
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The 10 Year Plan: My Fitness Challenge

Today I was reading "Fit Mom's For Life" book by Dustin Maher http://fitmomsforlife.com/ while outside in the sun and it just felt RIGHT!  I started a Weight Loss Challenge a couple weeks ago and the 1st week was GREAT then the 2nd week well I fell off!  I don't want to give up though!  So I got the book and read 2 chapters, my goal is to read 2 chapters a day and then blog about it.

What struck me the most is if I'm not in the right mind set then this isn't going to work.  I need to WANT this not because I want to loose weight but because I want to change my life.  Change is scary for me sometimes but I need to overcome that and look forward to what this challenge can really do for me in the long run.

Dustin writes about a 10 Year Plan- create a vision with my current negative behavior.  I took some time thinking what would my life be like in 10 years if I continue doing what I'm doing and this is what I came up with:

  • Fatter
  • Death knocking on my door
  • Always in bed
  • Grumpy with everyone
  • Unhappy
Wow- really and that is the Truth!  So then I took a deep breath and imagined what I WANT from my life in 10 years 
  • Healthier 
  • Happy
  • Wearing clothes that I love
  • Being outside more
  • In love with life
  • Traveling more
  • Owning my own business with husband
What a big difference and I won't get to where I WANT to be by doing what I'm doing now so YES I'm ready for change and I'm willing to work towards it.  
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Colleen on February 16, 2012 at 4:38 AM said...

Wasn't the ten year plan something that really made you think!? thanks for posting on this, it is probably good to reread my own to stick with what I am doing.

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