
Monday, May 9, 2011

Market Monday

I have a friend that just started a parenting blog.  She is a single mom of 5 young kids so you know she has some great advice and stories.  Plus she is outstanding photographer.  I wish she lived near by so we could get a family portrait done by her.  Please check her out at http://istandproud.blogspot.com/ plus she has a Facebook Page can we show her some BLOG LOVE! 

Also remember to visit my hubby's Airbrush Artwork  he is an awesome artist and I know he would also love some BLOG LOVE too!  Today I did a lot of marketing for his website and already paying off- got a request for bar mitzvah in August.  Big woohoo for me!

If you would like to be mentioned in Market Monday's just shoot me an email at pamallen68@gmail.com.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog Brainstorming

I did a "brain dump" and it felt good!  This helped me come up future blog posts.  Yes it's messy and its suppose to be.  This was an assignment from a 2 week course I'm taking through http://www.thesitsgirls.com/  #SITSclass.  We are grouped with 3 other bloggers and we discuss within our group about our blogs and give each other feedback!  I'm enjoying the course so far and I know it's already helped me. 

Teacher Appreciation Week

Thank you to all the WONDERFUL TEACHERS out there- if we didn't have you we wouldn't be where we are today!  I know we all have a couple teachers that will always be a part of us!

My kids have been very lucky to come across AWESOME teachers that are now some of my closest friends.  As much as this school drives me crazy I'm very thankful for the teachers because my kids are doing very well in school and this is their foundation of life so I want to give a big :

from the Allen's!  We Heart Our Teachers!!!  It takes a village people and I'm all good with that!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Focus Focus Focus!

But I can't!!  I feel like I'm stretched in many different directions and I need to learn how to manage this because I right now I'm feeling like I'm loosing the battle. 
I might be fighting off a bit of depression (just being real) because I did quit my job and now having no money coming in.  It's been a LONG TIME since I've had to rely on someone else and its killing me! 

I can't seem to want to do anything but watch TV and read.  Housework is falling behind and what I NEED to do is not getting done.  Also I've been drinking a lot of soda/pop and that was a habit I kicked awhile back.  So I do know depression is knocking on the door!

I'm doing a lot for the school lately (lately....lol)and so I need to be on top of that!  Teacher Appreciation Week- biggest hurdle was today and it was a success so I can breathe a bit now!  But today I need to sit down and get on the Book Fair stuff..timeline and get fliers out and all that good stuff!  Let's not forget Bay to Breakers- ordering the shirts and all that stuff that needs to get done by May 15th.  I do have a parent who offered to help with that so WOOHOO- because I have no idea how to do this event. 

As for finding a JOB....well that is in the thinking process.  I would like to work on the Social Media biz during the week and set up with hubby on the weekends with his airbrushing.  That's what I want but will that happen, not sure!  I need to do something but do I want go back to waitressing....no way!  But what else do I know how to do...besides be a mom (which doesn't pay) ugh why does life have to be so darn confusing!

Time management is what I need now and maybe an assistant :)

Thanks for listening to my rant. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Talking in Front of People

Tonight is the night that I get up in front of the staff of a local cafe that I did a customer service evaluation on.  Hope they don't spit in my coffee next time I come (that will be tomorrow).  I was honest but also gave much praise.  I'm a bit scared but I'm not dwelling on it because than I will stress and when I stress I tend to over think then its all bad.  My report is done, bullet points on what I want to talk about, and the next step is to decide on what to wear.
The cafe I did this for is an awesome place that I've been going to for a long time (ok 2 years) because it's by my kids school.  I've held book clubs, parent meetings, business meeting, breakfast with kids and always enjoy my experience but there is that "extra" care that is needed.

My close friend told me the other day she doesn't feel "cool enough" to go in this cafe and I go in because it's so cool!  Not every cafe is going to fit you...weird to think like that but its true.  I don't enjoy going to Starbucks or Peets to hang out but give me a lil hole in the wall and I'm there for hours!  Don't get me wrong I LOVE Starbucks and Peets coffee just not the "feel" of the spot...very clinical/corporate- that's where I don't feel I'm cool enough to be. 

Wish me luck to tonight that I don't spit on someone while talking or worse case just go blank!  I'm going to try to hit them with some humor too just to make sure they know I'm there to help not tattle. 

Spring Bazaar- Fun Family Event

Wimpy Kid Teacher Appreciation and Mother's Day Card made by Ronnell

Their Table:

We held a Spring Bazaar at our school yesterday and my kids had a booth.  Ronnell made the above cards and Sahara she made Tie Dye Shirts and they had a blast. 

Even Hubby ( http://mrairbrushhands.com/) was out there airbrushing: 

This is the shirt he made for me to wear to the bazaar. LOVE IT!

We had a great family day with some awesome friends.

Now on to Teacher Appreciation Week (this week).  I sent out a flyer on ideas on what to do each day....keeping fingers crossed that teachers got flowers today.  Both my kids had their vases in hands when they left for school.

Also this week I need to sit down and plan the Book Fair.  I have help this year (woohoo) and look forward of letting this project go.  I just have the admin responsibilities this year..that's a even bigger WOOHOO!  So I guess I better get off this blog and work on the 10 projects I have going on this week. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sibling Rivalry- Getting On My Nerves!

First, I need to say SORRY to my mom because we put her through some crap with all our fighting growing up. It is coming back and biting me hard in the ass. Karma I know. I was horrible to my brother from the moment he was born-sorry bro! 

Anyways, my kids are driving me crazy with the FIGHTING.  My daughter loves to pick on her brother.   My son is patient to a point then he just looses it and then it gets downright UGLY!  My daughter tries all of our patience every day and the "No, I don't have too, who cares, and blah blah blah" are her favorite phases lately plus the rolling of the eyes and the head swaying needs to STOP!  She is 7 not 17!  When they spend too much time together it is horrible.  They don't use their words (like I tell them all the time) but they hit and pick on each other.  Someone is going to get hurt someday and I keep telling them that.  I tell my son hitting girls is wrong...he comes back with "she is my sister not a girl"!  Plus its usually her hitting first. 

The older they get the harder to discipline them...it was easy to take away toys, video games, or just put  them in time out.  Now they don't care..."so what"  is what I get.  Luckily they don't do this everyday because I think I would have to become a drinker again.  I'm saying that with a smile :) 

How do you settle/deal with sibling rivalry? 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My kids and their Book Clubs

Loving the fact that they enjoy  READING!  As a big reader my whole life I'm a proud mama when my kids wanted to do these book clubs.

My 9 yr old son has 3 close friends and they decided to start a book club last month and their first book is Harry Potter.  The first meeting took place at a cafe and we kept getting these weird looks so I decided the next meeting we can do at the school. 

My 7yr old was at the first book club meeting but she isn't at the Harry Potter level so she didn't participate but played Angry Birds on my phone.  When we got home she came up and gave me a big hug and buttered me up with all love then she said "Mom I want to have my own book club and can it be a Dr. Seuss book"  Couple of the kids in Lil Man's book club has siblings so why not!  I told her YES.  She was so excited and even made invites to who she thought would love to the book club.

Today is BOOK CLUB day and so lets see how both clubs go!  I'm just there, the kids run their own meeting...I might step in and help lil mama's group but I'll see. 


Monday, April 25, 2011

Love My Kids BUT.....

I am SO HAPPY they are going back to school today.  They are at the age they need to be doing something every minute or I get to hear those lovely words I'M BORED.  As a mom I think WTF.. with all the toys/books/bikes they have how in the heck can they bored.  Oh yeah...its because Mom isn't playing with them or we aren't on an adventure.

I enjoy my kids a lot (ask anyone) but I need my space and they don't really allow that when they are at home.  I have work, housework, laundry, cooking to do on top of being my kids personal play-date.  Sounds like I'm bitching but I'm not its my reality.  I can't play with my kids 24/7!  Money doesn't grow on our trees in the backyard like my kids thinks it does.  Mama needs to make the money too!

This week I'm needing to regroup and get back on schedule.  I'm going to be setting up my home office with a friend of mine.  We are going to brainstorm and go into business together- just need to narrow it down and move forward. 

Off to make breakfast and lunches for my beautiful children that are going back to school...can you see the smile????

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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