
Thursday, January 13, 2011

30 Days to a Better Blog: Add/Edit Your Contact Me Page

Contact page is very important no matter what!  If companies want to approach you about product reviews, how can they contact you if they don't have any way to do that!  I also put a little character in my intro and not sure if that good but hey its me and its staying. 

Here is what they say to add on your Contact Page:

■Name of the blog/company
■Name of the blogger(s)

■Email addresses
■Social networking
■Physical address ( I didn't do this because I don't feel safe doing that. Stalkers PEOPLE...just saying) I did say if they want my address they can email me.
■Phone number (didn't put this either)
■Fax number (people still have faxes?) 

You may consider setting up a Contact Form that generates an automatic email to your inbox. By providing a drop-down box with “Reasons for Contact” you can easily sift through emails and distribute them appropriately.

Great Idea....now I need to find this CONTACT FORM.

Let me know if you put anything else on your Contact Page.

Full article: http://www.blogworld.com/2011/01/03/30-days-to-a-better-blog-addedit-your-contact-me-page/

DAY 2: 30 Days to a Better Blog: Add a Link To Your RSS Feed

OMG....I needed this.  Today I noticed that my RSS wasn't working because of this application (wibiya) I had on my site was blocking it.  Ugh well that's a bit frustrating but hey I would rather have the RSS feed button working than the cool toolbar that pops up.

I went on Feedburner and WOW I have 56 subscribers.  I don't understand all the other stuff on Feedburner but I'm hoping its all good and I'm doing something right.  So lets see by fixing the issue and placing a RSS button on website will get me more readers.

Here is the full article: http://www.blogworld.com/tag/30-days-to-a-better-blog/page/2/

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I hate Veggies but I am a Mom.

This is one of my biggest dilemmas as a mom.  I was a very picky eater (ask my mom and dad) and it has stayed with me all my life.  Its not necessary the taste its the texture.  Slimy spinach...ewwww gross!  I know your laughing but I deal with this everyday!  I am not the best cook either so to try to cook with veggies has always been a struggle.  I eat salads....always love raw veggies more than cooked.  Being a mom who doesn't like veggies is probably a kids dream but its not my DREAM.  With that said I have never said to my kids "don't eat that...ewww gross" but I haven't out right told them "eat your veggies" either.  We eat veggies every night but its either corn, green beans, peas (but I don't have them on my plate) or a salad.  When my hubby cooks he throws in veggies and I wish I could cook like him but I would have to try the food and I'm not going to eat that slimy stuff!  When will I grow up LOL! 

My kids are big salad eaters so I'm not totally being a bad mom! 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Look at what I WON!

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

I entered a contest on http://www.myorganizedchaos.net/ and I WON! 

I have used the products already and LOVE them!

THANKS RubberMaid, Sharpie and of course My Organized Chaos.

(side note...I also was able to post this from my phone...LOVIN my android phone)

30 Days to a Better Blog- Day 1

30 Days to a Better Blog: Day 1 – Update WordPress

This blog is in on Blogger so I don't need to do it for this blog but for my other 2 blogs (husbands and my social media blog) are on Wordpress.  Putting this on my to-do lists for each site.

The biggest thing I learned from this blog post is..... *WordPress suggests disabling Plugins because there might be problems after the upgrade.   But if you never have done a update....PLEASE BACK UP before you do it.  I learned my lesson last year and lost everything I worked for 2 yrs.  I got back some but after I lost that I never could get back into that blog. 

Please visit: http://www.blogworld.com/2011/01/01/30-days-to-a-better-blog-update-wordpress/

I'm going to be doubling up on posts to make sure I catch up soon. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebook Friday

Thanks Mom vs the Boys blog for this wonderful way to get to know each other!

This is a great way to get to know other blogs and facebook pages. I love finding new blogs! Hope to see you over there and on my facebook page!


The rules are simple:
1. Add your facebook page to the linky tool below
2. Like your hosts in the #1 and #2 spot
3. Like the person in the spot above yours
and then like whoever else you want, the more the merrier!

**Be sure to leave a little comment on their fb wall with a link back to your fb page so they can like you back**

This Week went FAST! Resolutions anyone?

Well in the back of my head one of my New Year resolutions was to write 1 blog post a day....ummm that didn't happen did it!  Resolutions don't work for me but I do set some goals and wish lists.  I give myself little timelines and TRY (yes try) to get them done.  If I stressed on everything I said I was going to do geez I would be a wreak 24/7! 

Goals TODAY:
  1. Write Blog Posts- PMP and PamAllenOnline
  2. Read my fav blogs/comment/find new blogs
  3. Do Facebook Friday
  4. Post Pictures onto Hubby's airbrush site
  5. Craiglist ad-airbrush
  6. Get to school by 3 for bakesale table
I think that is enough for TODAY! 

How do you handle New Year Resolutions???   I have some more 2011 goals- will share later.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 1/1/11!

I'm old because I slept through midnight...did wake up because of the fireworks.  I texted my hubby (knew he was asleep) and went right back to sleep.  My family is about 3 hrs away visiting in laws.  I have to work on Sat/Sun so here I am in a quiet clean house.  Just the way I like it for a little awhile.  They left yesterday but I'll be missing them by tonight. 

It's raining so woke up to more ants just wondering trying to find something to latch on....haha you won't find anything unless the kids have a hidden stash somewhere...which they might!

What is 2011 going to bring?  I don't know and I usually don't do resolutions because I never stick to them and then I give up until the next year- vicious circle LOL!.  However I give myself 5 things I want to work on....no deadlines or PRESSURE!  I have been thinking of a few so let me write them down now.

2011 Wish List for Pam- hey this sounds like another post heading....ummmm maybe it should! 


Monday, December 20, 2010

Lego Party

Since I was sooo busy this past couple weeks I didn't really do any planning or stressing- LOVED THAT!  But guess what it turned out just fine.

I set up a couple tables downstairs for LEGO PLAY, my daughter's room was the Art and Craft rea, the living room was where they could play Lego Rock Band (very fun).  The kitchen was for the adults. 

I downloaded invites from Lego.com and also invited friends on Facebook- made an event!

There was a cool site out that was far more into it than I was:

The party started at 3pm- free play, 4pm- pizza times, 4:30- gifts/cake eating and 5 was suppose to end of the party but it kept going to till 10pm. LOL! The adults I think had more fun than anyone :0. Fun was had by all!

The only thing I regret is I TOOK NO PICTURES! I busy with the party to think about pictures...UGH!

Wow...LONG Week- Need to Catch Up.

It's been over a week since my last post but it feels like a month.  I've been super duper busy and now I'm paying for it!  I'm falling behind and I hope I'll be okay for Christmas.

Last Saturday I help run the school's 1st Holiday Bazaar.  I tried all I could to get people there but hey a "1st Annual" might not sound has exciting as a "20th Annual" and man there were all events happening in the area.  We did fine though. My kids had a blast and made $30 each- making their own Xmas cards.  I'll take a picture and post soon.  My son drew his very own "Wimpy Kid" Xmas card. 

Sunday~ worked my butt off at the cafe.  Then came home to a house smelling like crab.  My hubby was making a GUMBO.  My friends came by through out the night and I felt the LOVE.  The Gumbo was yummy!!! My hubby was so proud and that he should be.  My mom tried it for the first time and didn't quite understand why the crab was still in the shell. 

Monday~ Well it was my 42 b'day and I had a GREAT DAY!  Mocha's was delivered to my house by a sweet friend of mine.  My mom took me to get my nails/toes done and that was perfect.  For a brief second I felt like a WOMAN not just a mom!  Hubby and I went out on a date and I had a couple drinks.

Wednesday~ My son's 9th B'day.  I had to work all day but he had a blast with grandma.  Last day of Mom's visit.  We took her to airport and she was charged sooooo much for her car rental so that was the icing on her trip down here.  Man did I feel bad!  I wanted her to have a great time but it was one thing after another plus her back was out- who could enjoy that! 

Thursday~ Babysat in the morning and took care of a sick lil girl. 

Friday- Got called into work...sigh.  Had big plans but hey if I can help out I will!  Needed to start getting ready for the PARTY on Saturday.

Saturday....LEGO PARTY!

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