
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Barbie TownHouse- My "Fav" Retro Toy

a mom blog community

I joined this BLOG DARE because this might help me when I have those "WTF do I write about days" which happen a lot!  Sometimes I want to write about stuff but not sure if anyone wants to really hear what is going on in my world so at that point I decided not to write anything at all. I want to be consistent this year and blog at least 5 times a week!

Today's prompt is: A favorite retro toy 

My FAVORITE TOY I got as a child was a BARBIE TOWNHOUSE! 

I loved my Barbie TownHouse and played hours and hours designing the rooms.  I also had the Barbie cool Van- I was ballin LOL!  My friends in the neighborhood would come over and play with me.  I thought I was SO COOL with my Barbie House. I think I even was mean to some girls and wouldn't let them play- oh my not cool Pam!  I would make furniture and added my own decor to every room.  When we moved one time it got ruined but it was fine since I was almost 13 and was on to BOYS.  LOL! 

When I had my lil girl I was so excited because I knew I was going to buy her a NEW VERSION the Barbie Dream House. Guess What?  Not going to happen- my lil girl is not into barbie or dolls.  I was a little sad when she told me last year NOT to buy her a Barbie house.  Oh well- not every girl loves Barbie which is OK and I have accepted the fact no more Barbie Dream Houses are in my future.  

Why Do I Crave Pepsi and Chips???

I fight this craving every month!  Most of the time I can fight the urge of the Pepsi because I remember how much weight I lost when I stopped drinking it.  But the CHIPS...oh my its usually wins.  Where is my will power?  So here I sit with  big glass of Pepsi and a plate full of chips and cheese.  Not good people!  But I lost the fight today.  My "monthly" hurts like hell, I'm bitchy, I'm in pain, and being the biggest baby ever so my lunch is making me feel better. 

This year I really need to get it together and get healthy.  I know when I go to the DR soon they will tell me I need to loose weight.  Yes, I do want that but what is it going to take for me to actually DO IT!  I want to feel better, I want to live longer, I want to look good, and yes I want to loose weight. 

I bought YOGA classes 8 months ago and haven't used one class yet!  I need to do some changes for sure.  I'm lost on what is going to work for me but I'm willing to work at it and change how I eat, exercise, and my day to day activities.  I know my kids will keep me in line but I might need some help keeping me motivated and on track- anyone want to be that job??? 

This my "monthly" whine post, LOL! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Overwhelmed- What Can you DO!

Do you have 100 different projects, ideas, or just NEED to get things done?  I know I can at least count a couple dozen projects I want to get done TODAY.  Always something to do, right?  Well then how do I prioritize all these things I want to get done plus the day to day tasks as well!  Sometimes I feel like I'm being pulled in many different directions and I just give up then nothing gets done.  Not good!  This year I want to work on my prioritizing capabilities.
  • Make lists~when I write it down I can see what I'm facing.  Then I'll make sure to write down the steps to finish each project.  Best part will be crossing off when completed.
  • Set priorities-~what needs to be done now, next week, and next month.  Knowing me I'll even have a year slot, lol!
  • Focus~ this is probably the hardest for me.  I love doing 10 things at one time.  When I pick a task I need give my full attention! 
  • Set time limits~dedicate a certain amount of time to each task.  Set a timer up would help.
  • JUST SAY NO! My biggest downfall- if a friend, family, school, kids or even hubby ask me to do something I pretty much drop what I am doing and do that.  I need to stop that.
I'm thinking at night is the best time for me to plan my next day.  I want 2012 to be a productive year not just for myself but for my family too! 

Do you have any ways you like to share on how you deal with being OVERWHELMED?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Entering Giveaways Addiction

Yes, I have yet ANOTHER addiction- entering giveaways on blogs.  I started back in October because I wanted to win some cool gifts for Christmas.  I won a couple things here and there but nothing huge but I don't mind at all.  I enjoy entering something everyday.  I can spend a lot time entering too- so I give myself a time limit.

I'm gaining far more than the prizes by entering these giveaways because I'm also connecting with these blogs on Facebook, Twitter, Goggle +, and Klout.  My network is growing plus my readership on my blog has INCREASED in the last month.  I've been in contact with some awesome bloggers and I'm looking forward to being one of these cool sites in 2012.

Now my family and friends probably don't like all the FB posts about all the giveaways I've entered but I'm sure they won't mind when I share what I win when Birthdays and Christmas comes this year.  My hubby loved the iTunes card that came in the mail the other day.  Also I won a Restaurant.com ecard so we will be going out on a date soon.

Wonder what I will win this year???? What is your favorite item you won by entering giveaways?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Waitress Rant~ Last Minute Customer

Ok I get it the sign says OPEN until 2:45 but WHY come in at 2:43?  Yesterday was a slow day at work (middle of week) and no one was in past 2pm so we were doing our closing routine and we were almost done when this guy comes in at the very last minute...2 minutes before closing time.  Of course we can't turn him away but you should have seen every one's look...like WTF REALLY we were almost ready to leave.  We have been there since 7:30am on our feet so we were all ready to go home early.

When dude comes in he looks at his phone and says PHEW I HAVE 2 MINUTES TO SPARE.  He then shouts his order and walks to the farthest table in the cafe.  We bring him water and ask if he wants anything else and he says "I already told you my order".  I had to turn away before my look hurt him.  So now we are at a standstill for 20 minutes because we completed our closing work and only needed to do the balancing of the money- which we can't do until he pays. He ate and then sat there for another 15 minutes reading and we really can't say anything.  He left a $1 tip and not even a SORRY or a THANK YOU.

This is just a RANT on my behalf- did he do anything wrong NO but still wasn't cool in my book and a sorry would have been nice- just saying!  If I was that dude I would have not even tried to come to a cafe that was close to closing.  I would have said SORRY and THANK YOU for sure.  I would have left a bigger tip.  I sure wouldn't do that again.  The next time he comes in I might just mess up his order....just kiddeng I wouldn't do that on purpose! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I have my VERY OWN Punky Brewster!

My lil Mama has her very own style.   She has never been a girly girl, even as much as I tried to dress her in dresses she refused.  Which now is fine but back when she was a toddler I wanted to dress her from head to toe in PINK GIRLY GIRL gear and she would take it off.  She didn't play with dolls and I so wanted to play dress up in princess dresses but she would tell me no.  I guess I should have seen this coming huh! 

She now wears mix matched socks and these leg warmers she got- I need to get her more!  She also LOVES skinny jeans and when I mean LOVE that is ALL I can get her to wear.  She does throw in a lot colors and designs and pulls it off!  She also has colored hair pieces for example in above pic she has only one side with her purple braids. 

She also LOVES shoes or boots. With her Xmas money she went to the Van store and bought her own high tops: 

Everything matches her personality that is for sure!  She doesn't know who Punky Brewster is but I do and she is one of kind just like my Lil Mama!

Here is a video she made this morning~ She LOVES Justin Bieber 

Lil Man- he is whole other Post!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

My 10yr old son and GIRLS! UGH!

We went to a friends house last night and there was a girl he hasn't seen for awhile and someone told him that she likes him.  He was being shy but I noticed she was being a bit mean to him  (girls do that) so then he came whispered to me "mom (insert name) doesn't like me so now you don't have to worry about that"- oh geez thanks kid! I have to say I've been a bit discouraging him about girls- I want him to stay a boy for a bit longer.  He has had a crush on this girl for awhile now and when he found out she might like him too , he was all excited.  Thank goodness when he found out it wasn't true he just moved on and didn't get upset.

Driving home I was thinking he was over this girl now since she didn't want anything to do with him and so no more girlfriend talk or I like a girl talk for the night, right well I was wrong he dropped a bigger bomb on me.

He comes over and sits with me and says  "What if I marry my best friend after college? Let's say we go to elementary, middle, high, and college together and we just fall in love would that be ok?"  I had to think about this and then I realized I knew who he was talking about and I told him "Baby, lets just worry about being  10 and loving Lego's not girls right now- you will have so much time for all that in the future"  He looks at me and gives me a huge hug and says "You are right, Lego's are so much easier than Girls" and runs off to his room.  If he only knew what he was in for he would play with Lego's FOREVER!

Let the games begin!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

FREEBIE- Organize for a Fresh Start EBOOK!

Thank you to: http://www.momondealz.com/  for letting me know about this freebie.

Organize for a Fresh Start: Embrace Your Next Chapter in Life It's normally $14.95 but FREE today (don't know how long it will be free)  Woohoo! I downloaded the book to my iPad but you can send it to you phone, pc, or kindle. I love FREE BOOKS!

Let's see if this gets me in the mood to ORGANIZE!  When kids get back into school I need to continue with my 21 Days of Clutter Free!

Bye Bye 2011!

I have to say I'm happy to leave 2011 behind.  It was NOT our best year and I hope we don't carry it over to 2012.  Last night we talked about some things we want to do in 2012 so I'm going to write them down here and on Jan 2013 come back and see if we did all or at least some of our goals.

My hubby
*leave his job that makes him depressed  (he needs to do this)
*start doing his airbrush full-time
*stop smoking cigarettes when he gets stressed

* do something other than waitressing- my body can't take too much more!
* get organized at home
* need to be healthier
* hair cut SHORT

We have more but I won't bore you with all that!  We reflected more on what we wanted too improve and change in our life.  My hubby's wants me to be healthier and I totally agree.  I'm tired of being sick, tired all the time, and depressed- someone needs to go to the DR!  Dr's always give you bad news and you always need this test and that test- more money out of pocket that stresses me out even more- vicious cycle I say! But I will do it!

Kids are good- phew!  They are on the right track :)  They wanted their goal to be go to DISNEYLAND- I had to laugh at that one.  Someday kids SOMEDAY! GEESH!

One thing I want to BUY this year is a BIKE!  I would like a PINK bike but hey I won't be so picky :)

Also on the WISHLIST:
I need to see my family for Thanksgiving or Christmas!
We need to celebrate our birthdays with a PARTY!
We need to go out for New Years 2013!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Of course every year I hear "What is YOUR New Year Resolution?"  and every year it is the SAME!
  • Get Organized
  • Loose Weight
  • Clutter Free My House
  • Eat Healthier
Am I asking too much or doing too little?  I little a both.  I'm a PROCRASTINATOR and as much as I try to ignore that fact it still happens.  So I guess what I need to work on this year is my PROCRASTINATION because than everything else can fall in place.  Baby Steps...right?

Planning stuff out seems to help me a lot!  Plus reminders on my phone and iPad has been helpful.  I need to PLAN out my days and then I can stick to a schedule.  

I want to be a REHABILITATED PROCRASTINATOR in 2012- my goal for the year. 

Found a cool article in my email box to day that might just help: Seven Easy Ways to Get Organized for the New Year Read more: Seven Easy Ways to Get Organized for the New Year - Good Housekeeping

I have a notebook, planner and digital organization apps on my iPad and I WILL USE THEM in 2012.

What are your favorite ORGANIZATION TIPS or how to STOP PROCRASTINATION?

A site that has given me some cool tips has a monthly calendar full of tips! http://www.clutterdietblog.com/

January: http://www.clutterdiet.com/handouts/ClutterDiet-31Tips31Days2012.pdf

Oh yeah I signed up for a Time Management Email Course: http://www.effective-time-management-strategies.com/time-management-course.html

Being a procrastinator effects every part of my life so I need to make this change!

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