Since I'm not a computer guru I won't have diagrams for you but I'll try my best to write out the instructions the best I can.
Create a LIST:
- Go to Account (right hand corner)
- Click on Edit Friends
- Click on Create a List- I called mine "Fan Pages"
- Click on all of your "Likes" (they are listed after your friends)- it will turn blue when you click on it- check
Need to ADD to a LIST:
- Click on your LIST (mine was called Fan Pages)
- Click on button "Add Multiple"
- Click on whoever you want to add to the list
Each friend/like can be on multiple lists so now I'm going to organize my Fan Page list into sub categories like: Mom Bloggers, Social Media, Kid Stuff, Deals, and Misc.
Now for the BEST PART....when I just want to look at ONLY my Fan Pages all I need to do is go to News Feed page click on "Fan Pages" and boom all my LIKES are in one page. It usually says Top News - Most on arrow by Most Recent and it gives you several options on what to look at! I can look at only My Family posts if I want to. Love it!!
I hope this helps someone organize their Facebook daily experience! I know it will for me :)
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