
Monday, September 13, 2010

SITS Back to Blogging Challenge – My first ever blog post

ASSIGMENT: Monday, September 13: Re-upload the first post you ever wrote on your blog. If interested, re-write that post, showing us a before and after look at the piece.


Hello Everyone

Author: PinkMama
Posted at: Thursday, July 10, 2008
Filed Under: pinkmama

Hi~My name is Pam but I go by PinkMama on the web. I'm getting real close to the big 40 and there are some things I want to do with the direction of my life. So why not write a blog about it!

What I will be writing about:

* decorating my rental (not a homeowner but still need color/fashion)

* finding my STYLE~ in my house and in my clothing

* organizing my life'

* healthy habits I really need

I'm sure I'll be throwing more out at you (and myself) but this is a good start.
Wow its been 2 years since I started this blog!  I have kept to most of what my first blog says but I think I added a lot more about my family...not so much about me.  I've had some changes in my life since that post but its all good and looking forward to posting more about my life/family.
Waving at everyone out there in blogosphere that is visiting and reading this post.  I'm Pam and still going by PinkMama so whatever you want to call me its all good! I'll be 42 (ouch) this year but hey I've accepted that every  year I get older so why fight it.  My kids love to tell others my age but I cringe when I have to!  I hope you continue to follow my journey- still unsure where I'm going but I do have more direction. 

What I will be writing about:

* Making my rental into a HOME- we have moved to a bigger and better placed.  Feel very blessed to be where we are now.  This HOME fits our family and we have been enjoying this house since Nov 2009.  I've been doing my thing in this house but still want to DECORATE- and still finding out what my style is BTW!

* So far my style is flip flops, jeans, and a cute t-shirt.  How mommy can I be???

* Organizing my life- a plan in progress for sure!  I make To Do lists but do I stay with it- not really.  I'm still working on this part of my life.  Looking for a workable journal/agenda/planner-so if you know of one please let me know:)

* Healthy Habits-  I've lost 25lbs in a year so I think this has happened.  I really watch what we eat but I'm not totally engrossed in it.  Just last night I had a chocolate doughnut.  I try harder with the kids though.  Still working on this but I think I will be for years.

PinkMama will be sharing about kids, hubby, work, my new business (social media), oh yeah being part of my kids school PTA (which we call PTC and I'm Vice Chair).  I do have about 100 different projects that I need to start, work on, and or finish and I'll be writing about those as well.

~Pink Mama (I need to find a cool signature btw)

If you want to be part of this SITS BACK TO BLOGGING EVENT: visit Back2Blogging

Also the event is sponsored by Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath and Florida Builder Appliances.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Routine...huh Whats That?

I'm a go with the flow kind of gal but with children can you really be that!  I'm finding it harder and harder to do.  I try to do a "to do list" but that lasts what... a couple days.  I accept the fact I need to be organized.  2010 I've been working on that but haven't quite get where I want but I have couple months still.  Geesh, I am a Sagittarius.

I need to do several days of the Problogger Challenge.  I need to read the ebook.  I see a lot "I need" in my sentence here....hmmmm!  Anyways I what I really need is someone to cook, clean, be a mom, be a wife than I can do what I want.  LOL!  Just kidden- I love my life! 

Today the kids are at home and its nice but the fighting/arguing has already started and its only 9am- breathe in breathe out :)

Starting tomorrow I would like to have some kind of routine/schedule set but don't hold your breath, lol!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 3 on the Blogger Challenge is Promoting a Blog Post.

 WOW....where do I promote my blog posts.  I have it already going to twitter automatically and on FB I do have them sent to my blog page.  I don't want EVERYONE reading my blog posts on FB because I sometimes write about them (mainly my hubby) so if they look on their own that's fine but I don't want to blast to my family how pissed off I am at hubby or the kids. 

I'll go thru my posts and promote today on FB! I should write up a post about SALES for Labor Day weekend- I see several deals out there that I could share.  Woohoo I love it when ideas hit me upside my head. 

Last month when I did this I did it wrong- can you believe that (LOL)!  I promoted someone else's blog post not my own.  What a dork I can be sometimes! 

Crazy Week!

It's almost done right!  I thought this week was going to be easy breezy- and whoever put that in my head LIED!  Might have been me though :( 

I tend to overextend myself a bit and then of course get all stressed out about it.  I need a sign that says CHILL!  This was the kids first week at school and I thought I was going to have soooooo much time to do this and do that.  Wrong! Wrong!  Lets just say I was busy from 6am to 8pm. Couple mornings got up w/hubby at 4am.  Just like every other mom out there :)  BUSY!

I still haven't touched laundry which I should be doing instead of sitting on here telling you I need to do laundry, but hey that's how I roll.

Today's To Do List:
  1. Laundry
  2. clean living room carpet
  3. kitchen-daily clean
  4. bedroom-daily clean
  5. bathroom-wipe down
  6. sew 2 banners in morning
  7. sew 2 banners when hubby comes home with more material
  8. answer emails
  9. do the 30Day blog challenge-day 3
  10. answer soccer banner emails
  11. work in PTC database-school stuff
  12. work on my online job- about 1hr of customer service 30 minutes of apps
most of this needs to be done by 1pm when I get the 9 month old baby, watch him to 3pm then go pick up my kids, drop off baby to teacher then walk home- listening to WHY DO WE HAVE TO WALK HOME all the way home. By the time we are home (a 10 minute walk) of course wished I drove but I'm trying to be healthier by getting some exercise in.  I know kids rough life just rough!

So I guess I need to go do some house work for an 1hr then computer for an hour and so on and so on!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of School

Wow...it final came!  The summer was nice but this last week I was "PLEASE PLEASE HURRY 1st day of school" or else someone is going to be in a lot of trouble. 

My patience with the fighting, tattling, hitting/touching each other was beyond DONE.  Being referee is such a tiring position and I would have loved to keep them in their own rooms every day just to keep from hearing MOM- she hit me, he hit me, she touched me, he touched me, she called me a butt head (knowing we don't use those words), he pulled my hair, he won't let me, she won't let me...should I go on or do you get the picture. 

My patience with my hubby was DONE too.  Another post :)

When school started yesterday it was such a big relief off my shoulders that I felt at least 30 lbs lighter LOL!

I did a Boohoo breakfast at the school for NEW KINDERGARTEN PARENTS and that was a hit.  Went to breakfast with a friend.  Came home worked and cleaned house.  Watched the baby for 2 hrs and then walked to get the kids.  I felt very productive yesterday, something I haven't felt all of August! 

All the way home the kids talked about their teachers and other students.  It felt good that we are back to school and now we won't get on each other nerves so bad.  Love them but it was time. :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Being a MOM to an adult is so hard!

My son who is 20 yrs old and already has a child told me last month that he is expecting a new baby but with the "new" girlfriend.  Oh geez really!  As his mom I wanted to scream, yell, hit, say all kinds of bad words but he lives 2 states away so what good is it going to do.  I took a deep breath told him I loved him and would be there for him.  I did say this was going to make life even harder and I hope he was ready for it.  In my best mom voice.  But wow I just wanted to say WTF you doing!!! UGH UGH UGH!  He hates school and decided that he doesn't want to go to college, BIG MISTAKE but he doesn't listen to reasoning that all his family has given him.  He could even go to school for FREE because he is Native American but he wants to do this his way.  Dealing with this age is like fingernails on the chalkboard CRINGE CRINGE!  I could go on and on but it would take for days.  LOVE my son but someone needs to hit him upside the head to unleash the common sense that has been trapped. 

This week he called to let me know that they think they lost the baby but still want to get married.  Now, don't get me wrong I would have embraced this baby with open arms but the mom in me felt a sign of relieve and now he might have a fighting chance on getting his life together before bringing in the world another child.  I told him that I have experienced this a couple times in my life (in my 20's) and I felt I wasn't ready yet so I was given another chance to get it right!  I made sure he was treating his GF with respect and keeping care of her while she was dealing with this and he assured me he was. 

Being a mom to an adult is sooo HARD!

Which one is STITCH?

I love Lil Mama- she is such a character and this made my day.  Last week I was cooking and I asked her to get plates out and she says "Mom LOOK"  I just about died!  She is goofy . 

Monday, August 23, 2010

What more can a mom ask for~

I work as a waitress on Sundays, one of the busiest days of the cafe and I'm no spring chicken but hey it brings in the moola.  I've been with this cafe for 11 years and will probably be there for couple more.  My body can't take much more abuse but oh well I don't see winning the lottery in the future.

Sundays the family knows the routine, I'm down for the count after being on my feet for 10 hrs. In my room I stay.   My hubby makes dinners on Sundays so tonight we had BBQ- yummy but the kitchen is looking like it needs some attention but I'm keeping my mouth shut because I've learned to pick my battles.  My daughter gave me a foot rub and my son gave me attitude!  What a wonderful night to a very bad week! 

These nights make me feel very blessed!

Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you juggle all the Mom/Wife/Woman Duties??

This is so fricken hard sometimes.  Some days I want to walk out the door and go somewhere for a week and let them figure it out.  When I talk about THEM- its hubby and kids.  We are having a bad financial couple months (like everyone else) and its getting to a boiling point in our house.  This week has been real rough, no cash what so ever and that doesn't happen often but when it does it hurts!  Kids don't understand that no we can't just go to the store and buy whatever you want and hubby is grumpy so that is hard to deal with.  My hubby and I rarely fight but have been a lot lately.  Lack of money is a marriage killer for sure. 

Trying to keep house clean (impossible), dishes clean (hate that job), laundry (mt clothes never goes down), keeping kids occupied (would be nice if they can play by themselves w/o fighting), my online job (priority but no one understands that), food (wow kids are human garbage cans), paying bills or letting them know we can't until...., man the list can go on and on but guess who does all this ME.  Can I get a THANK YOU or HOW CAN I HELP but no I get attitude! 

How do I juggle all this plus keep that smile on my face? Where is cleaning fairy when I need her.  Its either my house or my kids who get my attention and its a battle.

Can you tell I'm stressed :)  Time to turn into SUPER MOM!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cre8tive Mocha: Enchilada Casserole

Cre8tive Mocha: Enchilada Casserole: "I am always looking for something quick and delish to fix for my family. So I was all into this Enchilada Casserole that my good friend Raun..."

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