
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Focus Focus Focus!

But I can't!!  I feel like I'm stretched in many different directions and I need to learn how to manage this because I right now I'm feeling like I'm loosing the battle. 
I might be fighting off a bit of depression (just being real) because I did quit my job and now having no money coming in.  It's been a LONG TIME since I've had to rely on someone else and its killing me! 

I can't seem to want to do anything but watch TV and read.  Housework is falling behind and what I NEED to do is not getting done.  Also I've been drinking a lot of soda/pop and that was a habit I kicked awhile back.  So I do know depression is knocking on the door!

I'm doing a lot for the school lately (lately....lol)and so I need to be on top of that!  Teacher Appreciation Week- biggest hurdle was today and it was a success so I can breathe a bit now!  But today I need to sit down and get on the Book Fair stuff..timeline and get fliers out and all that good stuff!  Let's not forget Bay to Breakers- ordering the shirts and all that stuff that needs to get done by May 15th.  I do have a parent who offered to help with that so WOOHOO- because I have no idea how to do this event. 

As for finding a JOB....well that is in the thinking process.  I would like to work on the Social Media biz during the week and set up with hubby on the weekends with his airbrushing.  That's what I want but will that happen, not sure!  I need to do something but do I want go back to waitressing....no way!  But what else do I know how to do...besides be a mom (which doesn't pay) ugh why does life have to be so darn confusing!

Time management is what I need now and maybe an assistant :)

Thanks for listening to my rant. 
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