
Monday, March 26, 2012

FREEBIE: Placemat from Ink Garden! Great Gift.

* $8.99 Value
* Personalize with your photos, text, or their clip art
* Both sides are laminated
* Easy Wipe off
* Just pay shipping rates:$3.99 for the placemat.

These are so cute. I know I'm ordering one for my grandson- he will LOVE IT! Just pay shipping .

Expires 4/30


Father's Day Poem Review- Because I tried it!

I was given the opportunity to review a personalized gift- A Father's Day Poem from BECAUSE I TRIED IT website. I love the poem and I'm sure my dad is really going to appreciate it as well. 

It's SIMPLE and EASY plus what I LOVED about the whole process is 100% of the proceeds help children in need! Wow, really...now how many people would do this for no profit! This is a company that has heart and you can tell that through their poems and other products. Now go get your Personalized Gifts for Anyone, Anytime! Within 48 hours (mine came within 30 minutes) you will get a pdf by email,  sent in the mail on stationary of your choice or even come in a nice black frame. The prices are wonderful and you are helping the kids too! 

You might want to check them out because they offer free items and who doesn't love free items!  Plus they have GIVEAWAYS.  Also they have other products for SALE.

Join  their newsletter HERE
Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BecauseITriedIt 
Like on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/BecauseITriedIt
Follow on Googleplus https://plus.google.com/115401588556595413358/posts 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Waitress Rant~ Respect Other Customers Please!

Sometimes we have some funny stuff happen in the cafe that just makes me wonder about people.  Last weekend we had this guy sit down and his back was pretty much towards the 80% of the cafe and guess what he had plumbers crack BIG TIME.  EWWWW I know but I couldn't bring myself to tell him to cover his ASS.  I could tell several customers were laughing and others were ready to gag so I went to the owners son and asked him to say something to the dude.  He said no problem and went over to let plumber crack man know about the show he was giving to the other customers and they guy told him "so what"...huh?  Really you don't care that you are offending people with your hairy butt?  The owners son of course didn't like his comment or attitude so asked him if he could place a coat on the chair and the guy said fine but within 10 minutes put the coat back on.  At this point I knew he was just doing it to get a reaction and wasn't respecting others.  I went and put my coat on his chair, smiled and walked away.  He was fine the rest of the time and then when he left he lit up a cigarette right outside the front door and irritated more customers.  I was in the WTF mode with him at this time and walked outside and asked him to walk down a ways so the smoke didn't come into the cafe.  He was irritated but at this point I was more concerned about the other customers and their experience at the cafe then his!

I try my hardest to be the best waitress and I've been told I am but I'm not tooting my own horn.  Anyhoo, sometimes its just plain hard to please people.  You know there is people out there that no matter what you do you just can't make happy.  I try my best and that's all I can do.  Then we have the best customers EVER and you wish they would come in everyday just to make this job so much better.  Overall at the cafe I work our customers ROCK and they are the reason I do what I do with a smile on my face.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Slap Koozies Review- Fun Product!

I received this cool product to review in the mail last week and I had to put my name on it FAST because I saw the vultures (kids and hubby) eyeing and wanting it!  I use it everyday now- probably don't need to but hey its FUN!

I use it for my coffee cup, water bottle, and other drinks that I want the kids to LEAVE ALONE- I say  "See it says MOM so it's not yours"  I'm sure Slap Koozies  didn't design this product so I could keep my family away from my beverages but that is how I'm using it!  My kids LOVE to drink from my cups all the time, not sure why- maybe just to mess with me!  Plus when I had a iced coffee drink the other day I put it on and my hands didn't get cold when I drank it.  

I also see how this would be a great way to brand a product.  If I had a company I would buy these for my employees with the company's logo on it! You can buy in bulk and customize the slap koozies

From Slap Koozies website

The SlapKooler™ band is a banded 'slap koozie' beverage insulator that you can 'slap' on your can, bottle, arm, leg, friends, or people you just meet. Many people call it a 'slap koozie' or a 'slap wrap', but we call the SlapKoolerTM the next generation of awesome. Dual metal recoiling bands slap the neoprene koozie insulator around your can or bottle, just as it's appeal wraps itself around your heart!

Fun Ways To Use Your SlapKoolerTM:

  • Keeping your beverage cold and your hands warm.
  • Wristbands!
  • A way to reminisce about the 80's
  • Promoting your brand
  • Promoting your product or company
  • Dress up your beverage and start a unique conversation
  • Ankle warmers!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Send a Flying Card Review- Cool Product!

My mailman LOVED knocking on my door the day I received this in the mail.  He said "Now I can say I delivered a Frisbee." He laughed and said what a cool idea it was- even took a picture of it.  Then when the kids got home they of course took it outside to have fun! 

What an awesome idea to send by mail next time you need to send a card. I'm thinking my dad might enjoy one for Father's Day.  You can custom your message or they have stock pictures.  Are you ready to send someone this unique one-of-a-kind card/gift? Check out all the Ways to Use a Flying Card.

Do you questions well they have answersCheck out the FAQ'S

Like Send a Flying Card on  FACEBOOK  
Follow Send a Flying Card on TWITTER
Check out the Send a Flying Card BLOG

Click here to start designing your Flying Card! They are on SALE now for $9.99 with FREE SHIPPING!  

Don't send a card...SendaFlyngCard!

We care about our world and the environment as we use web hosting powered by wind and discs made of high quality FDA food and drink approved polypropylene plastic.  

Disclosure: I received this product at no charge to review.  I only recommend products I feel good about and this review is 100% my opinion.

What is a Facebook Interest List?

It's a way to stay on Facebook even longer- Oh Geez!  Just kidding of course but I see myself looking at these lists daily now. 

Looks like you can create lists for your News Feeds by subscribing to your favorite interests.  You can subscribe to other people's list or create your own.  You make your list public, just for friends, or just you can see it.  I love how custom we can make our lists.

I found how to get there by:

  • click on HOME (right hand upper button)
  • click on MORE left hand side columns (mine was under Apps) 
  • click on Add Interests
  • it will give you suggestions and I went through and subscribed to several lists that I liked,
  • you can make you own lists too by clicking on Create List button- right hand side upper corner- See red circle (below). 

I made my own list: I love Giveaways- you can subscribe to it!

Have fun making your lists!  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Blogger Opportunity~ March 30- April 2nd Giveaway Hop



Each blogger agrees to post a giveaway with a minimum $20 sponsored or self-sponsored prize, from MARCH 30, 2012 at 12:01am to APRIL 2, 2012 at 11:59pm, including the button above, the host and co-host name/link, and the final linky code provided shortly before the giveaway hop begins.

Sign up at  http://www.weidknecht.com/p/weidknecht-events-and-support-for.html 

Bloggers - Please also join the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/264402806940292/ 

I've joined a couple of these events hosted by Planet Weidknecht and let me tell you...you won't be disappointed.  The support of bloggers is awesome.  So JOIN NOW!  I can't wait to enter all the other blogs giveaways- so far 75 Blogs are participating.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

I've Been Banned From Using the Word "Play Date"

My 10 yr old son last night informed me NOT to call his "hanging out with his friends" PLAY DATES anymore. Oh... my bad!  Yesterday, I asked a dad if we could get our kids together for a play date and my son kicked me.  I thought at first he didn't want me asking but then the look on his face made me think...WTH did I say wrong! So when we got back home he informed me how embarrassing I was asking for a "playdate".  Hold on Buddy...I've been using PLAY DATE for years now and didn't realize play date sounded so babyish to you until now.  I asked him what he would rather have me say and "hanging with his friends" was the response I got.  Hmmmm... so I guess next time I will say "Mr. K can our boys HANG OUT soon"   Just wait my son,  I'm sure there are going to be far more times I embarrass you and I will do it with a smile on my face just like my parents did!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Eraselet- Bracelet Eraser GIVEAWAY!

Please check out my REVIEW HERE - we loved these!  The review is loaded with all kinds of info about the product so please make sure you check it out.
Do your kids like Silly Bands- well here is a better product that actually does something- it erases!  How FUN is that.  You can be stylish and functional all at once.  Lil Mama loved wearing hers to school and showing it off.  She said the kids all wanted one- she gave 2 away!

Simple to use too~ While wearing the Eraselet  turn inside out, stretch the Eraselet from your wrist to the tip of your thumb or index finger and BAM erase!

Do you want to WIN a package for your household??? Enter the Rafflecopter below.  The only mandatory entry is you need to let us know what package you want to win.  Easy Peasy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Review: Eraselet- Bracelet Eraser

REVIEW: I have to say what a cute product. Erasers are always being lost at our house- not even sure where they go but hey these Eraselets have worked wonders all week.  I even caught my 10 yr old using one the other night when he told me earlier those are too babyish for him.  I showed my daughter to turn it inside out and use a finger to help erase, it took her a couple times but now she is PRO!   She wore a couple the other to school and when she came home she didn't have any on, she gave them out.  I recommend Eraselet Braclet Eraser!

Want to WIN your own Eraselets:  ENTER HERE

PRODUCT INFO: The Eraselet® was designed for porous paper such as notebook paper, elementary lined paper, construction paper, low-end copy paper, newspaper; paper that kids use everyday in schools across America!  The Eraselet® is not recommended for laser copy paper, glossy paper or paper that has a film on it.  The most common way to use the Eraselet is to simply stretch it to the tip of your thumb or index finger and erase- use it inside out though so the outside stays clean :)

Please check out their site at : http://www.eraselet.com/

YouTube Video on product: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al8tz8p823Y

They also have a non-profit that they founded called Erase World Hunger.  10% of net profits will go to Erase World Hunger.  http://www.eraseworldhunger.org 

Where you can get Eraselets: Retail packages are available at the on-line store @ http://www.eraselet.com. They also sell individual Eraselets on website starting @ 1.00 each w/a minimum order of 3.00 and FREE Shipping!  OR you can find Eraselets at the Dollar General Market Stores for 1.00 each, a link to their locations is on website.

Customize Your Eraslets: Have custom spirit items made for your school or use Eraselet to bring awareness to your cause, “Erase Your Cause” w/Eraselet.

Wholesale: I'm also on our School's PTA so I will share this info with them because this would make a great fundraiser for schools.  They offer packages for at wholesale prices to school/teachers/pta to enable them raise funds for their school or classroom.  Schools can earn a 50% margin and 100% profit on a fun product.  I think this would work well at our weekly Bake Sale.

Get this product on the Shelf at Walmart by VOTING HERE or click on banner below: Vote in Get On The Shelf

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Mom Blog Society. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. (http://momblogsociety.com

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