
Friday, January 18, 2013

Kids With Disabilities and School

I know I have mentioned in a couple posts that my youngest child Sahara was born with EXTREME Clubfeet.  The Dr's told us the day she was born she might not walk because this was the worse case they have seen.  Wow, that was a lot of news on the day she was born.  I didn't know before hand that she had clubfeet so it was a big whammy for us!  Her first day of life she had 2 casts put on her.  Those things were heavy!  Breastfeeding and holding those legs up were a challenge.  

Years later she is walking, running, and now dancing.  She has had several years of castings, braces, two surgeries and many hours of physical therapy but her feet still turn in a bit.  This doesn't stop her a bit except at school.  The only time it is really noticeable is when she runs.  

This year Sahara is at a new school and the kids are not familiarized with her disability.  They tease her all the time and she comes home crying almost everyday.  They mimic her, call her names, and laugh at her.  I mentioned first to the teacher but she did nothing so I went to the Principal and she took action as soon as I told her.  The Principal pulled in the kids that were making fun of Sahara and let her tell her story- she had a voice.  The Principal told me that Sahara did this with poise and extreme confidence.  They talked about  safety first for their bodies and hearts, recognizing the many individual differences they have and how those differences make them unique, acknowledging that they should, at school, take care of each other and make certain they do their best to help each other feel great about them selves and recognize each others beauty. 

As a mom I really appreciate the principal not brushing me off like the teacher did "kids will be kids" is what I was told.  Really...well my child is going to fight back and let it be known she doesn't deserve to be picked on!  Or Mama Bear will appear, LOL! 

I know I was picked on for my red hair and being overweight through out school.  I will always be there for my kids and we will always stand up to those who might need a bit more education about what clubfeet is and how this is something she is not doing on purpose.  

Do you have any advice on how I should handle future incidents at school?  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Looking for Middle Schools for my Son

Okay this is a big responsibility and WHY are there so many choices and deadlines.  When I was growing up...you went to your neighborhood school. Nothing too hard about that.  Not here and not now.

This week I have one tour at a Charter School that my son really wants to go to so of course I'll go check it out. Sounds very interesting and some where my son would really fit in.

Realm Charter School is designed to be a project-based, technology-rich learning environment that promotes critical and socially responsive perspectives. This means that students will learn to think about the world as a set of interconnected systems that can be affected through rigorous studies and action. Students will navigate and create complex information networks, virtual worlds, and immersive learning environments by utilizing emerging technologies. Moreover, through culturally relevant instruction and curricula, students will recognize and own their ability to shape our world and to better humanity.

Next week I go to another Charter School- NOCCS.  This school both kids can go to and its only a couple miles from our house.  This school is more our speed than the school we go to now.  The school we go to now we feel lost and the kids have had a hard time adjusting. But it is an awesome school!

 North Oakland Community Charter School is a public school dedicated to helping children become thoughtful, informed, and inquisitive citizens. NOCCS is a vibrant, diverse learning community driven by respect for each child’s unique intelligence and history. The school’s dynamic and challenging educational approach deepens the intellectual and social capacities of each child.

Wish me luck and I hope we get into one of these schools!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

UNREAL Candy Moms Meet Facebook Party on 1/14

You're invited to join the UNREAL™ candy Moms Meet Facebook party, where you'll get the chance to win UNREAL™ candy! This is your chance to chat live with representatives from UNREAL™ and learn more about their brand. It's all happening on Monday, January 14th at 3:00 P.M. EST, and here's how it works:
  • When the party starts, log into Facebook and head over to the Moms Meet page.
  • Representatives from UNREAL™ will be posting on our page to answer your questions about their brand and products.
  • Ask your questions, share your comments, and participate in the discussion during the event. Be sure to stick around until the end, when we'll announce the 5 lucky winners on our Facebook page!
For your chance to win UNREAL™ candy, send questions about UNREAL™ before the party starts using this online form. They want to hear your questions about UNREAL™ candy! The winners will be announced at the end of the Facebook party!

Ready to join the fun? RSVP to the UNREAL™ candy Moms Meet Facebook Party today. Click here for Official Rules.

Favorite Pinterest Recipe~Baked Tacos

OMG they are so yummy and addicting!  This is now are favorite go-to recipe.  So happy Pinterest is in my life or else we would be just having plain ole tacos.  

photo from http://blogchef.net/baked-tacos-recipe/

Ground Beef, Taco Seasoning, Black Beans, Mexican Cheese, and Stand Up Taco Shells is all you need.  

  1. Brown ground beef. Drain off any fat and add black beans, and seasoning.
  2. Spoon mixture into taco shells.
  3. Place filled shells into a 9×13 pan, standing up. Sprinkle with cheese.
  4. Bake at 400 for 10-12 minutes or until heated through
Absolutely Yummy!!

Review: Kikkoman Soy Sauce Brine Chicken-YUMMY

  • I was given a wonderful opportunity to BRINE a chicken with Kikkoman Soy Sauce thanks to Smiley360! I'm very late on this review due to having surgery and just not cooking for a month.  I twisted my hubby's arm to do this for me so I can get to review up.  I'm so happy I did!  I've never BRINE anything in my life and let me tell you what a life changing cooking experience- YUMMY!!!  I plan to do this for Thanksgiving this year for sure.  Now it does take some work but it's well worth it.  I apologize for the lack of pictures (hubby forgot)!   
  • 1 gal warm water
  • 34 cup kosher salt
  • 23 cup sugar
  • 34 cup soy sauce
  • 14 cup olive oil

  • Directions
Pour the warm water into a container that is twice the volume of the water. Pour in the salt, sugar, soy sauce, and olive oil. Stir until the sugar and salt have dissolved, then allow the brine to cool to room temperature.

To use, place chicken in the brine, cover, and refrigerate two hours for skinless breasts, 4 hours for bone-in pieces, and 4 hours to overnight for whole chickens. Drain and pat the chicken dry before cooking. One gallon of brine is enough for 6 pounds of whole chicken or bone-in chicken pieces, and up to 10 pounds of skinless, boneless chicken breasts.
We did overnight!  After taking it out- rinse off. Sprinkle seasoned salt over it and bake at 400° for 45 minutes.  ENJOY!
This chicken was so moist and tender!  Best meal I had in a long time.  We served with red beans and rice. Thanks to Kikkoman Soy Sauce and Smiley 360 for this opportunity. 
To get recipes, products and information please visit the Kikkoman website. You wont be disappointed!
You can also follow Kikkoman on Facebook for even more recipes, photos and coupons.  Go BRINE you a bird!

Disclosure: I received a free sample of Kikkoman Soy Sauce from Smiley360 to conduct this review. I received no monetary compensation and all thoughts on this product are my own

Monday, January 7, 2013

REVIEW: CoverGirl BlastFlipStick


The COVERGIRL blastflipstick isn't like anything you've ever seen. It's a double-ended lipstick, which, let's be honest, is awesome by itself, but there's even more to it than that. The blastflipstick has two shades — one soft, for day wear, and the other dazzling, for night. Wear separately or combine to create a shade that's all your own. It's your personal color palette, giving you endless pucker-up possibilities.

I was able to review 3 different Blastflipsticks and fell in love! I only liked one color VIXEN because of my lip color preference (pink) and the other 2 colors were bit darker than I would normally wear. I did share with my friends and they loved it as much as I loved mine.  I love the concept- 2 lipsticks in 1!  Can't beat the price it's under $10.  As a mom that means a lot to me.  I wore the shimmer during the day and at work then at night when I go out I would put on both. 

 I love having only one lipstick for all these looks:  I love the Matte/Shimmer mix the best.  I felt great wearing and got a lot of compliments so I think it looked good.

Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/covergirl
Follow of Twitter: twitter.com/COVERGIRL
Follow on Pinterest: pinterest.com/source/covergirl.com

I was able to do this review because I'm a member of BzzAgent-
(it’s free to join). I get to try cool products, for free, and even get coupons and special offers to share with friends. Then I make my voice heard by sharing my honest opinions about the great stuff I try with others, including some of the largest companies in the world. It’s great, you should come join me!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Kids Go Back to School- WOOHOO!

I know bad mom but I'm ready for them to go back.  The last 2 weeks have been busy with the holidays and keeping them entertained.  I'm exhausted!  I want my house back and give it a good cleaning.  I'm ready to work on some projects that I couldn't really do with kids around because I get distracted, of course!  

I'll try to hide my excitement but the kids keep asking why I'm smiling- ummmm because you two are going back to school and I get some peace and quiet.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

10 Steps To Self Care

Found this on Facebook and I love it now going to use it!

1. I learned #1 a long time ago- listen to my stomach.  I stay out of trouble a lot by doing this! 
2. "Exactly" oh wow that is going to be hard since I usually stumble over my words.
3. OMG really I'm the biggest Person Pleaser I know.
4. I can handle this one, no problem.
5. I can't say "Look how fat I look in these jeans"  OK whatever!  LOL
6. My Dreams....I have many and so true never give up! Will have to work on this one.
7. I'm not sure NO is in my vocabulary except to say to my kids and hubby!  I do need to do this though.
8. Yes Yes Yes...not scared.
9. I really need to be kind to myself this year.  Give a little to myself instead of always to the kids.
10. Easier said than doing that's for sure- but will be letting go of a lot in 2013.
11. That's a given,  I hate DRAMA!!!! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I am HAPPY 2012 is DONE!

Wow, what a year 2012 was!  It was exhausting and I'm really looking forward to 2013.

My 2012 Highlights:

  • My relationship with my hubby became stronger.
  • I became a home school teacher for 2 months
  • Got kids in a good school- didn't want to home school anymore LOL
  • I won a iMac :)
  • I grew my blogs numbers
  • I lost some weight
  • We received Angel Love for the holidays
  • Oldest son came down to Calif for a couple months
  • Had a great family trip with my mom and kids
My Not-So Great Highlights:
  • My kids school went down hill and then closed
  • I was sick a lot!
  • I had 3 blood transfusion
  • I had an hysterectomy
  • Lost some important friendships but gained new ones
  • Kids had to be home schooled for 2 months

It wasn't the worse year but I am happy to say GOOD-BYE!

2013 Goals for PinkMama's Place


  • I'm really hoping to GROW PinkMama's Place in 2013.  
  • I want to have a successful blog and create a community.
  • What I need to figure out is what direction I want to take this blog.  Do I just do reviews/giveaways?  Or go back to my family stories.  I need to make that decision. 
  • I want to work on blogging relationships with other mom bloggers.
  • I want to overcome my fear of looking stupid on my blog.  I write from my heart and how I write is how I talk.  I'm not a english major and to be honest FAR form it!  
  • I want to learn more about SEO and use it!
  • I want to have a new design!
  • I want to take blogging to a new level and actually make money.  


When I look at my goals they seem workable and I think I need to change the word WANT to WILL though!

  • I will GROW PinkMama's Place in 2013.  
  • I will have a successful blog and create a community.
  • What I need to figure out is what direction I want to take this blog.  Do I just do reviews/giveaways?  Or go back to my family stories.  I will make that decision. 
  • I will work on blogging relationships with other mom bloggers.
  • I will overcome my fear of looking stupid on my blog.  I write from my heart and how I write is how I talk.  I'm not a english major and to be honest FAR form it!  
  • I will learn more about SEO and use it!
  • I will have a new design!
  • I will take my blogging to a new level and actually make money.  

Now that looks much better!  I WILL!  Now I need to think about my PERSONAL GOALS!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fun Printable New Years Activity with Kids

What a cool project to do with the kids!  Start a family tradition this New Years.  Please visit Today's Mama to download the PRINTABLES!  We are going to do this and then read them Jan 1st 2014.  

Do you have a family tradition that you do for the year? 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Join the Ultimate Blog Challenge- Starts Jan 1st

I want to build my blog in 2013 and joining the Ultimate Blog Challenge will help me do that!  

Sign up now: http://ultimateblogchallenge.com
Starts Jan 1st!!!

If you decide to do the Ultimate Blog Challenge please leave a comment so we can SUPPORT each other!  

Friday, December 28, 2012

Top 10 Reasons I Love My Crazy Kids!

1. Every morning I get a hug and a "GOOD MORNING MOM" from both of them.

2. Their smiles melt my heart and it's so hard to get mad at them- unless they are mouthing off then it's ON!

3. When I ask them to clean their rooms they jump right up and do it.  WAIT wrong house... no sorry that's not my kids.  I usually have to bribe them.  

4. When they get home from school they do their homework.  HAHA- with a lot of crying and "I don't know how to do this" whining.  

5.  They clean up after themselves...ummm not my kids either.  They are tornadoes.

6.  They let me go shopping all by myself so I can get in and get out without spending on useless junk. WRONG- they hide in the car when I say I'm going by myself.  

7. When we say we don't have money- they stop asking for crap.  Oh wait they don't do that either- they keep asking.  

8.  They do their chores everyday without whining.  OMG not at all- usually have to threaten to take something away.  

9.  They let us have our privacy in our own room.  Nope not happening!  They love to hang out until bedtime in our room.  They each have their own room plus a living room but mom/dads room is the hot spot.  

10 Every night I get hugs/kisses and I love you's.  My youngest even sings us a song in her best Barney voice:
I love you, you love me, we are a happy family with a great big hug and kiss from me to you.  I LOVE YOU!  
They are lucky they do #1 and #10 at least.  I LOVE THEM A LOT!   

Win an iPad- RewardIt.com

Easy Entry!  Quick form and that's it!  EXPIRES December 31st- so get your entries in NOW!

Click HERE to enter!

Free Consult at Curves-Happy New Year!

You’re just three quick steps away from burning more fat than diet alone! This year, be the star in your own Success Story. Every day, women who thought they couldn't get fit find out that they can at Curves. Burn up to 500 calories with our 30-minute workout, which combines strength training and cardio for a workout that works your entire body--from head to toe. It works every major muscle group and gives you results that last. Now's the time to take the first step toward YOUR success.

* The consult is absolutely FREE!
* Your personal information is PROTECTED.
* Curves Complete is the ONLY whole solution to weight loss.

Click HERE to sign up!

Some restrictions may apply. Valid only at participating locations in the US and Canada. ©2012 Curves International, Inc.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012 Christmas in the Allen Family

It was pretty touch and go for Christmas this year.  We have been out of work due to my surgery and hubby taking care of me.  So money for the holidays was not coming in and I was getting scared my kids wouldn't have anything under the tree but we had some awesome angels save the day! I did go back to work the weekend before Christmas so I had some tip money!!  We had a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS and I felt very blessed for my family and friends.

This was their BIG GIFT~it's quite funny to watch and it makes me smile!

Here are couple presents they got from others:

They were very happy and that was all I wanted!

Before Christmas we went through the kids toys and gave to another family who was having a hard time during the holidays.  I wanted the kids to know how important it was to GIVE during the holidays and it wasn't all about the PRESENTS!

I grew up in not a very religious family, of course we knew and believed in God but Christmas was all about FAMILY and enjoying spending time with our loved ones.  I've gone over the history of Christmas with the kids but of course the presents are all what they are interested in.  I think as the years go we will do more about WHY there is Christmas and of course keep the FAMILY a big part of it.  However, we live in an area with very little family so we might have to TRAVEL next year!

This year I felt very blessed and I hope to give back what I received this year.  Thanks to my angels who warmed my heart and dried up my tears.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Yoyo.com- 30% Off Code

Do you need to buy some TOYS?  
Yoyo.com is having a sale PLUS 30% off code ( yoyo30)  for your first item that you purchase from their website. 

Reg $34.00 NOW $14!  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Catch Santa At Your House- Coupon Code

iCaughtSanta.com is a unique website that helps visitors create those memorable keepsake photos. You can also send a special message to someone special in your life.

Imagine the look of wonder and surprise when a child receives a photo of Santa and Rudolph caught in the act in his or her very own home. iCaughtSanta.com is a unique website that helps visitors create those memorable keepsake photos.

In three simple steps anyone can upload a holiday photo, add Santa Claus or Rudolph and print it as proof… or share it via Facebook and Twitter. Last-minute shoppers can purchase Gift Cards and eGift Certificates for loved ones with children, making iCaughtSanta.com a great gift idea even if you don't have kids yourself.

I did this last year and the KIDS LOVE IT!  Having a picture of Santa in our house in front of our tree was very special and we plan to do it again this year! 

Ipad Giveaway: For even more holiday magic, iCaughtSanta.com is giving away 2 iPads! No purchase necessary. Enter here:www.iCaughtSanta.com/Contest

COUPON CODE: My Readers Get 25% off your entire order at icaughtsanta.com. Use the following Promo Code at checkout SANTA2012 to instantly save: #icaughtsanta

They also do FUNDRAISING:

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Countdown in the Allen Family

It's looking a lot like Christmas in the Allen family house!  I was a worried last week but I've been blessed with wonderful family and friends.  Thanks for all the blessings that have come our way.  I really appreciate all the help we have received during our hard times.

Decorating the TREE:


Art Projects:

Santa and Lil Mama

Happy Holiday Everyone!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

PearlMountain Xmas Software Pack ON SALE NOW- Save $41.90!

Holiday Special: Picture Collage Maker Pro- 30% off plus a Free PearlMountain Image Resizer.  This big discount will be available till the end December 25th. 

This 30% off holiday promotion includes Picture Collage Maker, Picture Collage Maker for Mac and Picture Collage Maker Pro. Anyone buying Picture Collage Maker Pro can get a FREE PearlMountain Image Resizer Pro as a gift. This saves as much as $41.90 in total for each holiday customer.  

Picture Collage Maker is easy to use and allows anyone from novices to photography professionals to create eye-catching photo collages on Windows and Macintosh computers. With just a few clicks, users can create collages, scrapbooks, posters, greeting cards, invitations, calendars, and any other type of season greetings that they might imagine.
Some shining points of Picture Collage Maker Pro of the Christmas edition:
  • 24 special Christmas templates.
  • Enjoy the ease and flexibility of drag and drop to place photos.
  • Rotate, resize, and reposition images to ones’ liking.
  • Get started quickly with over 130 templates for all projects and occasions.
  • Use clip-art, text, and backgrounds to personalize the collage.
  • Export the finished collage as an image, print it out, or email it to friends and family.

PearlMountain Image Resizer Pro allows you to resize, convert, add watermark to hundreds of images in batch mode. It supports the most popular image formats: JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PSD, GIF, TGA, RAW, and almost all image formats. 

Check the promotional page
Offers ends December 25, 2012

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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