I have a friend that just started a parenting blog. She is a single mom of 5 young kids so you know she has some great advice and stories. Plus she is outstanding photographer. I wish she lived near by so we could get a family portrait done by her. Please check her out at http://istandproud.blogspot.com/ plus she has a Facebook Page can we show her some BLOG LOVE!
Also remember to visit my hubby's Airbrush Artwork he is an awesome artist and I know he would also love some BLOG LOVE too! Today I did a lot of marketing for his website and already paying off- got a request for bar mitzvah in August. Big woohoo for me!
If you would like to be mentioned in Market Monday's just shoot me an email at pamallen68@gmail.com.
Also remember to visit my hubby's Airbrush Artwork he is an awesome artist and I know he would also love some BLOG LOVE too! Today I did a lot of marketing for his website and already paying off- got a request for bar mitzvah in August. Big woohoo for me!
If you would like to be mentioned in Market Monday's just shoot me an email at pamallen68@gmail.com.