THANK YOU TO Nana Poppins at for giving me my FIRST EVER AWARD:Stylish Blogger Award.
Rules for accepting this award are:
1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this. (done)
2. Share 7 things about yourself. (done)
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers. (done)
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award. (will do tomorrow- tired right now)
7 Things about me:
- I love Pink (I'm sure you already know that)
- My daughter is my hero...she was born w/extreme club feet and was told she wouldn't walk- she does more than that now!
- The older I get the happier I am
- I'm married to the perfect man for me :)
- I drink 2 pots of coffee a day and go to sleep at 10pm
- I'm a professional waitress (20 years in the field)
- I'm working on being a Social Media Manager
- I Am All a Twitter About Life!
- Adrians Crazy Life
- Budget Savvy Diva
- Be One Fine Day
- Not So Homemade
- A Practical Mom
- AVON by Karen
- Diaries of a Supermom Diva
- Grams Made It
- Empty Nest
- One Busy Moma
- The Meditative Mom
- Bless My Nest
- Coupon Cents Sisters
- Haute Mom