Monday, May 9, 2011

Market Monday

I have a friend that just started a parenting blog.  She is a single mom of 5 young kids so you know she has some great advice and stories.  Plus she is outstanding photographer.  I wish she lived near by so we could get a family portrait done by her.  Please check her out at http://istandproud.blogspot.com/ plus she has a Facebook Page can we show her some BLOG LOVE! 

Also remember to visit my hubby's Airbrush Artwork  he is an awesome artist and I know he would also love some BLOG LOVE too!  Today I did a lot of marketing for his website and already paying off- got a request for bar mitzvah in August.  Big woohoo for me!

If you would like to be mentioned in Market Monday's just shoot me an email at pamallen68@gmail.com.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog Brainstorming

I did a "brain dump" and it felt good!  This helped me come up future blog posts.  Yes it's messy and its suppose to be.  This was an assignment from a 2 week course I'm taking through http://www.thesitsgirls.com/  #SITSclass.  We are grouped with 3 other bloggers and we discuss within our group about our blogs and give each other feedback!  I'm enjoying the course so far and I know it's already helped me. 

Teacher Appreciation Week

Thank you to all the WONDERFUL TEACHERS out there- if we didn't have you we wouldn't be where we are today!  I know we all have a couple teachers that will always be a part of us!

My kids have been very lucky to come across AWESOME teachers that are now some of my closest friends.  As much as this school drives me crazy I'm very thankful for the teachers because my kids are doing very well in school and this is their foundation of life so I want to give a big :

from the Allen's!  We Heart Our Teachers!!!  It takes a village people and I'm all good with that!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Focus Focus Focus!

But I can't!!  I feel like I'm stretched in many different directions and I need to learn how to manage this because I right now I'm feeling like I'm loosing the battle. 
I might be fighting off a bit of depression (just being real) because I did quit my job and now having no money coming in.  It's been a LONG TIME since I've had to rely on someone else and its killing me! 

I can't seem to want to do anything but watch TV and read.  Housework is falling behind and what I NEED to do is not getting done.  Also I've been drinking a lot of soda/pop and that was a habit I kicked awhile back.  So I do know depression is knocking on the door!

I'm doing a lot for the school lately (lately....lol)and so I need to be on top of that!  Teacher Appreciation Week- biggest hurdle was today and it was a success so I can breathe a bit now!  But today I need to sit down and get on the Book Fair stuff..timeline and get fliers out and all that good stuff!  Let's not forget Bay to Breakers- ordering the shirts and all that stuff that needs to get done by May 15th.  I do have a parent who offered to help with that so WOOHOO- because I have no idea how to do this event. 

As for finding a JOB....well that is in the thinking process.  I would like to work on the Social Media biz during the week and set up with hubby on the weekends with his airbrushing.  That's what I want but will that happen, not sure!  I need to do something but do I want go back to waitressing....no way!  But what else do I know how to do...besides be a mom (which doesn't pay) ugh why does life have to be so darn confusing!

Time management is what I need now and maybe an assistant :)

Thanks for listening to my rant. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Talking in Front of People

Tonight is the night that I get up in front of the staff of a local cafe that I did a customer service evaluation on.  Hope they don't spit in my coffee next time I come (that will be tomorrow).  I was honest but also gave much praise.  I'm a bit scared but I'm not dwelling on it because than I will stress and when I stress I tend to over think then its all bad.  My report is done, bullet points on what I want to talk about, and the next step is to decide on what to wear.
The cafe I did this for is an awesome place that I've been going to for a long time (ok 2 years) because it's by my kids school.  I've held book clubs, parent meetings, business meeting, breakfast with kids and always enjoy my experience but there is that "extra" care that is needed.

My close friend told me the other day she doesn't feel "cool enough" to go in this cafe and I go in because it's so cool!  Not every cafe is going to fit you...weird to think like that but its true.  I don't enjoy going to Starbucks or Peets to hang out but give me a lil hole in the wall and I'm there for hours!  Don't get me wrong I LOVE Starbucks and Peets coffee just not the "feel" of the spot...very clinical/corporate- that's where I don't feel I'm cool enough to be. 

Wish me luck to tonight that I don't spit on someone while talking or worse case just go blank!  I'm going to try to hit them with some humor too just to make sure they know I'm there to help not tattle. 

Spring Bazaar- Fun Family Event

Wimpy Kid Teacher Appreciation and Mother's Day Card made by Ronnell

Their Table:

We held a Spring Bazaar at our school yesterday and my kids had a booth.  Ronnell made the above cards and Sahara she made Tie Dye Shirts and they had a blast. 

Even Hubby ( http://mrairbrushhands.com/) was out there airbrushing: 

This is the shirt he made for me to wear to the bazaar. LOVE IT!

We had a great family day with some awesome friends.

Now on to Teacher Appreciation Week (this week).  I sent out a flyer on ideas on what to do each day....keeping fingers crossed that teachers got flowers today.  Both my kids had their vases in hands when they left for school.

Also this week I need to sit down and plan the Book Fair.  I have help this year (woohoo) and look forward of letting this project go.  I just have the admin responsibilities this year..that's a even bigger WOOHOO!  So I guess I better get off this blog and work on the 10 projects I have going on this week. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sibling Rivalry- Getting On My Nerves!

First, I need to say SORRY to my mom because we put her through some crap with all our fighting growing up. It is coming back and biting me hard in the ass. Karma I know. I was horrible to my brother from the moment he was born-sorry bro! 

Anyways, my kids are driving me crazy with the FIGHTING.  My daughter loves to pick on her brother.   My son is patient to a point then he just looses it and then it gets downright UGLY!  My daughter tries all of our patience every day and the "No, I don't have too, who cares, and blah blah blah" are her favorite phases lately plus the rolling of the eyes and the head swaying needs to STOP!  She is 7 not 17!  When they spend too much time together it is horrible.  They don't use their words (like I tell them all the time) but they hit and pick on each other.  Someone is going to get hurt someday and I keep telling them that.  I tell my son hitting girls is wrong...he comes back with "she is my sister not a girl"!  Plus its usually her hitting first. 

The older they get the harder to discipline them...it was easy to take away toys, video games, or just put  them in time out.  Now they don't care..."so what"  is what I get.  Luckily they don't do this everyday because I think I would have to become a drinker again.  I'm saying that with a smile :) 

How do you settle/deal with sibling rivalry? 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My kids and their Book Clubs

Loving the fact that they enjoy  READING!  As a big reader my whole life I'm a proud mama when my kids wanted to do these book clubs.

My 9 yr old son has 3 close friends and they decided to start a book club last month and their first book is Harry Potter.  The first meeting took place at a cafe and we kept getting these weird looks so I decided the next meeting we can do at the school. 

My 7yr old was at the first book club meeting but she isn't at the Harry Potter level so she didn't participate but played Angry Birds on my phone.  When we got home she came up and gave me a big hug and buttered me up with all love then she said "Mom I want to have my own book club and can it be a Dr. Seuss book"  Couple of the kids in Lil Man's book club has siblings so why not!  I told her YES.  She was so excited and even made invites to who she thought would love to the book club.

Today is BOOK CLUB day and so lets see how both clubs go!  I'm just there, the kids run their own meeting...I might step in and help lil mama's group but I'll see. 


Monday, April 25, 2011

Love My Kids BUT.....

I am SO HAPPY they are going back to school today.  They are at the age they need to be doing something every minute or I get to hear those lovely words I'M BORED.  As a mom I think WTF.. with all the toys/books/bikes they have how in the heck can they bored.  Oh yeah...its because Mom isn't playing with them or we aren't on an adventure.

I enjoy my kids a lot (ask anyone) but I need my space and they don't really allow that when they are at home.  I have work, housework, laundry, cooking to do on top of being my kids personal play-date.  Sounds like I'm bitching but I'm not its my reality.  I can't play with my kids 24/7!  Money doesn't grow on our trees in the backyard like my kids thinks it does.  Mama needs to make the money too!

This week I'm needing to regroup and get back on schedule.  I'm going to be setting up my home office with a friend of mine.  We are going to brainstorm and go into business together- just need to narrow it down and move forward. 

Off to make breakfast and lunches for my beautiful children that are going back to school...can you see the smile????

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weekends...Loving Them

Wow.....I've been really missing out on FAMILY TIME when I worked on weekends.  The past couple weekends that I've been home (since quitting the cafe job of 12 yrs) we have got a lot done around the house.  It makes me feel good to see projects that I've wanted to be completed get done!!  The kids are a big help too.  They love spending time (well thats what they say now) with us and so when I said "Hey Ronnell lets go weed the garden" I got pure excitement and "Let's Go" from my 9 yr old who would rather play video games over any housework....wonder how long this will last.  Well however long I'm going to enjoy it! 

Yesterday,  I cleaned out the fridge....pulled out everything and cleaned all fridge pieces.  It looks brand new but now it looks like we have no food.  The kids BOTH cleaned their rooms with no talking back.  Then we just kicked back and had fun.  Later on we made cupcakes.  I also cooked a bomb a** spaghetti dinner, I felt like Suzie Homemaker. I need a cool apron though.  I think I'm going to design one and have hubby airbrush it.  Simple things..I know, the thought just came to me so I needed to write that so I don't forget.  Mom's Day is coming up.

Today I'm cooking breakfast and Easter dinner.  So Martha Stewart step aside Pam Allen is in the house!  Keeping fingers crossed that I get help with dishes (not my thing LOL).  Hint hint to hubby! 

Also on our schedule today is Easter egg hunt outside, bowling with friends, and getting ready for SCHOOL!  Spring Break is DONE kiddos....time to get back on schedule and Mommy can get some work done. 

Shout out to my readers!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Break 2011

We have a BUSY BUSY week ahead of us and I'm already tired. 

Monday it was raining so we stayed in the house but I cleaned so no relaxing there- oh right it's not my spring break. 

Tuesday was fun filled full day at Lawrence Hall of Science http://lawrencehallofscience.org/

This was a big cement whale they could climb on outside

Floating Globe that showed all kinds of cool weather stuff

The view from LHS.  Little foggy but still beautiful.

The kids had a blast there were so many thing for the kids to do.  After 3 hrs at LHS we went and got pizza then headed to a park to play for 2 hrs.  It was a LONG FUN DAY!

Today we are going to OAKLAND ZOO with some friends. 

Tomorrow is Sahara's 7th Bday and she is hasn't let us forget it either.  For 2 weeks its been a countdown.  And this week all we have heard is "This is my bday week so deal with it"  OH MY!

So tomorrow the plan is movie, pizza, books, ice cream and then party at my friends house (her hubby has the same bday) and then a sleepover.

Friday I'm hoping CHILL DAY!  But with these two kids not sure if that's going to happen buy hey its there Spring Break.  What about your kids Spring Break?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Market Monday~ Mom Etsy Pages

I have a couple friends who have Etsy pages and I want to share their pages with my readers today! 

Mara's Maples: http://www.etsy.com/shop/marasmaples

Maple Curry Cashews these are my FAVORITE item to buy! I don't share with anyone either :)

Chewy Vanilla Granola with Spiced Pecans...  YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY...this might be my favorite too!

Mara's Maples where all the snacks are made with all natural ingredients, Real Maple Syrup, have no added oils or fats, and are completely vegan!  If your interested please visit her Mara's Maples Etsy Page or become a fan on her Facebook Page.  You will love her snacks!


Mrs. Maintenance's Frames & More: http://www.etsy.com/shop/mrsmaintenance

This art frame is titled "Autism Awareness." This is an 7.5"x9" photo frame, matted with a handmade art mat for a 5x7 photo. This frame has a theme of autism awareness, with a red, yellow, blue, and teal puzzle pieces, and a red heart on a linen background with subtle hints of silver, and framed in silver. This frame is a tabletop frame. I start with frames purchased at thrift stores, and give them a new coat of paint and a decorative touch to give them a brand new life as Rees-Cycled Art by Anna Rees.

25% of the purchase price of this frame will be donated to autismspeaks.org.

Please visit her Etsy Page plus 15% off anything in her shop using code POETRY.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Becoming a Server/Customer Service Consultant

Its been a whole week since I quit my job and I'm still floating on cloud nine! 

UPDATE: An owner of a cafe I go to weekly had a meeting with me on Wednesday and presented a short term project for me do for his cafe.  Several of my customers at the cafe I used to work at go into this one too so he has heard what an AWESOME waitress I am.  Well of course if you been doing this for as long as I have than you tend to be an expert. 
Anyways back on track.... we had this meeting and he wants to PAY (yes money not coffee- which I offered when he asked what I wanted in pay, lol) me to go in to the his cafe 4x- a morning, afternoon, evening, and brunch shift.  I would stay for a couple hours and observe what can be done better, what they are doing great at, and policies or procedures I think he needs to implement for the cafe to run smoother.  Wow, it took me back for a bit because he wants to pay me for my knowledge of something I do very well.  I wrote up a proposal and he accepted and no I didn't ask for a lifetime of mocha's, I need groceries so I did ask for a dollar amount. 

I did a morning shift yesterday and it went very well.  I did observe a lot and actually enjoyed doing it.  Tomorrow, I go in for a brunch shift.  Next week I will hit a evening and lunch shift.  Then I will write up an report, present it to the cafe owner, we will discuss it then I will present it to the staff at their staff meeting in May. 

I might be onto something for the future...Consultant to Cafe's!  I'll google and see what the correct title is here soon.  But YEAH me for landing a short term paid gig in less than a week of quiting....Go PAM! 

Side note:  Ran into another cafe owner today that wants to revamp her cafe and she wants me to come in on May 2nd to TALK....hmmmm lets see I might be on to something.  But I think she is more into hiring me as running the cafe on weekends.  I don't want to go back working weekends but family might because I've been putting them to work.  They used to play video games/tv all weekend but not these past 2 weekends but the house looks awesome :) but they are a lil pissy with me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

5 Silly Things About Me

Some might ask why only 5...well I don't want to look too SILLY, right!  Not sure why this post idea popped in my head but I'm going to ride with it! 

1.  The best part of going to sleep at night is...flipping my pillow over and feeling the coolness of the pillowcase.

2.  I only eat veggies raw...hate cooked veggies.  (Ok take that back I'll eat corn and green beans- they don't taste good raw)

3. Coffee is my choice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I can drink coffee ALL DAY (probably not a good thing) and still fall asleep at 10pm.  Sometimes I throw in some food!

4. I'm 42 and LOVE PINK...oh wait you knew that!  I would so decorate my whole house in pink/black but Hubby says no!  Fine whatever- I'm only allowed (love how I phrased that) pink items on my side of the bedroom.  (who has "his side and her side" we do!!)  Someday I might even take a pic to show you the difference because you can really see how opposite we are.

5. Still thinks she can shake her booty like she is in her 20's!  I was a big clubber from 25-30 (yes my party days) I dance in my house when no one is around. I'm happy no one can see in...and if they could I'm sure I would hear them laughing their ass off!  My kids roll their eyes at me when a song comes on when I'm cooking and I bust out my moves.  My son has asked me not to dance EVER in public....wow a lil harsh dude!  I know I did this with my mom and her singing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


First, I'm a big Reality TV fan and probably watch too many of them.   I DVR most of them and watch while my kids/hubby are asleep at night- my guilty pleasure I guess.  Now when shows affect someones life it really tugs at my heart strings and yes I CRY and CRY!

This last Sunday I watched this episode http://abc.go.com/shows/secret-millionaire/episode-detail/ali-brown-venice-calif/749323 and cried my heart out!

If I was able to give back to my community in a big way I would love to open a cafe for the homeless just like the volunteers do at http://www.stjosephctr.org/bread_roses.html  they offer a sit down/take order cafe for the homeless.  I was so impressed because usually its like a cafeteria setting but this allows everyone feel good.  It was so beautiful to watch!  All the charities that were presented were awesome and I LOVE the fact that people are giving to people in need.  I hope this show sparks people who are able to help (in any way) to get out there and volunteer their time and help support their communities! I know it has in me. 

Feel good show!! 

Wacky Wednesday- Finger Lickin Good

OMG when I saw this last night my mouth was open and my eyes where a bit crazy and I think what came out of my mouth was EWWWW.  It was gross and funny but then it was just plain EWWW who does that- oh right Pam its a commercial, duh! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Twitter Tuesday- Twitter Parties

Twitter Parties: Tuesday, April 12

#TravelTuesdays Chat, 5:30am and 5:30 p.m. ET. Description: "Join this weekly, international Twitter chat to connect with travel-minded tweeps from across the globe! Twice each Tuesday, to accommodate for attendees in different time zones." #TToT

#ZipListLunch Twitter Chat, 1:00 p.m. ET.

Twitter Kitchen Talk, 2:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join this new weekly Twitter chat hosted by @fbkitchen. Fun conversation & often giveaways too!" #FBKitchen

#NUTS Twitter Chat, 3:30 p.m. ET. Description: "Join Twitter's 'Not-So-Usual Therapy Session with the MidlifeRoadtrip.tv crew. Hosted by @RickGriffin, @McMedia, and @Writerchick47 with different guests and lively topics each week!" #NUTS

Earthquate Preparedness Chat, 4:00 p.m. ET (1 p.m. PST). Description: "Learn how to protect yourself during an earthquake during this one hour Twitter chat presented by the American Red Cross Los Angeles Region & @CaliforniaWatch." #quakeready

#HomeSpaChat, 8:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join host @ArtoftheSpa for a weekly chat to discuss how to create the spa environment at home! This week's topic: Spring Decorating." #HomeSpaChat

Multigrain Cheerios/Biggest Loser Twitter Party, 8:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join MultiGrain Cheerios® cereal and NBC's The Biggest Loser® to chat about how you can be your own Biggest Loser." #MGCheerios

Girls' Night Out / Frito Lay Twitter Party, 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join the #GNO panel of experts as they team with @FritoLay to discuss food flavors." #GNO #FritoLay

#Holistic Moms Network Twitter Party, 10:00 p.m. ET. Description: "Join host @HolisticMomsNet for a weekly Twitter party. This week's topic: TBA." #holisticmoms

If you want to see what other parties are happening please go to http://www.tweeparties.com/.  I get a email once a week letting me know about all the parties that I might be interested in. LOVE TWITTER PARTIES!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Market Monday- Custom Art Work

Some of you know that my husband is an airbrush artist and now that I quit my job my main goal now is MARKETING Mr. Airbrush Hands (aka my hubby).

My hubby does a lot of T-shirt airbrushing but any textile that will hold paint, including jeans, denim jackets, leather apparel, pillow cases, and hoodies are always fun to do, well he says that! For Christmas one year we gave pillow cases to all the kids- guess what they loved them!  Here are some examples:

This is one of my favorite pics he has done (besides the portraits of my babies):

His specialty is PORTRAITS:

If you would like to check out more of his work please visit his website: http://mrairbrushhands.com/

Also can see more older work on PhotoBucket.

He does clothing, banners (birthday, graduation, sport, other events), or whatever you want to be painted.  We do take outside of California orders- shipping will be included in price.  If you want to get  a CUSTOM AIRBRUSHED item please let us know.  All Pinkmama's readers will get a 20% off- make sure when you order you let us know! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Loving my Magic Bullet Deluxe

Oh we have been enjoying smoothies, icees, margaritas, and iced coffees almost everyday.  We bought this wonderful invention at Costco couple weeks ago and I've been loving it ever since.
I also use it everyday to grind my coffee.  I swear the coffee tastes better too.
I can't wait to try more recipes like salsa, pesto, egg salad, soups, oh the list can go on and on!
Magic Bullet Deluxe Rocks! 

Spin Art

My kids go through toys like they grow on trees.  This toy has got hours and hours (we have had this one for almost 3 yrs ) of playtime.  Phew finally a toy that has earned  its value and more.  

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Quit My Job...Now What???

I did something yesterday that I might regret maybe next week when I need to buy groceries.....but I QUIT my job!  I've been a waitress at this cafe for 12 years on and off (had 2 kids) but for the last 8 years straight!  It's been an experience I will never forget because I have gained some awesome friends and that alone is worth it!

I'm not going to bad mouth them because they treated me good in ways but in some ways it just wasn't right.  With that being said, I'm 42 yrs old and its about time I get out of this business.  I worked Sat/Sun and I wasn't able to move much when I would get back from work. So weekends sucked for the kids because we never did much. 

Now what.....good question!  I plan to throw myself into my social media project that I've been doing very little with and now I have a new refined spark so lets see what I can do!  Also my hubby and I plan to jump on the flea market/art show circuit and this is something we have wanted to do for a long time.  My hubby is a very talented airbrush artist...  http://mrairbrushhands.com/ please check him out!  I'll be doing a post about him soon. 

I'll be blogging more now!  I never could totally commit my time but now I can.  One of my friends said...NOW YOU CAN BLOG FULL-TIME.  Yes I can!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Loving my iPad!

I've been somewhat "GONE" this week because I have a new toy....yes I got my iPad last Friday.  At first I was scared of it...don't laugh its true, I was so gentle with it and put it in its box after maybe 15 minutes being on it.  I was scared of a getting "ATTACHED" so I only did 15 minutes here and there but after a couple days that went out the window, lol!

I LOVE books and read a lot so guess what app is my favorite...yep iBook!  Oh my I've read 4 books so far but I need to slow that down because I just get stuck.  I know iTunes are going to be in my pocketbook!  I did download some free books but.... just not what I want to read.

The kids are enjoying Angry Birds...that's all I will let them use it for now.

Hubby...well he was so nice to let me play with it for a couple days before he got on it.  I'm not sure what he is doing on it but I do see the DJ application.  He keeps asking about downloading Music...go ahead but not your whole iPod collection.

Loving my new gadget and it looks like its going to be fun for blogging but they don't have BLOGGER app...but maneuvering from one page to the next is smooth.  I've been able to comment on other blogs w/o any problems.

What is your favorite iPad app?

Monday, April 4, 2011

America's Next Great Restaurant- Who do you like?

Now I know not everyone is going to like this show but someone who has been in the "BIZ" for a long time (maybe too long) I really enjoy this show.  Not necessary for the contestants they have on there but for the challenges they are competing in each week. 


My FAV so far is Sandra.  I like her concept it is unhealthy vs healthy dishes. But she NEEDS a new chef- the investors don't like the taste of the food but love the concept. Better do something Sandy or I foresee you leaving soon and I don't want that!

This week it was about designing their uniform and it was quite funny what some of  the contestants did but some of them did very well. 

Joey and his SAUCY BALLS (wishing he would change the name) was just silly.  He wanted to have a gun but decided to use a big bread stick. 

I was surprised who was eliminated because I like his concept (MeltWorks- Grilled Cheese Sandwiches) but he wasn't willing to listen to the judges which were giving him some great advice.  When your stuck on YOUR concept and someone else wants to change it has to be hard to accept change but still give it a try! 

It's a fun Sunday night reality show to watch.  If I wanted to open my own restaurant it would be FAMILY based...like a play area/video games/jukebox and then parents can eat while kids play...oh wait McDonald's and pizzerias's do this already, never mind! 

Do you have a restaurant concept that you would pitch to investors?

Friday, April 1, 2011

OH NO...a grey hair!

FINE....its official I'm old!  Damn, you know how long its been that I've been saying "but I don't have any grey hairs hahahaha" to my hubby who is younger than me and has a lot of grey (sorry).  No fun now :(

My bubble is busted and now I might have to color my beautiful red natural hair someday...just wrong!  I bet if I look longer I will find more.  In my head when I first saw IT (the grey hair) I told myself nah that just a blond highlight...really Pam! I guess whatever it takes...DENIAL DENIAL! 

This was just a lil bump in the road so no worries I'm not going to let this lil grey hair get to me!  Right...keep thinking that Pam...you still look good for your age. 

Getting older sucks some days! 

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