
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Mom is coming to visit!

I'm EXCITED because she is also going to be here for my birthday.  I haven't spent a bday with my mom in a long time and yes I'm going to be 42 yrs old but I still get all giddy knowing my mom will be here. 

(Someone special in both of our lives bought a ticket for her...THANK YOU Jody!)
I'm just happy she is coming to see my new home, we've been here a year and LOVING IT!  This house really changed our lives for the better and I just want her to see what a big difference from the last place we were at.  She is going to be so happy!

My mommy is coming!!!
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Lisa @ Grandma's Briefs on November 28, 2010 at 8:16 PM said...

What a delightful birthday gift! You're never too old to enjoy spending a birthday with mom! Enjoy!

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