
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weight Loss Challenge Struggles! Day 15

I'm going to be HONEST...I'm not sure if I was in the right Mind Frame when I started this challenge.  The book came a day before I started the challenge and yes I had looked at the eBook but did I actually READ it- NO!  I knew I needed to loose weight but was I really ready?

Yes, I changed my eating habits and have stayed within the healthy limits about 80% of the time.  I'm still not doing any goodies but I did have a soda the other day- husband brought it home for me.  Bless his heart he didn't know what to get me with my tuna on wheat sandwich.  Anyways, I been eating breakfast and sometimes drinking the water- kind of dropped off on that but I do drink water daily- that wasn't happening before.

Now the exercise- boy do I find all the excuses in the world not to this!  I don't understand either because I felt awesome after I exercised.  But life has been a bit stressful/depressing lately so I've been using that as my excuse.

I've been carrying "Fit Moms for Life" around the house with me but I haven't out right read it so my GOAL this week (starting today LOL) is to read 2 chapters a day.

Today I read 2 SUPERB Chapters that did that slap upside my head that I needed!  So my goal tomorrow is start fresh and not look back on what I haven't been doing- move forward!

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Heidi on February 15, 2012 at 8:27 PM said...

I admit I have days where I just don't feel like doing the program. The book is a nice reality check though lol! You can do it!

Colleen on February 16, 2012 at 4:36 AM said...

Definitely keep looking forward...even on bad days. Everyday....actually every hour we can start new. Stess is hard to overcome..but I think if you get a good day and feel good about starting it is easier to stick with it. I think starting this challenge has helped me stay accountable. I love posting my blog post and checking in on facebook.

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