
Friday, October 22, 2010

My Relationship to my Blackberry

I don't know about others but mine is attached to my hip these day.  Can I leave the house without my phone?  Heck NO!  I will turn around and go get it even if I'm late-which is just about all the time.  Do I use it to make phone calls....no HATE talking on the phone.  Texting and emailing is what I use my BB for! 

My birthday is coming up and I've already hinted enough to hubby what phone I want.  I would love a Blackberry Torch.  My BB now has a crack down the middle thanks to lil man!  But it still works so I'm good until my hubby buys me a new phone (like how I threw that in).

My hubby said the other night if he ever catches me emailing/texting at 1am in the morning he will throw my phone away!  WTH....do I say anything about the endless hours of Xbox playing he does and I'm going to throw his xbox away.  No, but I've thought about it MANY times! 

I got to thinking WOW I would be totally lost w/o my Blackberry and that's scary to think like that but hey I'm honest.  On my phone I go to facebook, twitter, google, take/send pics, games for the kids when we are stuck somewhere, and of course music!  I'm sure I'm missing out on other cool things but for now this is all I can handle.

Should I be this attached to a phone...probably not but it has saved me many times over and I'm standing by my Blackberry!  If anyone tries to take (hear this hubby) my BB then we will have issues.
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