
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tangled~The Movie

Taking the kids to Tangled tonight.  I was suppose to take them this weekend but I was sick so I'm going to surprise them when I pick them up from after-school. 

They took such great care of me this weekend that I want to make good on my promise of taking them to the movies.  The next couple weekends are OUT since we are booked. 

I'll let you know how it went! 

REVIEW:  OMG...what a wonderful movie.  My daughter LOVED IT SO MUCH!  She was talking about it even this morning.  My son who is almost 9 loved it too- because there is action.  He told me while we were walking out- "Mom I really appreciate you doing this for us"  melted my heart for sure!  I give it a 2 thumbs up. 

Review/Giveaway: Arctic Ease Cryotherapy Wraps

As mom who doesn't run (exercise- what is that?) I wasn't quite sure how I was going to do a review for this product but guess what I did use it and love it! 

I work as a waitress and the other day it was very busy so I was carrying a lot of plates all day- well when I got home my right shoulder was killing me so I thought I would try a cooling pad.  Awwww it felt so good and my shoulder was in heaven!  I had it on there for couple hours- no mess, no changing, no odor- nothing it just felt soothing. 

Yesterday, my daughter came home and she got hit with a hockey stick and her knee was bruised and swelling so Arctic Ease to the rescue.  She loved and said "Oh mom this is so much better than the ice that melts!"  there you have it out of the babes mouth...better than ice!  She even had me wrap her up today and she wore it to school.  It was a bit odd at first, she thought it would be slimy but it wasn't.  She loved the soothing feeling.  She kept saying "awwwww this feels so good". 

So I guess a MOM who doesn't run can do a review for Arctic Ease because there are many ways you can use this product...we use the Mommy way!

How can you get yours:
The wraps and pads are sold at popular pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS, as well as grocery store chains like Jewel-Osco and Cub Foods. The wraps retail for $11.99 and the pads are $8.99. 

Learn more about Arctic Ease:

If you would like to WIN 3 Arctic Ease Wraps and a T-shirt

Main Entry: Please leave comment on how you think you could use this product.

Extra Entries (make sure to leave comment for each one)

Thanks for reading my review and please enter the giveaway.  This product is worth it!

Giveaway will close on Dec 7th at midnight.  Open USA only.

(I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Oprah's 12 Day Holiday Giveaway Sweepstakes


Enter everyday with the code (displayed on date).  Hey something to wish for...never know you could win.  I'm entering every day that's for sure!

If you know of some other SWEEPS..please leave link.  I love to enter sweepstakes!

The Allen's Thanksgiving Weekend

Wow what a holiday weekend.  My cousin from Arizona drove 12 hours to come to our house for Thanksgiving brave woman there.  They stayed a couple nights and took that long trek home on Saturday.  It was nice having someone else to cook for besides my family.  The kids had their cousin to play with and they even had some squabbles (Lil Mama)!  We ate good.  My hubby even fell asleep "Al Bundy Style" right after dinner so I'll take that has a big thumbs up! 

I know I'm getting old because each night my cousin was here I was in bed by 10pm- I was wiped out.  She must think we are soooooo boring!  I like boring though.

It rained a lot during the kids vacation but they did wonderful.  I'm very blessed to have such great kids.  Next month we have 2 weeks off so hopefully it won't be raining.

I was sick all weekend- in bed.  I did go to work yesterday but came right back home.  I watched a lot of TV between sleeping.  Since I was sick all weekend and made no money I can't even do any Cyber Monday shopping.  I did do a little shopping on Friday at and it was quite funny, things kept disappearing out of my cart while I was shopping.  Oh well I guess they werte trying to save me some money..LOL!

Oh wait....before I get ready for Xmas I have 3 birthday to deal with.  Hubby's on Dec 6th, mine on Dec 13th, and my son's on Dec 15th.  Gear up mama pam- you are going to be BUSY!  My son wants to have a Lego Party- his bff just had one and I know I can't top that mom's cake so I will have to buy it somewhere I guess. 

Time to get my booty off the computer and CLEAN the house.  Hope everyone had a blessed holiday!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Mom is coming to visit!

I'm EXCITED because she is also going to be here for my birthday.  I haven't spent a bday with my mom in a long time and yes I'm going to be 42 yrs old but I still get all giddy knowing my mom will be here. 

(Someone special in both of our lives bought a ticket for her...THANK YOU Jody!)
I'm just happy she is coming to see my new home, we've been here a year and LOVING IT!  This house really changed our lives for the better and I just want her to see what a big difference from the last place we were at.  She is going to be so happy!

My mommy is coming!!!

Look at what I got for $56 at

  • Premium Business Card 250 FREE
  • Vertical Large Magnet 10 FREE
  • Mouse Pad
  • Letterhead 10 FREE
  • Oversized Postcard 50 FREE
  • Return Address Labels 140 FREE
  • Magnets 25 FREE
  • Hat 1 FREE
  • 5.5” x 7.5” Collage Photo Flip Book
  • Folded Thank You Card 10 FREE
  • White Envelopes 10 INCLUDED
  • Holiday 4" x 8" Card 20
  • White Envelopes 20 INCLUDED
  • Premium Business Card 250 FREE
  • Small Product Label - Circle 24 $2.99
  • Notebook 1 $4.99
  • Notebook - Photo $6.49
  • A26-001 Filler Paper - Blank
Subtotal : $56.41
Shipping & Processing : FREE
Sales Tax : $0.00 Total : $56.41

WOW...very impressed!

Here are some deals for you:

20 Holiday Cards for $1.99-Receive 20 Holiday Cards for $1.99.

Holiday Everything for $0 - Holiday everything for $0, just pay shipping and handling.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

FREE Mr. Food Thanksgiving Feast E Cookbook.

Click here: Sign up for the Mr. Food Recipe eNewsletter and receive "Mr. Food Thanksgiving Feasts" eCookbook free.

Thanksgiving Stress-Just NOT Having It!

Well it hasn't hit me yet....wondering why not.  Usually I'm all panicked that my house isn't clean enough or I'm not that good of a cook so what is people going to think of my food!  That's a lot of pressure to put on someone and I guess at 41 (yes almost 42) I'm getting to the point of I know I can't stress or I get sick!  Wow I'm so happy I'm finally beginning to see the light.

My house will look lived in- not messy nor extra extra clean.  Really with a 8 & 6 yr old kids what good is it to spic and span the house when in an hour something is going to get messed up anyways.  Lived in is just fine for me.  Now when my mom comes in Dec maybe I'll do a lil extra scrub here and there but I'm not busting my butt.  My hubby will be happy that's for sure.  I usually have a list of 10 things for him to do and maybe he gets 2 done- so that eases that stress of getting upset with him too. 

As for cooking...hell after all these years I think I got the basics down!  Simple menu and all the usual thanksgiving suspects (turkey, mashed potatoes, mac/cheese, greens beans, rolls.....).  I'm no Martha Stewart so why try to be!  Part of me wishes I was more into decorating but hey I keep that for Halloween, Christmas, and Easter. 

Simple this year people SIMPLE!  That means lil stress on me than I'm all for it! 


Friday, November 19, 2010

The Fresh Air Fund~ Kids needing our help!

I received an email yesterday asking me if I would share this info on my website~ Heck YA!  Anything for the kids is always my motto!
Summer may seem far away, but NYC children are currently participating in Fresh Air programs, from weekly tutoring sessions to job shadowings to weekend retreats at Fund camps in upstate New York! Our Career Awareness Program serves more than 300 youngsters in middle and high school. We also have new leadership programs for young women to develop their “can-do” attitudes!
No matter the season, Fresh Air children remain involved, excited and forward-thinking. We need loyal friends like you to continue serving thousands of New York City children throughout the year. Thank you!

Every year, The Fresh Air Fund gives thousands of inner-city children the priceless gift of fun – and opens the door to a lifetime of opportunities.

Whether it's a two-week trip to the country to visit a volunteer host family, or a fun-filled and educational stay at one of our fund camps, our programs make for unforgettable memories – and open a world of new friendships and fresh possibilities.

•Just $10 will send one child on a bus ride to his or her Friendly Town host family.

•$24 provides a child with a week of swimming lessons.

•$42 provides a day of Career Awareness classes.

•A gift of $50 can fund a camp counselor for a day.

•If you can give as much as $91, you provide a child at camp with meals for a week.

We are a not-for-profit agency and depend on tax-deductible donations from people like you to keep our vital programs flourishing.

It always feels good to help someone- I know I can afford $10 to help support this programs, what about YOU? 



Looking for Personalized Christmas Cards?

Tiny Prints 2010 Holiday Cards

They have every kind of card possible!  I'm trying not to spend too much time on there today~ LOVE ALL THE CARDS!  So many cute ones to choose from.  Having fun personalizing each one.

» Tri-fold Cards

» Ornament Cards

» Flip Cards

» William Arthur Embellished Cards

» Postcards
Tiny Prints Studio Basics Holiday Cards - Starting from just $.69 each!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Don't need a school to have a COMMUNITY!

I met up with a bunch of moms yesterday that "used to" go to the school I go to now and it was so nice watching our kids play and us sitting around "talking".  It felt good just being there.  I miss these ladies a lot but they left the school for many different reasons and I support them all for their decision, as they do mine:) 

Our kids love playing with each other and we enjoy each others company.  We are all so different in many ways but the one thing that brought us together is the "school" but we have taken it to another level and we don't need the school to have our COMMUNITY that we all love and miss because not everyone goes to the same school. 

We are now going to meet every other Wednesday and I look forward to that!!! 

Just had to share my great day yesterday. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get $10 in coupons from Kellogg's

Sign up TODAY :)

By signing up, you'll also receive their monthly email newsletter, Kellogg's Our Best to You™. Every issue is packed with rewarding promotions, inspiring recipe ideas, helpful tips and more money-saving offers. You'll also be among the first to know about new Kellogg products and special offers.

Kellogg's™ makes your mornings even better. Sign up Today and download up to $10 in money saving coupons.

I just signed up and they give you some cool $1.00 off coupons! 

Starbucks BOGO Sept 18-21 (2-5)- YUMMY Drinks!

If you're like gingerbread, peppermint white chocolate mocha(my FAV), caramel brulee, peppermint hot chocolate or even eggnogg lattes, you and a friends can head over to Starbucks for buy-one-get-one free drinks from 2-5 p.m., Nov. 18-21. U.S. and Canada only

Now who's going with me???? 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Xigo- Product Review

I was sent this product last month to try but haven't felt like I needed to UNTIL TODAY!  My throat is scratchy/little headache forming- you know that feeling so I'm going to take this now and let you know later how it worked! 


I know I have a busy day today so I got online to and did my shopping.  Had my list and it was smooth.  I go thru all the sales first then hit my list and BAM...I'm done shopping.  My groceries will be here between 4-6 today!  I don't have to bag a thing, deal with snotty cashier, or my kids saying I want this and that plus I don't actually have to go to the store- LOVING THIS!!!!

Simple things make me happy!  Grocery shopping is right up there with washing dishes as my 2 least favorite household chores. 

If you have never tried it...they give FREE SHIPPING for your first delivery.  Click on Free Delivery

Netflix Rocks AT&T Sucks

Our cable box has been tripping for a couple weeks now and after the 4th time of being on the phone with AT&T my husband demanded them to replace the box or he was changing carrier.  Two nights in a row we were watching TV around 9pm and poof the RED X appears on the screen.  At that time of night we are NOT going to call so we switched over to Netflix and watched that!  No sweat off my back until I figured out the cable didn't come back on in the morning or afternoon.  Now your messing with my soap operas- yes I watch soap operas.  I switch between Y&R/All My Kids/Days- never watch all 3 just the one that is exciting- which right now is YR.  Watching my DVR TV shows at night time while everyone slept was my "thing to do".  We will be getting our new box on Thursday. 

Netflix has some awesome documentaries/movies so no worries we will have plenty to watch but I really enjoyed the quiet last night- so maybe having no TV isn't all the bad.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

THANK YOU TO Nana Poppins at for giving me my FIRST EVER AWARD:Stylish Blogger Award.

Rules for accepting this award are:

1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this. (done)
2. Share 7 things about yourself. (done)
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers. (done)
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award. (will do tomorrow- tired right now)
7 Things about me:
  1. I love Pink (I'm sure you already know that)
  2. My daughter is my hero...she was born w/extreme club feet and was told she wouldn't walk- she does more than that now!
  3. The older I get the happier I am
  4. I'm married to the perfect man for me :)
  5. I drink 2 pots of coffee a day and go to sleep at 10pm
  6. I'm a professional waitress (20 years in the field)
  7. I'm working on being a Social Media Manager
My 15 recently discovered great bloggers:
  1. I Am All a Twitter About Life!
  2. Adrians Crazy Life
  3. Budget Savvy Diva
  4. Be One Fine Day
  5. Not So Homemade
  6. A Practical Mom
  7. AVON by Karen
  8. Diaries of a Supermom Diva
  9. Grams Made It
  10. Empty Nest
  11. One Busy Moma
  12. The Meditative Mom
  13. Bless My Nest
  14. Coupon Cents Sisters
  15. Haute Mom
Thanks again to Nana Poppins- I really appreciate this award! 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pam Allen Online

I've been learning social media for a couple months now and I'm moving towards becoming a Social Media Manager. 

I have my own website:  Facebook: PamAllenOnline  Twitter: pamallenonline

The site is going to be my journey into Social Media Marketing.  I want my niche to be MOM BLOGS but for now I'm working on my husband's airbrushing site and I've been bringing him business every week by posting his info on Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist- just getting his info out there.  He is so proud of me.  I'm proud of myself too!

Other Projects:
  • Admin on Facebook for my kids school.
  • This week will start a Facebook page for the cafe I work for- hoping to bring in more customers during the week. 

I'm excited to share what I've been learning and even more excited to implement what I've learned! 

We don't have a choice on whether we do social media but the question is how well we DO IT!  Quote by Erik Qualman

Rearranging Rooms

I'm one of those people that LOVE to rearrange rooms like every couple months. However, last time I did that I threw my back out and I was in pain for several days so guess what....haven't moved furniture in awhile and its KILLIN ME, lol! I know crazy huh!

We are getting are carpets cleaned tomorrow and so in my head I need to rearrange some things before this happens. I tell my husband last night that I want to move the desk out of the bedroom then into the living room and take the couches/chair out of the living room. He looks at me and says "My head just started hurting" do I take that as a NO???

Well guess I need to find a virtual house to move around.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Follow Me Monday

Thanks to
for reminding me about this blog hop today!

What is a blog hop?

A blog hop is a linky list that is SHARED ON MULTIPLE BLOGS.
When several blogs put the same linky list code on their blog, the
exact same list appears on each blog.

Blog visitors can submit their entries on any blog that contains the list.
The entries will appear on each blog where the list resides.

Blog readers see the same list on each blog, and can "HOP" from blog
to blog seeing the same list of links to follow: BLOG HOP!


Monday morning from 7-8am is so funny!  My lil girl she gets up with a smile, wanting to go to school, takes bath, gets dressed - no problems!  Than there is my son....OMG does he do this on purpose every Monday!  He won't get up and it takes him at least 15 minutes to get out of bed.  To get him into the shower is like watching a big slug move across the room.  He doesn't walk he slithers but it takes him at 10 minutes to go 10 steps.  This morning he put is leg into the shower and called it GOOD...really dude.  I know he didn't take a shower Sat or Sun because I work and I'm not here to say do it! Whats up with boys and water.  After I stand outside the bathroom door (like I don't have other stuff to do) and not let him out until he actually get his whole body under the water then of course I'm the MEAN MOM! He sings a Mean Mom song too....I need to record that.

When I wave to them goodbye a smile forms and I know I have a couple hours to quiet and coffee so its all good :)  This MEAN MOM will now enjoy the rest of her Monday!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Are you ready for THANKSGIVING?

Biggest question is AM I?  Heck no but next week I'm all about it.  The carpets are getting cleaned on Wednesday.  My house is in good condition so I don't have to do much in house cleaning but I do want to go through and declutter.  I've been doing lil baby steps with fly lady so I guess that's where my decluttering is coming from LOL!

I am going to do my menu and shopping list next week too!  I have to stay I HATE GROCERY SHOPPING!  We moved last year and the neighborhood grocery store is horrible.  I get all stressed out when I have to go shopping there so guess what I did the other day...I shopped ONLINE!  I made my list and ordered from ( free delivery and $15 off- for 1st time) and let me tell you it was AWESOME!  I got to pick what day/time they would deliver and it was very smooth.  I was a little worried about produce/meat so I didn't get too much but what I did was perfect.  The only complaint I can say was my milk jug was dented...oh my :)  I'll be doing this again and again. 

My cousin is coming from Arizona with her son and we are so excited!  Hubby is thinking about doing a "smoked" turkey and I say go for it, more room in the oven for me.  Now lets hope and pray I don't burn anything! 

What are your favorite Thanksgiving Tips/Tricks???

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why did the Migraine take 2 days of my life?

Just NOT FAIR, I say!  I probably get a dozy every year but I can usually take some Tylenol and everything will be fine.  Ummmm NOT this time!  The only thing that helped was resting all day yesterday in a dark room.  OMG the light hurt SO bad! 

Besides the pain it was an eye opener that I need to go to the Dr's!  I hate Dr's (not them personally) but I need to swallow my fears (or whatever it is) and just go!  The only time I go to the doctors is when I'm pregnant well that's not going to happen ever again and its been 6 yrs.  Ok fine!

I don't want to go thru that again.  I couldn't even see out of my right eye and felt like my face was swollen.  It wasn't but it felt like it!.  I'm a big baby when it comes pain so maybe a normal person (LOL) could have handled that pressure but nope not me- crawl into bed and stay there until I feel better is what I do! 

Today I'm paying for my day in bed though- double housework double computer work!  Geez when does the cycle stop....hehehe!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Over....WOOHOO!

Don't get me wrong Halloween is fun but a lot of work!  This weekend I was non-stop to create a wonderful weekend for the kids.  Halloween arts n crafts, parties, sleep-overs, trick/treating....we were busy ALL weekend.  Then on top of it I had to work too.  I'm exhausted! 

We have the excited princess and the cool SWAT officer!

I was so busy I didn't take that many pictures....bad mom!  Today I am dragging and just want to crawl back into bed!  Not going to happen but hey its all good, my family had a awesome time.

This morning though Lil Man was very difficult to get out of the house to school.  He didn't want to go to school because "he didn't get to relax all weekend".....translation " I didn't get to play video games"  Oh cry me a river dude, like I'm going to let you stay home so you can play video games- NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!  He didn't want to walk with me and told me not to talk to him.  He is sooooo lucky I didn't have all my coffee in my system because it might have gone bad!  LOL...big bad momma that I am :)

Decorations coming down tonight.  Lil Mama wants to help. 

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