
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Flirty Apron Giveaway~ Guest Post

Cutest Apron Ever!

The Product

The Women's Original apron from Flirty Aprons is a feminine, yet durable apron that you will enjoy over and over again. The double-layer thickness protects from spills and messes, and the apron comes in many different patterns and colors. The Original apron has long ties so you can tie it in the back or front, and it is made to fit women of all sizes. Sassy, fun, cute and even sexy

My Review

I was so excited when my package arrived from Flirty Aprons. While I'm not much of an apron-wearer, I sure need one. I am a messy cook and could use some splatter protection and fun in the kitchen. Since the word Apron makes me feel like I'm a kitchen mom, I like to call it my fabulous kitchen accessory, or FKA for short. My Pink Chocolate FKA arrived and I put it to use the same day. My husband thought I looked cute. My son couldn't wait to have his little girlfriends over so they could try it on. (Now that he's nine, he's too cool to wear girly stuff so I couldn't get him to even try it.) I love the pockets and frilly, girly pattern. It makes cooking fun! My Pink Chocolate FKA (Fabulous Kitchen Accessory) is:
  • Sassy
  • Fun
  • Cute
  • Sexy
  • Practical
  • Well-made. I love the double layers
  • Handy (it has 2 front pockets)
  • Fits the "real woman" not just model size
The only thing I didn't care for was the tie at the neck. I would have loved to be able to just slip it over my head and go. But, I can leave it tied all the time, so it's really not an issue.

The Giveaway:

One lucky winner will get to choose a FKA ($35 value) of their own! You can pick from: Pink Chocolate, Blue Chocolate, Frosted Cupcake, Chic Pink, or Scarlet Blossom apron.
Giveaway is open to US residents only. Giveaway starts at 9pm 2/14.
Enter on the easy Rafflecopter below. Only 13 Mandatory Entries. Lots more optional entries. Please try to follow us with Linky Follows, as it is a new tool to replace GFC. Thanks and good luck!

ENTER HERE (or below)

Monday, February 13, 2012

How to Add A Pinterest Tab to Your Facebook Page

Okay so I came across a cool post today- How to add Pinterest to your Facebook Fan Page!  Woohoo-plus it's FREE!  I love PINTEREST and if my fans can enjoy my pins right from my page than a big double WOOHOO! Oh guess what I don't have to leave FB now to look at Pinterest- I just click on my Facebook page and look around from there!  Loving this!

Simple Steps:

  • Go to https://apps.facebook.com/iframehost-pin/  
  • Choose which page you want the tab to be placed on
  • Click on ADD
  • This will take you to your PAGE then click on the Welcome Tab (blue arrow by it)
  • Under "Page Source" click URL 
  • Enter your Pinterest URL or any page you want to showcase on your page
  • I changed the Tab Name to Pinterest (name it anything you want)
  • I kept everything else as it is!  I don't like changing stuff I have no clue on, LOL! 

Here is the post I got this info from plus they have pictures:

BTW my pinterest page is: http://pinterest.com/pamallen68/

Hope this helps someone :) I know I'm enjoying this plus I'm going to PIN this post!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

So Sorry Whitney Houston~ You Will Be Missed

I will ALWAYS LOVE YOU Whitney! 

It's Not Right but It's Okay Whitney~ We understand this was not your fault!

I was in shock yesterday when I opened my Facebook page at 4pm on Sat Feb 11th to see yet another SUPERSTAR died.  They were sure quiet about WHY/HOW but I think we all knew why!  Hopefully, when the ME reports come back it will tell us something else besides drugs.  I'm not going to talk bad or look down on her because I think we all take a wrong road in our lives and some just get plain LOST! My heart goes out to her family and to everyone who loves this special woman!  

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mommy Blogger Weight Loss Day 10

Today I weighed myself and guess what I LOST 3 lbs (in 10 days) and I like that!  I feel so much better and turning down treats isn't bothering me anymore.  Water is still my #1 DRINK- no sodas and only 2 cups of coffee- compared to 4-5 cups.  I might not be the mommy blogger with the highest in points but I am trying and not giving up! 

I didn't exercise today because I work from 7am- 3pm and I'm on my feet pretty much that whole time running back and forth so my ole body is TIRED when I get home.  

Also I found out today it is totally hard to work at yummy breakfast cafe while on a diet.  Oh my did I want some blueberry pancakes and some bacon.  I had oatmeal for breakfast and sliced chicken-black beans-corn tortillas for lunch.  I felt very proud turning down the pastries that co-workers wanted to share with me.  I feel so good and I'm sure the exercise, change in food habits, and drinking the H20 has a lot to do with it!  
I really appreciate all the support from all the other mom's in this life changing opportunity.  

Plus I'm reading Dustin Maher "Fit Moms for Life" book and I'm learning so much.  I'll be posting a review/giveaway NEXT WEEK!  If your interested in weight loss you will need to read this book.  It has given me such a different out look on how to go about it.  I loved reading about other MOMS who did the program.  

Want to know more:

Also you can follow us on the #21MBC hashtag on twitter

Please visit  www.mommybloggerweightlosschallenge.com- if you are interested in JOINING March's Mommy Blogger Weight Loss Challenge- email me (pamallen68@gmail.com) and I can send you info.  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I love "The Voice" show!

This show has me in TEARS when I watch- tears of joy though!  The VOICES are just amazing and so is their stories on how they got there!  I love the fact the judges can't see what they look like until they turn around or hit the buzzer to be on their TEAM.  Then the contestants get to pick from who buzzed what team they want to be on. Such a feel good show!  Next Monday is Blind Audition #3 so I will have my DVR set (hubby doesn't like shows like that.).

So far these are my TOP PICKS:

LOVED HIM and so happy he got with CeeLoo!

Also this guy was a former Mickey Mouse Club star and Christina didn't recognize him until after he was done singing and Adam picked him: http://www.nbc.com/the-voice/artists/tony-lucca/

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mommy Blogger Weight Loss Challenge Feb 8th

Today I did the Wii Fit- 45 minutes!  Dustin's workout is AWESOME but I can't do that everyday.  I haven't been on the Wii Fit for about 2 years- lovely huh!  So it told me I gained 31 lbs and my Wii age is 59- WOW really Pam!

I forgot how much I enjoy the Wii Fit.  I first did the strength training then aerobics (love hula hoop) and finished off with yoga.  Some of the strength exercises I did very well in but aerobics I sucked!  I just need to get into that routine again.

Water is my #1 drink of choice these days.  Hubby just called and asked if I wanted McD's for lunch- Really?  I said no thank you and my Lean Cuisine pasta will do me just fine today.  I did forget breakfast today though.  Had some cleaning to do plus some computer work so went right back into my regular routine but I won't let that happen tomorrow!

I'm still at no GOODIES- which let me tell you is hard but I feel good about it.  Last night Hubby made cookies and brought them into the bedroom then asked if I wanted one.  I shook my head- no thank you and gave that WTF look.  He said he was sorry, sat right down and ate 6 cookies.

My kids are my biggest cheerleaders!

Tonight's dinner is fish, red potatoes and salad.

Read more about this challenge at : http://mommybloggerweightlosschallenge.com/   Dustin Maher is the sponsor for this wonderful workout, book, meal plan I was offered to be part of this challenge.

Also check out: http://fitmomsforlife.com/

There will be a NEW challenge in March!  Get to it!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1st Time in over 12 Years I Couldn't PAY My Rent

Wow...now I know I'm living in some hard times.  What a big slap in the face to us plus my landlord.  Ugh... I hate disappointing people too.  In all my years RENT is paid first and everything else is 2nd but this month everyone will be paid late!  Just depressing but my hubby won't let me get down and says PRAY ( if anyone else would like to pray for us- please do).

My hubby is getting garnished for the past couple months and WOW it SUCKS.  For a family who goes from pay check to check and when they take out $600-$900 a month that is a big hit for this family.  The only good thing that is coming out of this is an old bill from before we were married is almost paid off!

I picked up my check from work today and for some strange reason I was expecting more ( I think it was more wishful thinking than anything) but hey it is what it is.  I need to pick up more days or find another job.

This is a time I wish we had credit cards to help us through hard times like this but we don't because we feel if we don't have the money we don't need it.  But guess what we need a roof over our head so maybe we might want  reevaluate the "no credit card" policy.

We will be OK in a couple weeks- thanks to TAX REFUND! It will be a our little shot in the arm we need.

Now let's hope PG&E, Cable, and Car Note people understand this domino effect that is happening in our house.  Times like this I really need appreciate what we have and what we can loose.

I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer- just expressing what the heck is going on at the Allen's and this is why I love my blog.  It helps me process what is happening and do better.

I still have my smile and I'm not going to let this get me down....I promise!

Mommy Blogger Weight Loss Challenge Feb 7th

I had a bit of a detour but I'm back on track! I went through some health issues that caused me to be in bed for a few days so no exercising at all. However, I kept eating healthy and drinking my water. I didn't want to give up because of this minor setback.  I've stayed away from goodies and sodas! That is a big accomplishment for me so I'm patting myself on the back for that!


  • I'm eating healthy
  • Bought batteries for Wii so I can also do the Wii Fit 
  • Not giving in to temptation of goodies even when they are in my face 
  • Drinking water 
  • Writing in a journal 
  • Not giving up


  • Health issue
  • Lack of energy to exercise
  • Not keeping track of my points

Usually I would just give up since I didn't exercise for a couple days HOWEVER I'm not going to let myself to do that this time so I'm going to pick myself up and CONTINUE!   I'm going to finish this challenge no matter what!  Also not beating myself up emotionally helps a lot! 

Found this on Pinterest today: 
Stay tuned to see how I do! 

Other Blogs Doing the Challenge:

I'm Feeling HUMAN Again!

Wow, I was pretty much out of commission for 3 days! This might be a TMI post because I'm going to talk about FEMALE ISSUES- that's what I call it, LOL! As I get older my female issues get worse. One month I won't even know it is coming and it will be all good then the next month I'll be a bit bitchy (more than usual)but there is one month it takes over my body and I can't function! I'll be in consistent pain and it feels like I'm in a fricken black bubble of misery! This month it took me down for 3 days. I had to work as a waitress for 2 of those days and let me tell you it was hard not to bite off every single persons head I work with- btw they are all men so man that was super duper hard to keep my cool. It was like I transferred myself to another character (Pam the Super Waitress) but as soon as work was over please let me go home so I can crawl into bed and CRY! Hubby and kids are great during these months- they have been through enough to know I'm not joking I'M IN PAIN LEAVE ME ALONE! I try my hardest not to be mean or cry too much around them though. My hubby yesterday came to me and told me whatever it takes I need to go to the DR! He is worried something is wrong and I'm sure he is right. A big part of me is soooooo scared to learn something bad is wrong so I don't want to go to the doctor but I need to be around for my family so I need to go ASAP! I'm not a young chicken anymore so this is very important and I need to suck it up and just go! Can you tell I'm trying to talk myself into it! I have never been a big fan of DR's due to an incident that happen when I was young. Being out of commission is HORRIBLE because I fall behind on EVERYTHING! The house, laundry, blogging, and the other 100 things I'm doing get pushed to the side and boy its hard to catch up. Today is my catch up day! One blog post down and many more things to do! But hey I feel better and I won't be laying in bed all day so already a good day!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Howard B Wigglebottom REVIEW/BOOK GIVEAWAY

Wow this book came in handy at our house the other night!  When we got the book my daughter was so excited and read it over and over again.  Well last night she was almost ready to hit her brother and I said "What would Howard B Wigglebottom do?"  she felt her tummy and stepped back!  That is what Howard taught her!  This is GREAT book for kids and love the LESSONS that are taught in the book.  Both my kids said they could relate with Howard.  We have read this book every night this week so I know it's a hit.  We plan to bring it to school next week because I'm sure some of my daughter's classmates would like it too.  I give this book a double thumb up!

Also on the website:http://www.wedolisten.org/index.html they have lesson plans, games, free books online, color and print your own book, also stop bullying info! I would love to have every book in the Howard B Wigglebottom series. The sportsmanship book is something my son could use.

These books normally are $15 (hardback) but are now on SALE for $6!  Now that is a DEAL!  I even shared this deal with my school community.

If you want to BUY the Books: https://www.wedolisten.org/shop/

If you want to WIN: Enter BELOW!! And GOOD LUCK- they are worth it!

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