Contact page is very important no matter what! If companies want to approach you about product reviews, how can they contact you if they don't have any way to do that! I also put a little character in my intro and not sure if that good but hey its me and its staying.
Here is what they say to add on your Contact Page:
■Name of the blog/company
■Name of the blogger(s)
■Email addresses
■Social networking
■Physical address ( I didn't do this because I don't feel safe doing that. Stalkers PEOPLE...just saying) I did say if they want my address they can email me.
■Phone number (didn't put this either)
■Fax number (people still have faxes?)
You may consider setting up a Contact Form that generates an automatic email to your inbox. By providing a drop-down box with “Reasons for Contact” you can easily sift through emails and distribute them appropriately.
Great I need to find this CONTACT FORM.
Let me know if you put anything else on your Contact Page.
Full article:
Here is what they say to add on your Contact Page:
■Name of the blog/company
■Name of the blogger(s)
■Email addresses
■Social networking
■Physical address ( I didn't do this because I don't feel safe doing that. Stalkers PEOPLE...just saying) I did say if they want my address they can email me.
■Phone number (didn't put this either)
■Fax number (people still have faxes?)
You may consider setting up a Contact Form that generates an automatic email to your inbox. By providing a drop-down box with “Reasons for Contact” you can easily sift through emails and distribute them appropriately.
Great I need to find this CONTACT FORM.
Let me know if you put anything else on your Contact Page.
Full article: