1. I really need to clean my
2. What food makes you think of Christmas?
If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it
4. What was your first paying job?
5. Have you
read the Twilight
My Answers:
1. I really need to clean my _________?
My son's room. It's SCARY in there! Now when you look in there is doesn't seem so bad but....lil dude has a habit of hiding crap he knows shouldn't be in his room- like food wrappers. On the side of his bed by the wall- dirty clothes, toys, and garbage. I've been very stubborn on doing this because HE DID IT and HE SHOULD clean it!
2. What food makes you think of Christmas?
Ham! I love ham and the only time we have it Christmas time.
3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
Wow what a question...maybe 30 that's when it really hit me that I need to do adult stuff and get my life in order! However, I would love to do 21 over again but only that birthday!
4. What was your first paying job?
Does babysitting count? LOL! My first paying REAL job was a waitress at my uncles cafe. Can you guess what I'm still doing almost 30 years later...yep I'm a waitress! I've had other jobs in between but I always go back to that.
5. Have you read the Twilight series?
HECK YEAH! Big fan. I've read and watched the movies plus can't wait for the next movie to come out in November 2012. ( I wasn't that impressed with Breaking Dawn Part 1 but it was good)