
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wow It's been several months since my last post!

My world has been very busy!  I've taken a lot on and hoping to get it all figured out soon. 

I've been very active in my kids school- we had several low points but I'm trying to get the parents involved more and its coming together.  Parents are willing to help they just need to be asked!  My kids school has been an important factor in our lives so I wasn't going to jump ship-fight for what you believe in and I am!   It actually has given me a purpose and my self esteem has just skyrocketed.  I feel good when I'm helping the school but sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming.  I go to ptotoday.com and it is filled with so much useful info.  I became secretary of our PTC (PARENT TEACHER CORP) and that is an experience.  I hope I don't let anyone down.

We have several cool things happening at the school: Earth Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Gala, Auction, Read-a-thon/Book-Fair so I think I'm really going to be busy!

Lil Mama and I read this book the other about Earth Day:

Well I'm going to write more about what is happening in our home later tonight.  I have some great stuff to share!

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