
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Whiner Wednesday

Why...well because I'm having a hard time dealing with damn HOT weather.  I know nothing to really gripe about but it makes me so uncomfortable.  Whine Whine Whine :)

I've lived in the Bay Area now for 12 years so you would think by now I could deal with the handful of HOT weather days we get a year, lol!  I'm a redhead so it's not like I can go in the sun and enjoy.  I need to goop the sunscreen on every where (my head too), sweat - ewww hate to sweat, hurts my eyes, and I get light headed.  Maybe I'm vampire or maybe I just need to stop the b*tching and just enjoy!  HAHA!

This worst part of this weather is I can't sleep!  I can have a fan on but then the noise bothers me so I go into other rooms in the house to lay down and sometimes that work but its like sleeping at someone elses house because your not in your comfy bed so I tend to wake up all night long.

Geez I'm a big whiner today LOL!  Whiner Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Little Reader

I love to see my kids reading.  I'm a big reader so it warms my heart knowing I have kids who enjoy books. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Exercise- I did it!

I jumped right into it today...Monday morning on my TO DO list was exercise.  Now that's been on my TO DO list pretty much every week and every week I don't do it!  So much for following a TO DO list huh, lol! 

This weekend I was trying to find something on the TV and I stumbled on the FREE section and guess what they have Fitness Videos..who knew (not me)! There is a lot to choose from beginner to advanced.  I was so excited and made my plan last night.

  • 14 minutes of Yoga Stretching
  • 12 minutes of Hip Hop
  • 12 minutes of Abs
  • 20 minutes of Walking 
Just short of an hour but I did my damn thing!  I was huffing and puffing but to be honest I did feel better after doing it.  I plan to do this every day M-F for 3 weeks straight.  I will post my accomplishments and lets see if I can firm up before I leave on vacation on July 8th. 

I feel good that I actually did it!  It's been bothering me a lot that I'm not exercising.  So looking forward to tomorrow (did I just say that..lol)!  Motivation Motivation!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

We had a low key celebration but I know my hubby loved it this way so it's all good! 

Hubby went fishing last night for catfish (ewww) but didn't catch anything to bring home.  He loves fishing but we have to get him out of this night time fishing because he never comes home with a fish, lol! When I first met him I was like your going fishing at night WTF??  But to be honest I think its all about what you do while your fishing.  Like for example.. drinking beer, smack talking to each other, no wives/gf bossing them around, and being one with nature.  He does come home stinking like the fire pit and fishing bait so I know he is fishing somewhere :)

Today he walked in the door and I just finished cooking breakfast so that was some great timing.  He ate, showered then took a nap.  I took the kids to a friend's garage sale, to a park, home for a rest, woke daddy up, went and got Subway sandwiches then back to the park for a picnic with dad.  Rest of the time he has been on the deck drinking his beer, soaking in the sun and reading his book.  He is chillin!  I'm making him meatloaf, mac n cheese, and green beans for dinner.  Dessert is Chocolate Chip Cookies made by Lil Mama and myself.  I think overall he had a GREAT DAY! Oh yeah I got him a Artist Easel for $5 at the garage sale- so that is a big WOOHOO! 


Friday, June 17, 2011

Organizing Facebook "Likes"

I have over 1000 Facebook "likes"- from products, blogging friends, social media, stuff I want, kid pages, and so on...you get the picture.  I have a hard time keeping up with all the daily posts because there is a lot of posts going on through out the day...and who can spend all their time on FB is beyond me!   So I got this brilliant (lol) idea to organize the fan pages I like.  Facebook is very hard to understand or even maneuver around- or maybe it is just me.  But TODAY I figured it out and my life on Facebook is going to be so much easier.
Since I'm not a computer guru I won't have diagrams for you but I'll try my best to write out the instructions the best I can.
Create a LIST:
  • Go to Account (right hand corner)
  • Click on Edit Friends
  • Click on Create a List- I called mine "Fan Pages"
  • Click on all of your "Likes" (they are listed after your friends)- it will turn blue when you click on it- check
Need to ADD to a LIST:
  • Click on your LIST (mine was called Fan Pages)
  • Click on button "Add Multiple" 
  • Click on whoever you want to add to the list
Each friend/like can be on multiple lists so now I'm going to organize my Fan Page list into sub categories like: Mom Bloggers, Social Media, Kid Stuff, Deals, and Misc.   

Now for the BEST PART....when I just want to look at ONLY my Fan Pages all I need to do is go to News Feed page click on "Fan Pages" and boom all my LIKES are in one page.  It usually says Top News - Most Recent...click on arrow by Most Recent and it gives you several options on what to look at!  I can look at only My Family posts if I want to.  Love it!!

I hope this helps someone organize their Facebook daily experience!  I know it will for me :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Spare Tire- where did it come from?

Yes, I've been chubby pretty much my whole life but from my chest to my belly button has always been fine (except for when I was pregnant LOL).  Not anymore I now have a spare tire that has been getting bigger and bigger or maybe I'm just now noticing it!

Anyhoo, no matter when it arrived I need to get rid of it!  How do you get someone who hates to exercise to exercise???  I totally get that I need to that, that's not the problem the problem is getting my big ass to commit to actual working out.  You can call my lazy but I'm not!  I'm on the move a lot but do you think I can fit in a workout for the life of me...better watch what I say!

Motivation to exercise is no where to be found and I'm not sure where to find it!  Just Do It....Right, I know huh and stop talking about it...yes I get all that but I'm not that type of person.  It is like I'm battling with myself to be healthy and that's just sick!

I was the girl in gym that was always on the sidelines bitching/moaning about doing this or that.  I used to lie about having my periods/cramps to the PE Teacher (men coaches bought more than the women coaches) to get out of at least a week. My mom and dad were both heavy into softball and I know they wanted me to play too but please that was way too much for me.  Plus the sweating ewwww, hated that even more.  Gross!  I feel like I'm back in school fighting the coach about running. 

I need to find my motivation and I'm being honest here people.  I HATE working out.  But I can no longer avoid such a serious issue or I'm going to have some major health problems soon. 

I'm up for any suggestions.  Thanks for reading!  Want to know what's really bad...I did spell check and exercise was a word I spelled wrong 3 times- see I can't even spell the word right! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weekend Cleaning- The Good and The Ugly!

Last weekend we worked real hard getting our house inside/outside in order so we can ENJOY the summer.  I know we have a lot more to do but we were able to check off at least 10 things off our TO DO LIST.  

Saturday we cleaned the kids room and everytime I walk by them I go "awwww" because I love seeing a clean room.  Wish my kids felt the same way. I now have boxes full of stuff for the Garage Sale we are going to have on Sunday...yep Father's Day.  It feels good to get all that crap out that we are not using or don't need!  Wait until next Saturday when I really go through stuff to put in the garage sale, I might not stop LOL!

Sunday we worked out in the yard.  Pulling, cutting, pruning everything!  Weeds are not my friend that is for sure and damn they grow back fast.  Or maybe I'm just slow pulling them out- which is probably the truth.  I had to wear a bandanna around my face because I'm allergic to something out there that causes my throat to close up and that's not a good feeling.  It worked okay but I took many water breaks.  The backyard looked awesome and a place where I want to hang out.

But guess what.....the WASPS are all crazy now and they are mad at us.  Not sure what we did to piss them off but I swear if they see us outside anytime after 10am they do everything in their power to torment us.  Lovely huh!  If anyone know a NATURAL way to get rid of them please let me know.  We would like to enjoy our backyard that we worked really hard on!

Well on to research on how to get rid of Wasps- Bees creep me out!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kids' Clutter Driving You Crazy? FREE teleclass TONIGHT

Just got this email today- woohoo because what I'm doing this weekend- yep cleaning the kids rooms.  I wish I could wave a magical wand and that it would be all done for me but that's NOT REALITY, right!

But then I also wish THEY would clean their own rooms, which I give them credit they TRY but does it ever stand up to my standards, NOPE!  So it's mommy to the rescue this weekend.  Hoping it rains all weekend so I don't feel bad being held up in the house cleaning.  But then I also need to work out in the yard so maybe just rain 1 day, ok! 

Now back to the Kid Clutter click on link if interested in the  FREE KID CLUTTER TELECLASS !  It is TONIGHT but if you have something planned you still can sign up and they will send you and audio version- I say something is better than nothing.  I need help and so I'm reaching out to get that help, LOL! 

Need more tips/tricks: http://www.clutterdiet.com/

This week the kids have came home with BAGS of paperwork and I look at it of course but do I want to keep it all...heck no!  If they come home with more junk I'm going to SCREAM! 

(now I need to a class on messy husband and I'll be all good- oh sorry hubby if see this but just saying that side of the bed is scary looking) Wink Wink :)

Kids- Last Week of School!

Last week of school!  They have been doing the countdown .  My son will be going into the 4th grade and my daughter into the 2nd grade....wow when did they start growing up! 

Lil Man well this year has been a breeze for him because he had a teacher he loved! He did very well this year, that's what his teacher says at least.  My son loves to help his teacher out (kind of reminds me of myself- teachers pet some years LOL) and he has found the love of reading.  Woohoo!  Now if I can find that same love for him to take showers.  I have to fight him every day to take a shower.  Oh and the lip smacking and talking back has given me many teeth clutching episodes.  He doesn't get to play his video games that much these days. 

Lil Mama well she exceeds what I expected out of her this year.  I'm not going to brag too much...lol but she is doing her thing in school and I'm a proud mama.  She needs to work on getting along with others though!  She doesn't like people around her, she would be happy at a table all by herself.  Her social skills are needing some TLC.  She was at home with me until Kindergarten so she never got "lets play and have fun" experience.  She also is a big helper around the school.  She would rather help the teachers out than go outside and play.  Something I should be worried about or let her work through what she needs too.  We will see!  I want her to be social like her mama but I'm not sure if that will happen.  At least she won't get kicked out of sewing class in high school for talking too much- like I did! 

I'm proud of them and so excited for them to start a new school year! 

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I've been fighting this battle within myself of NOT GROWING OLD.  In my head I'm still 25 but my body is saying "no way in hell" your 25 anymore girl so please let go! 
This past month I've been going through some weird stuff and I finally called my mom to whine about what is happening.  She says "Sounds like your going through menopause"  well she just busted my bubble and all that is in my head is DAMN PAM YOUR GETTING OLD!  Don't get me wrong I'm not saying everyone who is going through menopause is old BUT to me that is how I felt! 

I did a bit more research because I need my mom to be wrong but guess what I think she is RIGHT ON and I just need to accept the fact I'm getting older (every time I read these sentence I rolled my eyes, hehehe).

I have 26 of the 34 below symptoms....I'm going to say that's not good!  Ok so making my dr appointment next week, its always better safe than sorry right.  This getting old crap is not fun and I know I have many many years to dealing with falling apart, hope my family is ready to take care of me...LOL!

What I need to do now is start taking better care of myself.  Exercise and Food is my next project, love how I call it a PROJECT. I know I'm silly- just trying to psych myself out that is something I want to do than something I need to do.

Common Symptoms
1. Hot Flashes
2. Night Sweats
3. Irregular Periods
4. Loss of Libido
5. Vaginal Dryness
6. Mood Swings

7. Fatigue
8. Hair Loss
9. Sleep Disorders
10. Difficult Concentrating
11. Memory Lapses
12. Dizziness
13. Weight Gain
14. Incontinence
15. Bloating
16. Allergies
17. Brittle Nails

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