
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kids' Clutter Driving You Crazy? FREE teleclass TONIGHT

Just got this email today- woohoo because what I'm doing this weekend- yep cleaning the kids rooms.  I wish I could wave a magical wand and that it would be all done for me but that's NOT REALITY, right!

But then I also wish THEY would clean their own rooms, which I give them credit they TRY but does it ever stand up to my standards, NOPE!  So it's mommy to the rescue this weekend.  Hoping it rains all weekend so I don't feel bad being held up in the house cleaning.  But then I also need to work out in the yard so maybe just rain 1 day, ok! 

Now back to the Kid Clutter click on link if interested in the  FREE KID CLUTTER TELECLASS !  It is TONIGHT but if you have something planned you still can sign up and they will send you and audio version- I say something is better than nothing.  I need help and so I'm reaching out to get that help, LOL! 

Need more tips/tricks: http://www.clutterdiet.com/

This week the kids have came home with BAGS of paperwork and I look at it of course but do I want to keep it all...heck no!  If they come home with more junk I'm going to SCREAM! 

(now I need to a class on messy husband and I'll be all good- oh sorry hubby if see this but just saying that side of the bed is scary looking) Wink Wink :)

Kids- Last Week of School!

Last week of school!  They have been doing the countdown .  My son will be going into the 4th grade and my daughter into the 2nd grade....wow when did they start growing up! 

Lil Man well this year has been a breeze for him because he had a teacher he loved! He did very well this year, that's what his teacher says at least.  My son loves to help his teacher out (kind of reminds me of myself- teachers pet some years LOL) and he has found the love of reading.  Woohoo!  Now if I can find that same love for him to take showers.  I have to fight him every day to take a shower.  Oh and the lip smacking and talking back has given me many teeth clutching episodes.  He doesn't get to play his video games that much these days. 

Lil Mama well she exceeds what I expected out of her this year.  I'm not going to brag too much...lol but she is doing her thing in school and I'm a proud mama.  She needs to work on getting along with others though!  She doesn't like people around her, she would be happy at a table all by herself.  Her social skills are needing some TLC.  She was at home with me until Kindergarten so she never got "lets play and have fun" experience.  She also is a big helper around the school.  She would rather help the teachers out than go outside and play.  Something I should be worried about or let her work through what she needs too.  We will see!  I want her to be social like her mama but I'm not sure if that will happen.  At least she won't get kicked out of sewing class in high school for talking too much- like I did! 

I'm proud of them and so excited for them to start a new school year! 

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I've been fighting this battle within myself of NOT GROWING OLD.  In my head I'm still 25 but my body is saying "no way in hell" your 25 anymore girl so please let go! 
This past month I've been going through some weird stuff and I finally called my mom to whine about what is happening.  She says "Sounds like your going through menopause"  well she just busted my bubble and all that is in my head is DAMN PAM YOUR GETTING OLD!  Don't get me wrong I'm not saying everyone who is going through menopause is old BUT to me that is how I felt! 

I did a bit more research because I need my mom to be wrong but guess what I think she is RIGHT ON and I just need to accept the fact I'm getting older (every time I read these sentence I rolled my eyes, hehehe).

I have 26 of the 34 below symptoms....I'm going to say that's not good!  Ok so making my dr appointment next week, its always better safe than sorry right.  This getting old crap is not fun and I know I have many many years to dealing with falling apart, hope my family is ready to take care of me...LOL!

What I need to do now is start taking better care of myself.  Exercise and Food is my next project, love how I call it a PROJECT. I know I'm silly- just trying to psych myself out that is something I want to do than something I need to do.

Common Symptoms
1. Hot Flashes
2. Night Sweats
3. Irregular Periods
4. Loss of Libido
5. Vaginal Dryness
6. Mood Swings

7. Fatigue
8. Hair Loss
9. Sleep Disorders
10. Difficult Concentrating
11. Memory Lapses
12. Dizziness
13. Weight Gain
14. Incontinence
15. Bloating
16. Allergies
17. Brittle Nails

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer Reading Sale

I love EBooks and so I'm always stalking Amazon for FREE or great deals!  They are running a sweet deal now so I just had to share!  Now it doesn't mater if you don't have an e-reader (nook, kindle) because all you need is a computer to read these books.

Get APP: Read Anywhere from Amazon's Free Reading App
 I have it on my PC, my android phone, and my iPad!  I love this feature and use it on a weekly basis.  Plus its FREE! 

.99 Book Sale

$1.99 Book Sale

$2.99 Book Sale

Check out all the books on SALE

Top FREE Books

Have fun READING this summer, I know I am! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Time Plans- 1 more week of school

The kids will be in camp for June, with Grandma in Wash for July, and with me in August. Okay that's the plan, wow that wasn't so hard huh! 

June will be fun for them because they still get to hangout with their close school buds and doing fun stuff!  They are looking forward to that and so am I!  I will actually have a full day to do my work and other projects- NO SCHOOL STUFF!

July will be a busy month but very FUN!  We leave on July 8th to take a trip w/the kids to WA to see my family.  We are driving up there but not rushing we plan to stop and enjoy.  My hubby and I will stay up there for a week with the kids visiting family and then we will head back to Cali w/o the kids- woohoo!!!  My mom will take the kids for 2 weeks and then meet us in Oregon to go camping for a couple days.  Then we head back w/the kids July 30th. 

August well I hope to go on a couple day trips, if nice out swimming of course, and just chillin at the house.  We will all enjoy sleeping in and spending quality time with each other.  Looking forward to that. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to control EMAILS???

5052 emails is what I have!  Really.....I'm on email overload!  What my problem is I look at the emails on my phone and then NO FOLLOW through.  I need to get a handle on this or else I say F**K it and delete it all and start over and what if I delete something VERY IMPORTANT (which I usually do)!

Doing a little research on how to control my emails I came across some great tips!

Delete it:  (ha I have a lot to delete and then unsubscribe)
  • Does the message relate to a meaningful objective you're currently working on? If not, you can probably delete it. Why keep information that doesn't relate to your main focus?
  • Does the message contain information you can find elsewhere? If so, delete it.
  • Does the message contain information that you will refer to within the next six months? If not, delete it.
  • Does the message contain information that you're required to keep? If not, delete it.  
Do it : (wouldn't that be nice right than and there- will I do that though? See that is my problem right there, lol)
  • If you can't delete the email messages, ask yourself, "What specific action do I need to take?" and "Can I do it in less than two minutes?" If you can, just do it.
Delegate it: (wish I had some one to delegate too)
  • If you can't delete it or do it in two minutes or less, can you forward the email to an appropriate team member who can take care of the task?

Defer it: (really need to do the follow thru on this)
  • If you cannot delete it, do it in less than two minutes, or delegate it, the action required is something that only you can accomplish and that will take more than two minutes. Because this is your dedicated email processing time, you need to defer it and deal with it after you are done processing your email. You’ll probably find that about 20 percent of your email messages have to be deferred.
This is from http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/productivity/email.aspx  awesome tools in Outlook!

Some other tips that I read about:
  • Use 2 email address...one for personal and one for business (blogging in my case).  I will create a Pinkmama email today!
  • Unsubscribe to newsletters you don't read daily- this might clear up a lot!
  • Unsubscribe to marketers emails- I don't even open these unless the title catches my eye like 90% off! I'm broke these days so I don't need 20 emails letting me know whats on SALE, right??
  • Folders...I do have these but do I use them?  Ugh maybe I should!
Next thing I'm going to look into is....GMAIL tips!

Do you have any great tips to help me with this EMAIL OVERLOAD I'm going thru! 

Very simple right!  HA who are we kidding that takes time! 


Goldfish DIED

Lil Mama goes to feed the fish a minute before her ride is here for school and guess what....yep we have a floater.  UGH!  The tears and I couldn't comfort her the way I wanted too because we hear the HONK HONK of her ride to school.  She got in the car with tears and my heart was hurting for her.  I texted her teacher to give her the HEADS UP on the tears.  I really hope she will be okay.  We have had them for almost 2 months.  Well let's hope she can get thru the day and see what she wants to do...bury or flush?

Wednesday Blog Hop- Who in the World?

Chronicles of a crazy mom

Welcome to "Who in the World? Wednesday" Blog hop. Your host are Chronicles of a crazy mom, The Coupon Cutie and Mommy Does.  Head on over to one of those blogs and enter your name and lets HOP!

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Vampire Diaries- My New Obsession

I know a bit weird but yep I'm addicted to the CW show "The Vampire Diaries"

I was laid up sick last Friday so I decided to watch the disk I got from Netflix and fell in love with the Vampires!  So much so I was on the HUNT to watch more of Season 1 but couldn't find it anywhere online for FREE.  Now I have to wait for my next disk, thank goodness Netflix is super fast getting movies to you! 

What TV show are you addicted to???

Deals and More Deals~ Memorial Day

I think 80% of my emails are deals, 10% of spam, and 10% of useful stuff!  So why not post them on here!
  • Three-Course Dinner and a Cocktail at The Tonga Room $31 now · $62 value The Tonga Room Deal : It's tiki time. Put on your favorite floral sundress, grab your girlfriends, and head to the Tonga Room and Hurricane Bar in the Fairmont Hotel for a tropical evening to remember. For $31, you'll enjoy a Kao Island Dinner, which includes an appetizer, entrée, side, and dessert, plus your choice of a piña colada or the restaurant's famous mai tai, a $62 total value.

  • The Deal: $10 for $20 Worth of Personalized Kid/Baby Items, Drinkware, Stationery, Apparel & Much More!  Get this deal here

  • Build-A-Bear Workshop:  Today is your last day to Buy One Get One Half-Off online only on these select animals! Velvet Teddy would be perfect for someone with allergies. He's asthma and allergy friendly! To get this deal enter code 96217 at checkout online.  Build a Bear Deal

  • DISNEY STORE: Code: BONUS25 will get you an extra 25% off clearance items through today (5/30) .Disney Store Clearance  Free Shipping Code: SHIPTODAY

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