
Monday, February 28, 2011

Waitress Rant

Our cafe has been very busy the last couple weeks, which is AWESOME but with busy you also get those crazy customers.

90% of customers are just fine waiting because they know its worth it! Yesterday, we were jammed packed with no tables available plus about 8 people waiting to be sat when this one lady came in and when I told her 15-20 minute wait and she got irritated at me. She didn't understand I wouldn't be able to sit her in 10 minutes. She tried to get bumped up in the waiting list by asking other customers if she could have their spot. She kept saying how hungry she was. Lady... everyone waiting was hungry. I tried my best to smile and be nice but she was getting on my last fricken nerve! It took about 20 minutes for a table to open, she even wouldn't wait for us to clean the table she knew she was next and so when the couple left she sat right down, they weren't even out the door yet. I cleaned the table and gave her a menu and she told me she was ready to order. I told her it will be a couple minutes because we still have other people that need to order and to give us just a couple minutes. I brought her some coffee and she told me her order- w/o me asking because I just told her it would be a couple minutes. I took her order but I put it in after the others who was before her- she wouldn't know right. After 5 minutes she was asking me where her order was..LADY please give them some time they have to cook the other 10 tickets before yours. This is NOT FAST FOOD...they make each order individually and that takes time (I said this in a nice way). At this point she was just a joke and we all tried our best not to get pissy with her but if I was a major bitch I would have kicked her crazy butt out!

So what I'm saying is please be patient with waitstaff because majority of the time if there is a delay its NOT OUR FAULT and we really don't deserve attitude because I know we are trying our best!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, I can but don't like to! Learned on a stick (poor car-sorry). Can I do it now...driving is like bike riding right?

2. What are two foods you just can't eat? Spinach...ewww hate the taste and texture. Mushrooms taste like dirt. Don't tell my kids mom doesn't eat her veggies!

3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind? Do I buy girl scout cookies, heck ya! I track down the girl scouts even before they come knocking. Thin mints all the way but those coconut carmel ones are the bomb!

4. How do you pamper yourself? Well for several years I didn't, it was all about the kids but this year, I'm getting a pedicure every month, I'm buying shoes, and book store trip every couple weeks.

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it? Well Pami was my nickname growing up and HATED IT! My mom still calls me it (ummm I'm 42). I have a couple customers at the cafe who call me RED.

Well that was fun!

Bad Mom Confession

Is it bad that I'm jumping up for joy (in my head) that my family is going away for the weekend?   Darn I work on Sat/Sun so I can't go...can you tell I'm sooooooo disappointed ??? 

They are going to visit my hubby's mom.  It's the oldest cousins bday so the kids are looking forward to seeing him.  They will be gone until Sunday night. 

I get to watch what I want on TV plus be on the laptop all at the same time w/o someone telling me "that's not fair", my house will stay clean for 2 days straight, I won't have to cook big dinners- I can have whatever I want (chili and chips- oh yeah!), and the quiet- no fighting!  I love all these things but a day or two is nice to enjoy every so often. 

What will I do????  I have friends who will want to go out but you know just being at home in a quiet clean house is all that this MOM will need!  Did I say how quiet it will be LOL!!!

I wish I had some time to go to the book store but I do have Kindle on PC/Laptop so I do have something to read I think :)

I will find things to do but cleaning, cooking, refereeing, negotiating, and all the rolling of my eyes won't happen for 2 1/2 days.  Countdown is happening in my head for sure but I won't let them know that.

Okay done with my bad mom confession.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

AllYou.Com- Cool Site

I really enjoy this site because you can enter giveaways, get freebies, coupons and just all around cool info!
Just had to share :)

Thursday Blog Hopping

On Thursday morning I spend about 2 hrs visiting, commenting, reading some awesome blogs from these blog hops! Please click on button and it will take you to the hop!

Type A Thursday

I couldn't get the button to work on this one but go here because she has some great blogging/business info:

8000 Emails....REALLY!

I broke down the other day and went through my emails, it was up to 8000 so about time, right?  I couldn't believe all the emails I get in a day (over a hundred) and maybe about 1/4 of it is important.  Guess its time to unsubscribe to some... you think! 

I did it though and made more folders to keep the emails I need or want (not sure which is it).  It felt good until the next day and I'm up to close to 200 again.  What I need to do is do this on a daily basis (dreaming Pam) but to be organized and on top of it I will need to do that!!!!  GO THRU YOU EMAIL DAILY PAM! 

Let's see how this works out for me...tell you next week how many emails are sitting in my inbox next Thursday :) 

Any other suggestions on how to conquer EMAILS? 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Facebook Friends Giveaways/Sales

Sale at! Go to for the coupon code,15% off everything+free shipping

Tales of a Ranting Ginger: Giveaway - Disney on Ice Presents - Disney Pixar's Toy Story 3
Looking for an eco-friendly alternative to paper towels and sponges? Enter to win a pack of 4 SKOY cloths! The Type A Housewife: SKOY Cloths Review and Giveaway - Ends 3/7
Mommies Playground
Saky Sacks Giveaway Saky Sacks, Green Style On The Go, is a company doing their part to recycle and reuse.
Luna Savings WHOLLY GUACAMOLE! Review and Giveaway!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Being a Waitress at 42

Is HELL on the body!!  It probably doesn't help that I'm a bit overweight either.  This past weekend was our busiest weekend I've had in 10 yrs.  WOW it was awesome but also WHOA all in the same breath.  I'm so happy that I have some good shoes.  I bought some new ones a couple weeks ago (Not Target brand this time) and I feel a big difference- so Thank You new shoes!  I tried to take a nap when I got home but I was on major caffeine overload so my mind was going 20mph while my body was dead to the world.  All good though after an hour of fighting the nap I got up and went shopping with my big tips I made.  Love TIPS!

Smiling all day is fine but sometimes I just want to say WTF to customers.  My biggest gripe is when you add things please except an extra charge...more ingredients people.  I tell people but the looks I get are just plain funny.  Now if you are swapping out one ingredient for another hey that's fine.  I had a customer this weekend add shrimp, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, pesto to a salmon scramble and I told him that would be extra and he said fine.  Now when he got his bill he was horrified that it was and extra $5....ummm dude shrimp alone is $4 so you got a deal! 

I love the cafe I work at because of the regulars!  They rock and I really appreciate them coming in every weekend.  They know about my life and I know about theirs...not personal stuff mainly about each others families!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

American Idol 10 Group Performances- My FAVORITES

Last night was a rollercoster of drama, meanies, crying, bullies, but a load of talent!

My #1 FAVORITE of course was able to go through but not the rest of her group.  I need to watch the video again because I thought they all did a great job but judges booted them all except Lauren.  This is the CUTE girl group that sang to Steven Tyler.  The first singer Lauren Alaina is my FAV!

Night Owls...ROCKED IT!  Only Julia Zorrilla and Casey Abrams made it through.  Julia I think is Steven Tyler's FAV (wink wink).

Now what happen to Jacee Badeaux SUCKED.  He got kicked out of one group then had to go find a new one and time was ticking.  He found a group but he didn't know the song- poor kid's performance wasn't too hot but the judges put him thru anyways...woohoo! 

Four Non Blondes and that Guy had me bopping in my chair.  LOVED Carson Higgins!

The Minors (Kids and the their Mama's) tore the house down.  WOW got standing "O" from the judges and of course they all went through.  Deandre voice was a piece of Heaven.  American Idol played "we are the champions" in the background while the judges were talking, lol!

Ashley Sullivan (a bit emotional lil thing) wanted to quit but her boyfriend talked her back into it and THANKS boyfriends because they did an awesome job.  I really enjoyed Ashthon Jones!

This group is the one who kicked Jacee out of their group but they did a good job.  All of them got through!  Scotty- the Country singer felt bad for kicking Jacee out.  Clint was the big meanie though but he does have a soulful voice. 

These were my favorites for the night but one of my favorite from the beginning DIDN'T MAKE IT.....Paris Tassin.  I was rooting for her but she didn't do very hot last night and that was a BUMMER!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day- Like or Not

I have to vote

I've been with my hubby for 12 years and I don't think I've ever had a GOOD (thats all I'm asking) VDAY.  I used to love this holiday now I don't.  I want it to end and it just sucks.  I try to like it and I go with the flow but this year was a total bummer and I just give up now!  My kids do make my day and they are the only reason I'm sane on this day.  I know I need to let go but as a married super mom I deserve a GOOD Valentines Day too!  Yes, sorry this was a vent but I felt like I really needed to say something and this is my blog so there! 

Do I have any other blogger/readers that cringe when Valentines Day comes? Print out coupons

Access and print coupons from the largest selection of grocery coupons online. I like to check this site before I go grocery shopping. 

$0.75 off Nature's Own Thin Sliced Bagels
$5.00 off Your $25.00 Order at Vistaprint
$1.00 off (1) 59oz Simply Beverage™, any variety
$10.00 off BISSELL Machine RENTAL at Lowe's
$0.35 off one (1) Palmolive Antibacterial
$1.00 off Welch's Sparkling Juice Cocktail
$0.50 off 3 pkg or 1 BUNDLE PACK of KLEENEX

Free Printable Coupons! Get Coupons For Your Favorite Brand, Print Free Coupons and Save Today! Click Here

Winner of the Mara's Maples V'day Basket!

Number 31... Kellyr78 is the Winner...WOOHOO.  Going to contact her now. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mara's Maples Valentine Basket Giveaway

Mara's Maples Valentine's Day Gift Basket:
From Mara:
My mother loves Valentine's Day. I think it might actually be her favorite gift giving holiday. And I have to say that as a recipient of her Valentine's day love I do so enjoy the red hearts this time of year!
And so, this year, I am offering you all a little Valentine's Day love to send to your loved one(s)! Send one to your kids in college, or your parents who you are far away from. Take this opportunity to tell someone close to you "I love you". And what better way to do that than with a Mara's Maples Valentine's day Gift basket.

This basket is adorned with a big red heart and filled with five bags of goodies:

Spicy Maple Macadamia Nuts (3oz)

Spicy Maple Pecans (3oz)

Cinnamon Maple Almonds (3oz)

Ginger-rific Granola (3oz)

Cran-Almond Granola (3oz)

As always all of these goodies are made with real maple syrup and have no added oil, butter or egg and are completely vegan.

Please visit Mara's Maples:

PRIZE –Valentine Day Gift Basket (ARV $40.00)

MANDATORY ENTRY:  Please let me know what item you would like to try from Mara's Maples.

EXTRA ENTRIES:  (must do mandatory first then post a separate comment for each optional extra entry)

* Like Mara's Maples on Facebook 
* Like Pink Mama's Place on Facebook
* Subscribe to Pink Mama's Place by email
* Subscribe to Pink Mama's Place by reader
* Post my button on your blog and comment with the link (2 extra entries)
* Follow @pinkmama68 on Twitter
* Tweet about this giveaway then comment with the link to your tweet- Tweet EVERY DAY!  Extra Entry per tweet :)
* Post on your blog/website about the giveaway and comment with the link (5 extra entries)
* Buy an item from Mara's Maples (5 extra entries)

This Giveaway ends February 14, 2010 at  5 pm Pacific Time. This is open for residents of the US & Canada only.  The winner will have 48 hours to respond to email notification with shipping info and claim prize and if no response we will pick another winner.

I absolutely LOVE Mara's Maples.  My kids love all the snacks and my FAVORITE item is the Spicy Cashews...yummy!  It feels good to have healthier snack options and the granola has helped me actually eat breakfast.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 NEED to sign up!

LOVE Groupon- First thing in the morning I go to my GROUPON DEALS, I even have the APP on my phone. I have saved a lot of $$$! Today for example $50 for $100 worth of Lingerie at a store I love peeking in at because I know I can't afford it. LOVE LOVE GROUPON.COM!

If you haven't already please sign up and receive daily email with coupon for savings at up to 90%.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

30 Days to a Better Blog: Day 13 – Install Google Sitemap

I do have this already set up so that's cool I'm on top of something!

A Google Sitemap is a file which contains URLs and some additional information for all public pages or documents of your website. Google reads this file and adds the page to their index.

Please read entire post:  (They have instructions for wordpress and blogger)

Now I'm going to be honest I have no idea what it does but I'm sure its something very important.  I need to read up more on this feature.  TO DO!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Facebook Friday

Please click on above button and join the FACEBOOK FRIDAY Link up! Let me know too! I love FACEBOOK PAGES!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ronnell- Beat It by Michael Jackson

This is my son and he is so damn cute! He wanted me to put it on my blog.

30 Days to a Better Blog: Day 12 – Analyze Your Statistics

I have Google Analytics and I'm very happy with it!  It gives me a lot of information.  I do a weekly report and look at trends, it seems Wii and Build a Bear are my TOP KEYWORDS.  What do you look at when you check out your reports?

Items you’ll want to look at include:

Bounce Rate: This percentage that shows the amount of single-page visits to your site. You want it as low as possible.
Average Time on Site: You want this to be as high as possible! If it’s too low it means readers aren’t finding the content they are looking for, your navigation is week, or there are other problems with the site.
Content Overview: This will show the highest single pages on your site for a specific period of time. You can look for trends and what your readers are interested in!
Traffic Sources: Find out how readers are finding your site.
Exit Pages: Are there post or pages with a high exit rate? If so, add better navigation and links at the bottom of the content!
Keywords: Learn what keywords search engine users are entering to find your site. These may come as a surprise – either good or bad! If people are finding your site for the “wrong” reasons – your bounce rate and time on site will be low. This means you need to take a look at your keywords and up your SEO efforts.
Number of Visits and Pages/Visit: This is your first indication of traffic and is best to track over a long period of time. Look for spikes and trends throughout the weeks, months, and years.

Please read the entire post from Blog World:

Need Help with Read-a-thon

Well yet again I failed to say NO and I'm in charge of the school's READ-A-THON on Feb 14th.  How do I get myself into things like this...oh its because NO does not come out my mouth- well only to my kids and husband. 

I have never done a read-a-thon before and its a FUNDRAISER too- oh my!  It's a school wide event.  All day Feb 14th we will be reading and playing games then the kids have a week to read more and after Feb 21 they have to collect the money from sponsors. 

We are just winging it because of the short notice but I'm sure it will be just fine!  We are thinking about doing a pizza party for the TOP CLASS and some airbrush shirts for the individual winners of each class. 

Now my problem is getting families (we don't have the best parent participation) to actually get sponsors.  Does anyone have any ideas how I can make this happen?  I'm going to set up a table this Friday and I want to make this EASY PEASY for the families.  If you have any suggestions on anything about a read-a-thon please let me know by emailing me or commenting right here on ths post.  I would appreciate ALL HELP! 

We are doing this read-a-thon for our MUSIC PROGRAM...trying to get it back into the school. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lil Mama Singing a Martin Luther King Song

Yet another cute song for tomorrow
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Lil Mama Singing GroundHog Song I

She is so damn cute too! They are performing in front of the school tomorrow morning.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

30 Days to a Better Blog: Day 11 – Break Up the Text Monotony

Text Tips

I'm going to start doing these tips for sure.  I capitalize a lot...maybe too much but its how I talk and when I want emphasize I want to emphasize.  I can't use my hands in a post so CAP's it is!  Now using heading tags- GREAT TIP, I will for sure look into doing that.  Bolding keywords- wow eye opener there!  Using Italicize...well I was using that but not the correct way!  I was italicising my words not others though so I just need to turn it around- so will work on that and even I used it in this post.  See I'm learning something :0  Using color....well I need to work on that because yes I use color but it never looks right but wait it might be the bright pink I use.  LOL!

From BlogWorld: Here are a variety of ways to use font tags:

■Use heading tags for your section headlines. This helps your reader identify the different sections of your post – and helps SEO too!
Use bold for keywords/key phrases. Not only should you interlink these, but bolding them helps draw the eye to the most important part of your sentence/paragraph.
Italicize quotes and titles. I typically italicize quotes from people and any book, periodical, or movie titles.
■Add color strategically. I rarely use color, but I see many bloggers use color effectively to really bring attention to specific words on the page.

Read entire article please go to:

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