
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Zumba Classes

Went to my 2nd class last night and still lovin it! I couldn't get down as low as the teacher wanted me to but I still did a damn good job. It was easier this time but the steps are hard to follow when its in fast mode. Or it could just me....I pretty sure its just me. I've always had a hard time figuring out dance steps when being taught. I still have to question right and left when I'm doing the steps, ugh! I am dedicated to do this for 12 weeks! I will post every week to let my family/friends know I'm still going strong!

I also do Wii Fit and My Fitness coach 2-4x a week. Getting ready for summer and some cute mommy clothes! Watch out world!

18 Unexpected Organizers~Great Article

My house is in dire need of a SPRING cleaning so I'm getting all my good advice from the web & magazines. Today I came across an article about Unexpected Organizers and they had some awesome ideas.

That should bring you right to the article.

My "fav" is : #14. Empty suitcases are a missed opportunity! Remember, there are some things you just don’t need to unpack, like your travel hairdryer, electric adapters, sleep mask, neck pillow, earplugs and your restocked travel makeup kit.

I also use my suitcases to store clothes I'm not wearing. I don't travel much, lol!

Ants...GO AWAY!!!

It's been raining for weeks here and the last 2 days we've had STROMS so these lil annoying ants been trying to come in our house and kick it! Ummm NO WAY! They love the bathroom and the kitchen. Nothing for them to be munching on but I hate ants in my house. It doesn't help that this damn house plus every other house on this block is on an ant community. All my neighbors have the same problem. My landlord sprays around the house every couple months so that helps a lot but this rain is not helping the NO ANTS rule in my house.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Lil Mama hooked on Build a Bear Wii game...

Last night we went to Gamestop to get some used games. We each picked one out~ Lil man got a Star Wars game, Hubby got Afro Samurai, Lil Mama got BAB, and I got My Fitness Coach.

Last night both kids played their games but Lil Mama had a hard time shutting if off. She was having a blast and the games were perfect for her. She loved all the mini games plus finding all the cool treasures. I had to take her away screaming and kicking.

She woke up this morning and first thing she wanted to do was play BAB. I asked if she could please eat first, yep that wasn't happening. She needed to get more puzzle pieces and was obsessed. The Wii is so different (JMO) then lets say PS2 because on the Wii your movement is how you play the game. She is not sitting that's for sure....she was on her feet all day running around playing this game. I know its not right to let her play for hours but she had so much fun with her new game and she will be back to normal soon. I had to put a timer on her and she is not allowed to play until tomorrow after lunch. I'll be at work so good luck daddy, lol!!!!

Plus while she played I got A LOT done. I know I'm a bad mom but hey she had fun and I got work done. No harm done and it was for 1 day only. She has to get it out of her system. Plus this is the first game she ever liked this much. She was able to understand and it is FUN. Don't tell but I played too!

I did My Fitness Coach today and wow I'm going to get my workout on! Tell you more later!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting Healthy

I'm doing the Wii at least 3-4 times a week. Haven't lost much but I do have more energy and I can live with that! I have at least 200 things to do a day so more energy is what I need!

I'm also doing Zumba once a week for an hour. I'm still sore from Monday's class. I loved the class and looking forward to Mondays.

Drinking water more. I'm not a big water drinker so this is hard but I'm doing it. I have at least 3-4 glasses a day. I think I'm going to get me one of those big water jugs that have a top and just drink that every day. Downfall is I have to go Pee a lot!

Getting enough sleep is not a problem these days. Before kids I always had a hard time sleeping but now that I'm busy all day when it hits 10pm I ready to pass out. I get up at 6:30am so that is plenty of sleep. I wish I could stay up longer because I do have a lot I want to do and never enough time.

I have a lot more energy than I did lets say a month ago! I'm going home in April and I would love to be at least 20 lbs lighter. I'm thinking of my health and staying around for years to see my young ones grow up.

Eating right is my biggest problem. I rarely eat breakfast and yes I know that is wrong. Lunch I usually have a salad or sandwich. Dinner I cook pretty healthy but its the late night snacking that kills me. Ugh! I will work on that. I tried eating fruit but its so hard to give up my chocolate. I'm trying but it is hard, lol!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Oh my Goodness I did a Zumba class last night and I LOVED IT! For my chubby butt to say I LOVED an exercise class that is BIG! I enjoyed it because it was dance plus exercise and that is what I like to do. I highly recommend these classes or get the video tapes. I had fun shaking my booty!

Before Kids.....

I would have bought these shoes in a heartbeat!!!

I feel I would trip, fall and hurt myself if I wore these suckers now. The only time I dress up is when I go Lil Man's school. That's sad. I really don't have any other destinations that require me to dress up so that's WHY my shoe collection is slippers and tennis shoes. Oh my, I have lost my love for me!

Friday, February 20, 2009

American Idol- Group 1

Yes, I'm an Idol admirer! I'm not a dedicated fan that calls in every week but I catch it when I can. I'm so happy I watched Tuesday's performance because I fell in love with 2 contestants that night, Alexis Grace and Danny Gokey! Oh my I loved their performances. I'm even thinking about downloading Alexis song (never did that before). The 3rd person picked was Michael Sarver and I wasn't that impressed but hey he is just not my style.

They are doing something different this year or least it seems different, lol! They broke the Top 36 into groups of 12. Each 12 perform and then the highest male, highest female, and the next highest person get to move into the Top 12. My 2 favorite picks made it to the top 12 so that was exciting.

My Fav's in GROUP 1:

Looking forward to next Tuesday and Group 2.

If you want to read more about American Idol go to:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Allen Family Fun Schedule

The kids want to do at least 20 different things a night and I felt like I was being spread thin already so I had to come up with a schedule to help us do everything we want to.

Monday: Reading Night -we all get a book and read to ourselves for an hour. We read every night before bedtime but this is different. This night is really for Lil Man to read to himself. He loves books and this helps us get some good reading in.

Tuesday: Game Night. Each kid picks a board/card game and we play 2 games. Lil Mama plays board games every day but this night we all play with her.

Wednesday: Wii Family Night. We play bowling, golf, and Guitar Hero. Favorite night for everyone.

Thursday: Dance Night. We dance to all the kids favorite music. Hannah Montana is growing on! They have little dance offs it is so cute. I need to video tape them.

Friday: Movie Night. We all crawl into my bed and watch a kid friendly movie. The kids take turns picking the movie.

Sat/Sun: FREE NIGHTS...but I'm sure they will talk me into something.

Daddy participates in Wii Night but he is not into the other activities. He is a party poop-er plus he is missing out on some fun times w/the kids. I understand he works hard so I don't hold this against him but he is missing out.

Rain Rain Go Away!

Yes, I know we really needed the rain but Lil Mama is DRIVING ME NUTS. She got $25 from Grandma for V-day and spent it at Target on a Dora Bike Helmet and Pads but haven't been able to use it yet. Now she is regretting her choice because her brother who bought Lego's has been playing with his toy since Saturday and her helmet has been sitting quietly near the door just waiting for the rain to stop.

She is ready to ride her bike! Can the rain stop just for 1 hr this afternoon so this beautiful girl can use her Dora helmet just one time! She is mad and when she is mad it makes my day very long.

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