
Monday, February 9, 2009

Is it time to shave....

when the hair on your legs start to curl? eww gross!

I have given up on shaving legs I guess. Not good. When I take a shower (can't take baths)I either have Lil Mama in the shower with me or both kids are in the bathroom talking to me even when I tell them to get out. I will lock the door but then I have to hear "mommy I have to go pee" until I open the door. I would have to get up at 6am to take a shower in piece.

I need to work on this because if I'm not feeling good about myself then I'm not being my best. I know a lil petty thing but when your legs are smooth don't you feel good. I forgot that feeling. Next thing is my nails.

I tell ya I've lost myself in motherhood and I'm getting her back someday and I won't have hairy legs!

Karma is B**tch!

Yesterday, I was not very nice to my co-workers because I was very hormonal. Yep blame it on woman issues! I didn't want to be mean but somethings I saw I was WTF and had to confront them.

Well this morning I woke up with my face swollen due to an abscess on my upper tooth. Ugh! I haven't had a abscess for years and all of sudden I have one. And PMSing real bad, someone is out to get me this week I swear.

I guess I will be nice next weekend and if I'm not I might wake up with a boil on my butt!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh My... Hamburger Helper Again

I have one child who is my pickiest eater and the other pretty much eats what I put in front of him. Tonight they tricked me. Lil Mama wanted Hamburger Helper for dinner and letting me know she LOVES it. Lil Mama is my picky eater so I was like really you will eat this and she said yes! Guess what we are having for dinner.

Lil Man got home from school and asked me what we were going to have for dinner. I told him Hamburger Helper and he made this face like he just drank some sour milk. He informs me that he is not eating that crap...um your 7, crap should not be coming out of your mouth or even telling me that your not eating. I ignored his many wishes of different things to cook, his whining, and his speech on how yucky Hamburger Helper. Well as much as he bitched guess who ate ALL his dinner...yep Lil Man! I don't cater to my kids...if they don't eat what I make then they don't eat.

Mom wins!

I know I'm getting old when....t

I need to drink coffee at night to have some alone time with hubby. These kids take a toll on my old body. Okay, the extra pounds don't help either. Ugh...old and fat. Geez. I'm sure my hubby won't complain that I'm wired and frisky tonight...lol!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lil Mama doesn't need me anymore....

to help her SWING. I know your thinking "huh" but Lil Mama is my last baby and she told me yesterday at the park she doesn't need me to push her on the swing anymore. My heart hurt hearing that. It confirms she is growing up but also it confirmed yet one more thing I can't do for her anymore. It's hard to give up these simple "mom" jobs. I felt lost at the park yesterday they didn't need me to play with them at all. So I guess I will start bringing a book to read. Hey wait this might not be a bad thing....I might be able to actually read a book while they play. We will see!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What Did I Do Today~

Not Much. Having two kids at home of course is a lot of work. It reminds me of a SAHM joke a friends sent me the other day:

What Did You Do Today, Honey?

A man came home from work to find total mayhem at home. The kids were outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud and muck. There were empty food boxes and wrappers all around. As he proceeded into the house, he found an even bigger mess. Dishes on the counter, dog food spilled on the floor, a broken glass under the table, and a small pile of sand by the back door. The family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing, and a lamp had been knocked over.

He headed up the stairs, stepping over toys, to look for his wife.
He was becoming worried that she may be ill, or that something had happened to her. He found her in the bedroom, still in bed with her pajamas on, reading a book.

She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went.

He looked at her bewildered and asked:

"What happened here today?"

She again smiled and answered:

"You know everyday when you come home from work and ask me what I did today?"

"Yes," was his reply.

"Well, today I didn't do it!"


I didn't stay in bed, wish I could but I did just basic clean up. I wanted to work on a clean up project. The ENTRYWAY is my 1st project from the book I'm reading. Every time I tried to clean up that area I got 20 questions...what are you doing, can I help, why is that shoe in that pile, can I put on that jacket. I just gave up. I will do this when I only have Lil Mama home. Geez!

I work Friday thru Sunday at a cafe I've been at for 10yrs.I love my customers! Of course we have been a little slow but things are still good. Anyways while I'm at work my hubby is home with the kids. They still don't understand the concept of picking up after yourself when daddy is at home, dang my hubby doesn't know how to either. Hmmph! I spend pretty much all day on MONDAY cleaning up my family's mess. I scream, I yell, I pout, I explain, I give rewards, but nothing works they still live like pigs on the weekend. Someday I hope the kids see this is not how I want to spend my day off doing. Okay vent over. Be thankful its Thursday because if I was writing this on Monday I would probably have some curse words in this post, lol!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cut the Clutter~ Chapter 1

I have a lot of self-help/organizing books that I decided I'm going to read them and SHARE the info or at least talk about it.

First Chapter is CUT THE CLUTTER....oh yes I need this bad. My house is so cluttered that I feel I need to move to get out of this CHAOS!

The intro for the first chapter is: If your family's "stuff" has taken your home hostage than this chapter is for you. ARE THEY TALKING DIRECTLY TO ME....lol!

Anyways, lets go see what this chapter is all about.

We all want to pass the Guest Test! My house is on the borderline. I would like a 30 minute "heads up I'm coming over" call then I know I can pass the test. But I wouldn't pass if they knocked right at this moment.

I'm supposed to learn:

* How to Organize to find things quickly
* Ways to re purpose items for storage
* Tips on maximizing shelf and closet space
* Solutions on what to throw, what to keep
* De-cluttering techniques that add beauty to your home

Well the night is ending so I'm going to read chapter 1 tonight and I'll let you know what I'm going to be working on tomorrow!

Hey anything to DECLUTTER my house!

HOW TO CLEAN YOUR HOME FAST by Vickie Christian (591 tips for the Busy Moms) I bought this book at Borders for $1.99 (reg $14,95).

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wii Fit Fell Off

of course I did! Ugh! The sensor wire got ripped in half so no Wii for us until Daddy fixes it, Not sure when that will happen, It better be SOON. I really need to get back on my exercise program. Feeling very sluggish this week. Of course I'm relying on the Wii, I can't go walking around the block like every other normal person...nope I just stop exercising. Lazy butt that I am.

Lil Man's Surgery

will be done tomorrow. On Monday he woke up with his face all swollen so we were at the dentist by 9am. Our dentist looked in his mouth and said "he is going to have to have a child root canal" huh...Oh My poor baby! They sent us to another dentist and that dentist told us he has 2 abscess...ummm My poor baby. At that office I broke down crying because I felt like the worst mom ever! Next step is tomorrow getting them pulled. Daddy is even taking the day off to be in the room with Lil man.

Fighting already and it's only 8am

Ugh! I guess I'm in a for a long day. Lil man is home with a bad toothache (more on that later) and lil mama is not happy about it. She loves her brother but is always ready for him to go back to a school so she can have the house and mom all to her self.

This morning I was on the laptop sitting on the couch and they were fighting over who was going to sit by me. So to ease the tension I sat in the middle and that was no fun for me because my coffee cup was so far away from me that I couldn't REALLY enjoy it. Just one of the many ways I sacrifice for my kids to be happy....lol!

I know I'm in for a long day but I'm going to put them to work around the house. I'm sure they fight over the chores. When does the fighting stop????

Back to being referee.

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