Sometimes we have some funny stuff happen in the cafe that just makes me wonder about people. Last weekend we had this guy sit down and his back was pretty much towards the 80% of the cafe and guess what he had plumbers crack BIG TIME. EWWWW I know but I couldn't bring myself to tell him to cover his ASS. I could tell several customers were laughing and others were ready to gag so I went to the owners son and asked him to say something to the dude. He said no problem and went over to let plumber crack man know about the show he was giving to the other customers and they guy told him "so what"...huh? Really you don't care that you are offending people with your hairy butt? The owners son of course didn't like his comment or attitude so asked him if he could place a coat on the chair and the guy said fine but within 10 minutes put the coat back on. At this point I knew he was just doing it to get a reaction and wasn't respecting others. I went and put my coat on his chair, smiled and walked away. He was fine the rest of the time and then when he left he lit up a cigarette right outside the front door and irritated more customers. I was in the WTF mode with him at this time and walked outside and asked him to walk down a ways so the smoke didn't come into the cafe. He was irritated but at this point I was more concerned about the other customers and their experience at the cafe then his!
I try my hardest to be the best waitress and I've been told I am but I'm not tooting my own horn. Anyhoo, sometimes its just plain hard to please people. You know there is people out there that no matter what you do you just can't make happy. I try my best and that's all I can do. Then we have the best customers EVER and you wish they would come in everyday just to make this job so much better. Overall at the cafe I work our customers ROCK and they are the reason I do what I do with a smile on my face.
I try my hardest to be the best waitress and I've been told I am but I'm not tooting my own horn. Anyhoo, sometimes its just plain hard to please people. You know there is people out there that no matter what you do you just can't make happy. I try my best and that's all I can do. Then we have the best customers EVER and you wish they would come in everyday just to make this job so much better. Overall at the cafe I work our customers ROCK and they are the reason I do what I do with a smile on my face.