Yesterday I wrote a BOOHOO whiny post and today I deleted it! Wow, I was on a emotional roller coaster and I guess I needed to vent out my issues for all of the INTERNET to read.
Today though NO whiny post but a THANKFUL post is needed! Found this quote and it made a lot of sense to me:
Stop looking at what you don't have and Start being thankful for what you do have.
Today though NO whiny post but a THANKFUL post is needed! Found this quote and it made a lot of sense to me:
Stop looking at what you don't have and Start being thankful for what you do have. TRUE is this! Last night between breakdowns I had so much fun with the kids. Even daddy got involved- which barley ever happens. Without cable we actually had conversations with each other and found other ways to occupy our time. After dinner (which we ate together) Lil Man and Dad had a dance off- I wish I had video to show you because man that was heck of funny!
I wasn't sad we didn't have cable I was sad because I felt I was letting my family down because I didn't have the money to pay our bills. When I picked up the kids at school they could tell something was wrong and wanted to know if I was OK. I was honest and told them I had a hard day and cried a lot, they both told me everything will be okay and we will get through this- I love my kids!!!
My husband told me that yesterday morning on his way to work (3am) he had stopped at the gas station and was getting gas when a pregnant woman came up and asked for change to get something to drink. He didn't have much but he still gave her all his change. He told me even though we are going through some hard times there is worse off people out there and we should be grateful for what we do have. So very true. I've been there before- homeless and I guess that is what scares me the most- going backwards. I want to give my kids everything but most of all I want to give them stability. I want them to never have to worry about where their next meal might be or if they will have a roof over their head.
As for the other things that are weighing down on my heart~ I can't feel guilty for other peoples actions. They need to own that- not me!
I think I needed to go through yesterday to make me appreciate TODAY! As for NO CABLE- we will be just fine and as a family we decided to change some of our nightly routines and have more family time- also cut back on the cable!
Tonight~ Wii night!!!