In remembrance of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster in Japan a year ago, we've created special family preparedness offers for bloggers and their readers: www.efoodsoffer.com.
Don't forget to enter the special coupon codes, Food40 and Food50, when ordering to get this memorial discount.
eFoods' mission is to empower every family to have food security in the case of storms, natural disasters, or even financial crises like shrinking income or the loss of a job.
Special Offers
6 Free Meals: We’re confident that once you taste our incredible recipes, you’ll be a customer for life. That’s why we will send you 3 of our most popular products FREE (pay only a small shipping and processing charge). Discover for yourself how easy they are to prepare – simply boil water, add the food, simmer and serve. In 15 to 20 minutes you have a nutritious and great-tasting meal. No matter how you slice it, a free meal is hard to pass up. So have your first meals on us and then enjoy the savings, convenience, nutrition, and security of eFoodsDirect products. All we ask is that you pay for the shipping and handling. Remember having a savings account in food will be much more valuable than gold. These meals are just a sampling of the great recipes available through eFoodsDirect. Three (3) pouches of Quick-Fix meals Four (4) 1-cup servings, or two (2) hearty meals per pouch Boil water, add a pouch of food, stir, simmer, and serve!
7-Day Pantry Pack (28 Servings): The 7-Day Pantry Pack comes with a complete supply of easy-to-prepare and nutritious food for one week. This supply comes with more than enough of our delicious food to cover breakfast, lunch and dinner for one adult for a week – all packaged in a convenient storable plastic carry-tote. A great way to start your food supply, this pack normally sells for $49.95. Special offer of only $24.95 plus FREE shipping! That's only $3.56 PER DAY for 3 complete meals! Save : $25.00 or 50%Coupon Code : Food50
Soup and Entrée Pack (16 Servings): You get 16 servings of our most popular soups and entrees. Includes 2 soup pouches and 2 entrée pouches each making 4 servings. The soups include our delicious southwestern Tortilla Soup and our Creamy Potato Soup. The entrée pouches include our hearty Chili & Dumplings and flavorful Cheesy Chicken and Rice Casserole. This Pack normally sells for $24.95. Special offer of only $14.95 PLUS FREE Shipping! Save : $10.00 or 40%Coupon Code : Food40
Want more info please go to~ http://media.efoodsoffer.com.
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