
Monday, October 11, 2010

Words of Me Project: 31 Days Creativity Challenge

Came across this very inspiring blog http://wordsofmeproject.blogspot.com/ that I keep going back to and so I'm going to take this challenge- even though its completed on the website I still want to do it!  I love when someone inspires me to do something outside my comfort zone so here it goes.

Day 1: Create an Art Journal for all your thoughts, ideas, inspirational quotes, etc


I'm down to do this!  Stay tuned for a picture of my journal...ummm I'm not a very good artist so don't laugh when I post the pic :)
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Tanya on October 11, 2010 at 5:17 PM said...

Hi Pam, I'm visiting from the Monkey Tribe. We are the same age and both seem to like to join creative things. I am participating in the Sketchbook Project and 1001 journals. Looking forward to your creations.

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