I know I struggle with this EVERYDAY. I want the HELP of course but then I always say "no I'll do it" knowing I will do a better job and won't have to go over it. Now what is that teaching my kids....absolutely NOTHING! So now when I ask for help...I don't get it, I only have myself to blame (but don't tell them that!).
I picked up this book from Borders
" How To Clean Your Home Fast by Vicki Christian" a while back but I had it out and I was looking at it last night. I came across a great chapter~
Chapter 3- Recruit Your Kids to Help.
- Set a GOOD example for your kids "Monkey see, Monkey do". (sounds reasonable)
- Ease children into doing chores as they grow. (don't make your 3 year old do laundry--lol..ok got it)
- Music- play kid's music/favorite songs and they might just surprise you by helping. (not sure if that would work with my kids- they would be dancing and singing not cleaning- but I get the idea)
- Use a egg timer to clock each chore as a game. Reward the kids with the fastest times (ummmm not sure if I like this one due to if they go fast they won't really do a good job. So maybe I can tweak this one into something else like: I can use the egg timer to do a 15 minute clean-up, we turn on the music and clean for 15 minutes.)
- Initiate a NO FOOD NO DRINK policy in the kids room. ( I do have that policy but my son seems to FORGET that rule when we are sleeping- he is a night time food sneaker and then leaves the evidence either on kitchen table or in room)
- Plan your kids cleaning routine and STICK TO IT~! (I need to do that)
- Ask them to help wash, dry, fold and put away a load each day. Doing this will cut down on the weekend mountain of laundry. (simple request- haha)
Rewarding~ now I have my pro's and con's about this! How I was raised is HELP MOM no matter what- You just do it! A Happy Mom makes a Happy House- is my motto. As for rewarding- okay if that is what is going to make them help, fine but it has to be something simple- not $$$! Because if I have to pay my kids to help around the house I might as well pay a housecleaning service and then I know it would get done properly. But then I wouldn't be teaching them any responsibility! Fine- chore chart with reward stickers will be a must do this week!
It's $ .99!
How do you get your kids to help around the house???
ALSO~ I was just entering some giveaways and came across this one that I would LOVE to win:
http://www.random-dealz.com/2011/11/chore-pad-app-review-and-giveaway-8.html as much I want to keep the numbers down so I could win, as a MOM I have to share this giveaway. If I don't win I will buy it :)