Yes, they got spoiled but everything I bought was at least 30-80% off. He is just upset I didn't spoil him....that stopped years ago when after the 3rd year of being together and he wouldn't even make the effort to make me gift then I threw in the bag. Before I get comments about how Xmas is not about how much money you spend.....I KNOW that is my point to my husband over the years so I gave up! He would be opening up presents I made and/or bought as happy as a clam and there I sit with nothing...I guess I'm still bitter because nothing has changed. He still goes out on Xmas Eve to Walgreens/Long's Drug store and buys me crap....I want something from his heart! Maybe a portrait (because that is what he does) of our kids....I gave that idea to him many times. Okay now this post has turned in a RANT about my hubby's gift giving, lol! So let's get back on track.....
Okay I spent more on the kids this year than other years...ok fine but who is it hurting. When we moved I threw away a lot of their toys so we have room. We have a beautiful tree and decorations up everywhere so why not have a WONDERFUL Christmas. For the last 3 years I haven't really been int he Xmas spirit so let me have this year. Plus my kids are 5 and 8 this is all about the presents anyways if we are really honest.
We are going to have a beautiful Christmas filled with love, family, friends, and guess what a lot of PRESENTS for the kids!
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