
Monday, January 24, 2011

30 Days to a Better Blog: Day 9 – Establish a Review Policy

I haven't done that many reviews (WOULD LOVE TO DO MORE) but I guess this is very important and all of us who do reviews should have this on our blog.  I will!

Things to include in your review policy:

■Overview: State the objective for your reviews. Are you looking for the best products for your audience? Are you looking to provide well-rounded reviews for your readers?

■What You Look at in a Review: Tell your audience what you look for in the items you’re reviewing, and how you will write the review. Are you looking at content? quality? price? value? other specific factors?

■Items You’re Looking to Review: Make a list of the items you are interested in reviewing – and an example of the items you’re not willing to review.

■Whether You’re Willing to Accept Samples: A variety of companies look to provide bloggers with a sample that they need to return. Some bloggers are fine with that (this way they can review expensive items), while some find it a pain.

■How to Request a Review: Provide contact information for companies looking to send you a review product.

■How You Handle a Review: Tell potential companies how you handle the review. If it is a product that you don’t want to pitch to your audience or would review badly – do you still want to include the review? Will you let the company know? Will you send the product back or pass it on to another reviewer?

■Disclosure: Bloggers are now legally required to disclose if they received an item as a sample and/or were paid for their review as a way to provide transparency to the reader. You can find several sample disclosure on the web, or I found this interesting website that gives you a way to visually display your level of disclosure.

Please read more here:  http://www.blogworld.com/2011/01/09/30-days-to-a-better-blog-establish-a-review-policy/

I know what I'm working on TODAY!  Thanks Blog World!
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